1 |
Econometric Modeling of the Indian Cotton Industry
Naik Gopal
Oxford and IBH |
2 |
ContractTheory and Its Application to Sugar Enterprises in India
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
3 |
Data Envelopment Analysis for Agro-Climatic Regional Planning
Tripathy Arabinda
ARPU Technical Paper No. 27 |
4 |
Economic and Managerial Aspects of Cassara Cultivation and Processing in India
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
5 |
Electoral Reforms: Law Commission's Recommendations
Chhokar J S
Ahmedabad Management Association |
6 |
Cyclone Induced Damage to Orchards: Some Observations from Khedoi Kachchh
Pokharna S
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
7 |
Design and Development of Packaging System for Tomato in Gujarat
Girja Sharan
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
8 |
Economci Analysis of Edible Oilseeds and Oil Economy of India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Indian Institute of Management |
9 |
Contract Theory and Its Application to Sugar Enterprises in India
Datta, Samar K.
Indian Institute of Management |
10 |
Contract Farming: Text and Cases
Gurdev Singh
Oxford & IBH |
11 |
Evaluation of Co-operative Education and Training Schemes
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute Of Management. |
12 |
Gene Patents and the Genetic Resource Recognition Fund: Sharing Benefits from Use of Plant Genetic Resources by Agro-Biotechnological Inventions and Traditional Agricultural Practices, A Case Study based on the Data collected from Mali
Gupta, Anil K.
13 |
External Evaluation Report of Total Literacy Campaign
Bhatt Anil
Tumkur District, Karnataka. NewDelhi: Directorate |
14 |
Forecast of Domestic Demand for Cement in India Based on End-Use Method VIII and IX Plan Period
Dholakia Bakul H
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
15 |
Econometric Modelling of the Indian Silk Industry
Naik G
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
16 |
Entry Strategies in Emerging Economics: The Case of the Indian Automobile Industry
Mukherjee A
IMVP WP Series |
17 |
Econometric Modelling of the Indian Cotton Industry
Naik G
New Delhi: Oxford and Monograph |
18 |
Econometric Modeling of the Indian Cotton Industry
Robert Fourer
New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Monograph |
19 |
Economic Efficiency of Indian Sugar Industry
Datta, Samar K.
Indian Institute of Management |
20 |
Forecast of Domestic Demand for Cement in Indian Economy VIII & IX Plan Period
Dholakia Bakul H
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
21 |
Fiscal Sustainability of Debt of States
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
22 |
Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in India
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute Of Management. |
23 |
Ginger and Ginger Products: Management of Marketing and Exports with Special Reference to the Eastern Himalayan Region, Ahmedabad
Datta, Samar K.
CMA Monograph No.193, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute Of Management. |
24 |
Groups in Organizations
Bhatnagar Jyotsna
Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
25 |
How to Increase Excise Revenue from the Tobacco Sector in India: An Econometric Study
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
26 |
Feasibility of Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste of Vadodara
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
27 |
Financial Markets and Practices in Emerging Markets: A Collection of Authored/Co-authored Articles
Pandey I M
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
28 |
God Told Me Don't Go Back to School: The World of Out-of School Children
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Palanpur: District Institute of Education and Training, and Ahmedabad. |
29 |
Ginger and Ginger Products in India
Dholakia Bakul H
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
30 |
Ginger and Ginger Products: Management of Marketing with Special Reference to the Eastern Himalayan Region
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management Monograph |
31 |
Financial Sector after a Decade of Reforms
Jajoo, B. H.
New Delhi, Centre for Civil Society, Viewpoint No. |
32 |
Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture
Datta, Samar K.
Oxford and IBH |
33 |
Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
34 |
Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture
Datta, Samar K.
New Delhi: Oxford and IBH |
35 |
Indian Financial Sector after a Decade of Reforms
Varma, Jayanth R.
Centre for Civil Society |
36 |
Infrastructure Development in Asia
Johri L M
Bangkok: School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology |
37 |
Management of Irrigation Systems: The Cases of Meshwo and Phophalin Gujarat, India
Kolavalli S
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management. |
38 |
Impact of Investment in Housing/Construction on GDP and Employment in Indian Economy. Interim Report of the Study sponsored by HUDCO, New Delhi
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ahmedabad Management Association |
39 |
Implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in Gujarat
Malik A
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
40 |
Impact of Investment in Housing Sector on GDP and Employment in Indian Economy. A study sponsored by HUDCO
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
41 |
Institution Building in Hindustan Motors: An Action Research
Parikh Indira J
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
42 |
Ame Chhiye Pankhida, Gayiye Meetha Geetda: Revised Grade One Textbooks
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Gandhinagar: Gujarat Council of Primary Education |
43 |
Labour Absorption Potential of Wastelands Development in India
Gurdev Singh
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management Monograp |
44 |
Leather Training Industry in India: Competitive Analysis Using Porter's Framework
Nathan S V
SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy |
45 |
Market Access and Marketing Constraints for Agricultural Commodities in India
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Indian Institute of Management |
46 |
Management of Raw Material Procurement-Case Studies in Agro-Processing
Bapna S L
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
47 |
Trade Liberalization and the Indian Dairy Industry
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Oxford and IBH |
48 |
Value Addition to Local Kani Tribal Knowledge: Patenting, Licensing and Benefit Sharing, A Case Study based on the data collected from Kani Tribe, Kerala, India
Gupta, Anil K.
49 |
Managing Research Networks: A Study of Inter-Organizational Linkages
Gupta, Anil K.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
50 |
Management of Seed Production Activity
Gurdev Singh
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
51 |
Strengthening of State Administrative Training Institutes in India
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
52 |
Simulation Model of C.J. Patel Vegetable and Fruit Market of Ahmedabad
Siripurapu S C B
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
53 |
Teachers as Transformers: Learning from Outstanding Primary School Teachers
Gupta Vikas
Gandhinagar: UNICEF |
54 |
Logistics Management in Agriculture: Case Studies
Raghuram, G.
Ahmedabad: Public Systems Group, Indian Monograph |
55 |
Trade Liberalization and the Indian Dairy Industry
Kumar K
New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Monograph |
56 |
Technology Development in the Indian Foundry Industry: A Case of Choked Potential
Ramnarayan S
Report submitted to the World Bank |
57 |
Tough Challenges Facing the Indian Polymer Industry: Unshackling the Follower Mindset
Ramnarayan S
Report submitted to the World Bank |
58 |
Not Born - The Created Entrepreneurs
Thakur Sanjay
Ahmedabad: Entrepreneurship Development Institute |
59 |
The Social Context of Primary Education in Gujarat
Joshi Vidyut
Ahmedabad: Institute for Social Action and Researc |
60 |
WTO: Competitiveness and Bound Tariff Requirements of Indian Agricultural Commodities
Naik Gopal
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. |
61 |
Macroeconomic Framework for Development in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Government of Gujarat |
62 |
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment at State Level in India: A Study of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
63 |
Pension Reforms in India: Myth, Reality and Policy Choices
Gupta Ramesh
64 |
Passenger Road Transport Corporations: Cases and Notes
Raghuram, G.
PSG Monograph No.70, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute Of Management. |
65 |
Postal Management: Cases and Notes
Raghuram, G.
PSG Monograph No.71, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute Of Management. |
66 |
Anil Starch Products Limited: A Transition from Traditional Family Management to Professionalisation
Parikh Indira J
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
67 |
A Review of Research in Public Systems Group, Ahmedabad: Public Systems Group
Manikutty, S.
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Monograph |
68 |
Recent Developments and Future Prospects in the Indian Automobile Industry
Mukherjee A
IMVP WP Series |
69 |
Marketing Strategies for Multi Modal Transport by Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
Ahmedabad: Public Systems Group, Indian |
70 |
A Study into the Quality of Seeds Used By Farmer
Chokshi S N
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
71 |
Adoption and Management Aspects of Farm Forestry in North-West India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
72 |
Philanthropy in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad: International Management Group
Singh J P
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Monograph |
73 |
Private Investment Behaviour in Indian Agriculture (1950-51 to 1992-93): A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Indian Institute of Management |
74 |
Philanthropy in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad: International Management Group
Datta, Samar K.
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Monograph |
75 |
Private Investment in Solid Waste Treatment: Case Study of Thiruvananthapuram City
Varkkey, Biju
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Administrative Academy and Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India |
76 |
Change in Higher Education: Cases from the South African Region.
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Indian Institute of Management |
77 |
Vendor Rating
Tripathy Arabinda
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
78 |
Banking Credit for Farm Inputs Marketing Business: Macro Perspective and Micro Realities
Desai, Bhupat
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
79 |
A Study into Production and Marketing of Jatropha Curcas
Gurdev Singh
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
80 |
Community Participation in Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects
Bhatt Anil
New Delhi: UNDP-World Bank, DANIDA and Indian Inst |
81 |
The Automotive Industry in Emerging Economics: A Comparison of Korea, Brazil, China and India
Mukherjee A
IMVP WP Series |
82 |
System and User Manuals for DSS for Floriculture
Rama Rao, T. P.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
83 |
Strategic Plan for Indian Agricultural Sector
Dixit, M. R.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
84 |
Railway Staff College, Vadodara. Marketing Strategies for Multimodal Transport by Indian Railways
Misra, Sasi
Ahmedabad: Public Systems Group, Indian Monograph |
85 |
Towards A National Shipping Policy: A Study of the Indian Shipping Industry
Parikh Indira J
Ahmedabad: Public Systems Group, Indian Monograph |
86 |
A Study into Economics Seed Production at Farm Level
Asokan S R
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
87 |
Towards Total Perspective in Export of Indian Rice
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
88 |
Competitiveness and Brand Tariff Requirements of Indian Agricultural Commodities
Naik G
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
89 |
Change in Higher Education: Cases from the South African Region
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
90 |
Policy, Technical, and Environmental Determinants and Implications of the Scaling Up of Milk Production in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Livestock, Environment, and Development, FAO |
91 |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies
Koshy, Abraham
Indian Institute of Management |
92 |
Competitiveness in Global Tea Trade
Asopa V N
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. |
93 |
City Monitor 1997
Dixit, M. R.
Ahmedabad Management Association |
94 |
Renewable Energy Strategies for Indian Power Sector
Ghosh D
French Research Institutes in India |
95 |
Contours of Collaboration: Coping with Disasters through Effective Inter-organizational Networks
Gupta, Anil K.
New Delhi: The Army Headquaters and the Institute of Engineers. |
96 |
Rewarding Conservation of Biological and Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Grassroots Creativity, A Study on the Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the use of Biological
Gupta, Anil K.
97 |
Revised Forecast of Domestic Demand for Cement in India VIII and IX Plan Period
Dholakia Bakul H
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
98 |
Balancing India's Human Resources: The Fine Line Between Success and Failure
Shah A
HongKong: The Economist Intelligence Unit |
99 |
Computers in Materials Management: An Impact Study at Steel Authority of India Ltd
Rama Rao, T. P.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
100 |
Renewable Energy Strategies for Indian Power Sector. CSH Occasional Paper No.3.
Lachapelle G
French Research Institutes in India |
101 |
Report of the Working Group on Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Social Sector Development Schemes in the Country for the Tenth Five Year Plan
Pradhan A K
New Delhi: Planning Commission, |
102 |
A Perspective on Sustainable Fisheries Under Global Market Conditions
Datta, Samar K.
Indian Institute of Management |
103 |
Strategic Food Quality Management: Analysis of Issues and Policy Options
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Oxford & IBH |
104 |
Reformulating the Early Primary Curriculum: Implementing a ‘Progressivist’ Approach
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training |
105 |
Sikh Philanthropy in Ahmedabad
Singh J P
Indian Institute of Management |
106 |
Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Benefit Sharing Arrangements: The Case of Bio-resources Development and Conservation Programme in Nigeria, A Case Study based on the Data collected from Nigeria
Gupta, Anil K.
107 |
Critical Issues for Poor People in the Indian Dairy Sector on the Threshold of a New Era
Sharma, Vijay Paul
IIM-IFPRI-ILRI Collaborative Research Report, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute Of Management |
108 |
Simulation Model of a Urea Plant
Sharan Girja
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
109 |
Role of Markets Government and Cooperative in Shaping Contractual Relation for Rural Development: An Empirical Study of Selected Villages
Swarnakar Prasanta
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
110 |
Simulation Model of a Urea Plant
Girja Sharan
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
111 |
State Administrative Training Initiative: Experience of Dr. MCR-HRD Institute of Andhra Pradesh.
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management and Hyde |
112 |
Wheat Economy of India: Development, Nature, and Trade Prospects. AARC Working Paper No. 13
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Orange: Asian Agribusiness Research Centre, Univer |
113 |
Sales Taxation on Natural Gas in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Confederation of Indian Industry |
114 |
Study on Electricity Duty in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Confederation of Indian Industry |
115 |
Scaling Up Primary Health Services in Rural India
Bajpai, Nirupam
Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
116 |
Scaling Up Primary Education Services in Rural India
Bajpai, Nirupam
Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
117 |
Developing India’s Strategic Response to the Global Debate on Fisheries Subsidies
Datta, Samar K.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
118 |
India’s Apple Market: Prospects and Policies for Trade
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
119 |
Report of the Working Group on Compilation of State Government Liabilities
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
Reserve Bank of India |
120 |
Physical Dimensions and Some Quality Aspects of Fruits and Vegetables Marketed in Ahmedabad
Girja Sharan
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
121 |
HR 2010, Innovate or Stagnate: Compendium of Select Papers
Varkkey, Biju
National HRD Network |
122 |
Universalization has to be from the Village Upwards: Primary School Teachers’ Innovations, First Yearbook
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation, Indian Institute of Management |
123 |
Processed Food Marketing in India: Selective Case Studies
Shingi P M
CMA, Indian Institute of Management |
124 |
Study on NPV Calculations for Diversion of Forest Land for Mining Purposes
Datta, Samar K.
Federation of Indian Mineral Industries |
125 |
Contract Farming of Some Crops
Gurdev Singh
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
126 |
Report of the Working Group on Compilation of State Government Liabilities
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Reserve Bank of India |
127 |
Processed Food Marketing in India: Selective Case Studies
Shingi P M
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
128 |
Livestock Service Delivery and the Poor: Case of Rural Orissa
Ahuja, Vinod
Indian Institute of Management |
129 |
Contract Farming of Medicinal Herbs and Organic Crops in India
Asokan S R
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
130 |
Scaling Up Primary Education Services in Rural Rajasthan: Public Investment Requirements and Policy Reform
Bajpai, Nirupam
Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
131 |
Scaling up Primary Health Services in Rural Rajasthan: Public Investment Requirements and Health Sector Reform
Bajpai, Nirupam
Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
132 |
Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in India
Datta, Samar K.
Oxford and IBH |
133 |
Market Integration and Market Access for Agricultural Commodities in India
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
134 |
Fruit and Vegetable Marketing in India: Consolidated Study of Wholesale Markets in Ahmedabad, Chennai, and Kolkata
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
135 |
Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables in India: A Study of the Wholesale Markets in Ahmedabad Area
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
136 |
Reform of the Subsidy Regime – Implications for the Agriculture Sector: Review Study on Fertilizer, Seed, Diesel and Credit Subsidies
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
137 |
Shiksha Sangam: Innovations under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation, Indian Institute of Management |
138 |
Aren’t Four Grades Enough? Primary School Teachers’ Innovations, Second Yearbook
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation, Indian Institute of Management |
139 |
Mental Health Care Pilots in Gujarat
Bhat Ramesh
Centre for Management of Health Services, Indian Institute of Management |
140 |
IT Adoption in the Indian Auto Component Industry
Basant, Rakesh
141 |
Public-Private Partnership: Managing Contracting Arrangements to Strengthen the Reproductive and Child Health Programme in India
Bhat Ramesh
World Health Organization |
142 |
Mental Health Care Pilots in Gujarat: Processes, Outcomes, and Learning
Bhat Ramesh
Centre for Management of Health Services, Indian Institute of Management |
143 |
Towards Agricultural Policy Matrix in a Federal Structure: The Post-WTO Scenario in India
Datta, Samar K.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
144 |
Emerging Markets for GM Foods: An Indian Perspective on Consumer Understanding and Willingness to Pay
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
145 |
Study of Model Demonstration Unit of a Modern Supply Chain for Fresh Vegetables in the Ahmedabad Area
Girja Sharan
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
146 |
Public Private Partnership in Managing Urban Healthcare: A Study of Ahmedabad City Using GIS Methodology
Ramani, K. V.
Centre for Management of Health Services, Indian Institute of Management |
147 |
Impact Assessment of HRD Training for ULBs in Rajasthan
Varkkey, Biju
148 |
Scaling up Primary Education Services in Rural India: Public Investment Requirements and Policy Reform, Case Studies of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
Bajpai, Nirupam
Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
149 |
Scaling up Primary Health Services in Rural India: Public Investment Requirements and Health Sector Reform, Case Studies of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
Bajpai, Nirupam
Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
150 |
Poultry Based Livelihoods of the Rural Poor: Case of Kuroiler in West Bengal
Ahuja, Vinod
New Delhi: South Asia Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Program |
151 |
Scaling up Primary Education Services in Rural India: Public Investment Requirements and Policy Reform: Case Study of Tamil Nadu
Bajpai, Nirupam
(see at http://www.earthinstitute.columbia.edu/cgsd/documents/Rural%20Education%20Tamil%20Nadu_08.doc) |
152 |
Scaling up Primary Health Services in Rural India: Public Investment Requirements and Policy Reform: Case Study of Tamil Nadu
Bajpai, Nirupam
(see at http://www.earthinstitute.columbia.edu/cgsd/documents/Rural%20Health%20Tamil%20Nadu_08.doc |
153 |
Determinants and Implications of the Growing Scale of Livestock Farms in Four-Growing Developing Countries
Delgado Christopher
International Food Policy Research Institute |
154 |
Making Great Rann of Kutch Capable of Producing Food by Specially Designed Hydroponics System – Phase I
Girja Sharan
155 |
Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants: Background Paper
Rao, T. V.
Administrative Reforms Commission and Ahmedabad: SPIPA |
156 |
Managing M&A: From Strategic Intent to Integration: IOC's IBP Acquisition and After
Venkiteswaran N
Indian Institute of Management |
157 |
Dead Birds or Shattered Hopes? A Study of Impact of Bird Flu on Poor Peoples' Poultry Dependent Livelihoods in West Bengal
Ahuja, Vinod
New Delhi: South Asia Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Program |
158 |
A Quick Appraisal of NREGS and Strategies for the Next Levels
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
159 |
Trends in Interstate Disparity in Development and Government Efforts in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Shri R S Bhatt Memorial Lecture Publication No.12, Bhavnagar: Bhavnagar University |
160 |
An Outline of Post 2009 FRBM Fiscal Architecture of the Union Government in the Medium Term
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
DRG Study No.31, Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India |
161 |
Logistics Management in Agriculture: Case Studies
Raghuram, G.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
162 |
Proposals for Consideration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Related Union Ministry for Union Budget 2010-11
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management |
163 |
Towards Evolving an Agricultural Policy Matrix in a Federal Structure: The Post-WTO Scenario
Datta, Samar K.
New Delhi: Allied Publishers |
164 |
Midwifery and Maternal Health in India
Mavalankar, Dileep
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
165 |
Study Visit of Japanese Railways: Summary and Compilation of Papers
Raghuram, G.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
166 |
Towards Evolving an Agricultural Policy Matrix in a Federal Structure – The Post-WTO Scenario in India
Datta, Samar K.
New Delhi: Allied Publishers |
167 |
Load Research for Residential and Commercial Establishments in Gujarat
Garg, Amit
168 |
Changing Contribution of Livestock in Farm Energy and Nutrient Use in Indian Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization |
169 |
Changing Structure of Dairy and Meat Value Chains in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization |
170 |
Reinforcing the EU Dialogue with Developing Countries on Climate Change Mitigation
Voehringer, Frank
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Working Paper No. 43, 2010, May 2010. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1600065 |
171 |
High-Value Agriculture in India: Past Trends and Future Prospects
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
172 |
Improving the Integration of Health and Nutrition Sectors in India
Bajpai, Nirupam
South Asia: Columbia Global Centres |
173 |
Natural Gas Pricing, Utilization and Infrastructure
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
New Delhi: Confederation of Indian Industry |
174 |
Policy Paper on Converting Annual Revenue Subsidy to Capital Subsidy by Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Corporation Limited (MSEDCL) by Replacing Existing Inefficient Irrigation Pump-Sets With Energy Efficient Ones Resulting in Electricity Servings
Garg, Amit
Agricultural Demand Side Management for USAID and TetraTech |
175 |
Scoping Study for Financial Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas
Garg, Amit
Germany: Climate Change Adaptation for GIZ |
176 |
Learning from Innovative Primary School Teachers of Gujarat
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Gandhinagar: Gujarat Educational Innovations Commission, Government of Gujarat |
177 |
Todays’ Innovators, Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs
Gupta, Anil K.
DNA (July 11, 2011), 4 |
178 |
Towards a Perspective on Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in India
Datta, Samar K.
New Delhi: Allied Publishers |
179 |
Developing India’s Strategic Response to the Global Debate on Fisheries Subsidies
Datta, Samar K.
New Delhi: Allied Publishers |
180 |
Report of the Expert Committee on HR Issues of the Merged Air India
Dharmadhikari, D. M.
New Delhi: Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India |
181 |
A Survey of Financial Literacy among Students, Young Employees, and the Retired in India
Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management |
182 |
Aviation Monograph
Raghuram, G.
Ahmedabad: PSG Monograph 74, Indian Institute of Management |
183 |
Increasing the Availability of Skilled Birth Attendance in Rural India
Bajpai, Nirupam
Mumbai: Columbia Global Centres |
184 |
Increasing the Availability of Specialist Services in Rural India
Bajpai, Nirupam
Mumbai: Columbia Global Centres |
185 |
Report of the Committee on Cost Saving and Resource Optimization in Air India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India |
186 |
Intravenous Iron Sucrose among Anaemic Pregnant Woman
Dr. Ranjana Singh
Indian Institute of Public Health
187 |
Practising Participation in a Local Self-Governance Organization
Dr. Preeti Mudliar
University of Texas