Publications - Behind the Screen: Launching Movies at SPE (India), Current State and Future Directions of Decision Making Back

Title Behind the Screen: Launching Movies at SPE (India), Current State and Future Directions of Decision Making
Authors Dass, Rajanish
Publication Date 01-Apr-2005
Year 2005
Abstract The objectives are as follows: • How are various marketing decisions taken by SPE managers before a movie is launched in the market? • How does the knowledge of year-long plans of forthcoming movies help SPE fine-tune managerial decisions? • How is the knowledge gained from the field (along with emerging trends) being utilized for fine-tuning business decisions? • To identify the decision-making process and marketing strategy related to a particular film. How does various distinguishing parameters of the film help in deciding the marketing strategy and budget for a particular market area? On what basis are these marketing areas decided? What role does analytics currently play in decision making? • What kind of emphasis and weight is given on the current box-office prediction of a particular movie before deciding on its various marketing roll-out strategies? • What decision dilemmas are faced while launching a new film in a particular market? • What are the information bottlenecks that hinder taking a completely informed decision that can optimize market risk and maximize profit? • Does the organizational structure have any role to play in the decision making process? • How is the KRS system utilized for decision making related to a particular film and formulating market-specific short-term and long-term strategies? • What are the possibilities of the KRS system to be utilized for competitive intelligence and gaining insights about probable competitive moves in the market?