Publications - An Organizational Study of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Back

Title An Organizational Study of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute
Authors Ramani, K. V.
Publication Date 01-Nov-2003
Year 2003
Abstract The organizational structure at GCRI consisted of a director as its head, assisted by a deputy director and an administrative officer. This structure was highly centralized, and the director took almost all the decisions. The role of the deputy director was unclear, while the administrative officer was responsible for routine day-to-day administration. This centralized structure was no more able to respond satisfactorily to decentralized decisions in patient care. The existing centralized organizational structure has been replaced with a decentralized structure. The new organizational structure has a director, three deputy directors (medicine, surgery, and research) and an administrative officer at the same level as the deputy directors. The deputy directors and the administrative officer are given powers to manage their departments efficiently and effectively in providing cost-effective quality care to patients.