1 |
Understanding Midwifery: Sharing Results from the Studies Conducted by SIDA Project
Mavalankar, Dileep
CEDPA/White Ribbon Alliance, New Delhi, July 22,
2 |
Overview of International Takeover Practices
Venkiteswaran N
Seminar on Takeovers held at Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry,Chennai |
3 |
Production Planning for a Cooperative Handloom Marketing Federation
Barua, Samir K.
Silver Jubilee Convention of OR Society of India held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
4 |
Information Technology and Socio Economic Development:Can India Harness the Potential?
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Platinum Jubilee Lecture in Computer Science. Indian Science Congress held at Goa |
5 |
Improving Literacy:Key Problem Areas and Roal for Infomation Technology
Bhatnagar, S. C.
IT for National Development:Challenges and Opportunities in the Next Decade held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
6 |
Economic Restructuring and Technological Development:Implications for Technical Skill Development
Chaudhari Shekhar
National Seminar on Manpower and Employment Imlications of Economic Restructuring,Organized by Institute of Applied Manpower Research and Planning Commission |
7 |
Role of Collective Action,Leadership and Success in Agricultural Cooperatives
Datta, Samar K.
International Symposium on Management of Rural Cooperatives held at Institute of Rural Management,Anand |
8 |
Developmenet Planning as a Process of Revitalising the PACS
Datta, Samar K.
International Symposium on Management of Rural Cooperatives held at Institute of Rural Management,Anand |
9 |
Agroclimatic Approach to Land Use Planning-Some Preliminary Aspects from Orissa
Datta, Samar K.
National Seminar on Role and Functions of State Land Use Boards for Conservation,Management and Development of Land Resources held at Lucknow |
10 |
Implications of NAFTA on Indo-Canadian Trade
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
International Conference on Indo-Canadian Trade held at Baroda |
11 |
Expected Inflation and Short-Term Forecast of Growth Rate in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
National Seminar of the Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth held at Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh |
12 |
Privatization in Mexico:Lessons for India
Gupta Anand P
Symposium on PrivatiZation in Mexico held at Bombay |
13 |
Eco Institutional Perspective on Maintaining Diversity
Gupta, Anil K.
The Second Conference of International Society of Ecological Economics on Investing in Natural Capital held at Stockholm |
14 |
Nature within and Without:Understanding Environment by Being Part of it
Gupta, Anil K.
Presented at University of Aarhus,Denmark |
15 |
Saga of a Star Fish:How do we participate in the People's Design of Institutions for Natural Resource Management
Gupta, Anil K.
Paper Written for APDC,Kualalumpur,presented at the Workshop at Bangkok |
16 |
Can you Add Without Substraction:Reorienting Agricultural Rearch for Sustainable OutComes
Gupta, Anil K.
The First Agricultural Science Congress,Natinal Academy of Agricultural Sciences held at IARI,New Delhi |
17 |
Design and Implementation of IIMA LAM: An Experience
Jajoo, B. H.
IEEE International Confferance on Computer NetWorks held at Ahmedabad |
18 |
Planning for Wasteland Development Using GS:A Case Study of Banasinor Taluka
Jajoo, B. H.
Workshop on IT for National Development:Challanges and Opportunities in the Next Decade held at Indian Institute of Management |
19 |
Institutional Approach to Development
Datta, Samar K.
Symposium on institutions and Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
20 |
Energy and Groundwater Conservation
Kolavalli Shashi
Workshop on co-Management of Power and Groundwater held at TERI,New Delhi |
21 |
A Decision Support System for GreenHouse Managers
Kolavalli Shashi
International Conferance on Operational Rearch for Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
22 |
Simulation Models to Evaluate Railway Operating Policies
Manikutty, S.
Presented at:6th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) held at Lyon,France;International Conference on Operational Research for Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
23 |
A view of Pricing Commodities for exports
Naik Gopal
International Conference on Operational Research for Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
24 |
Women in Society
Parikh Indira J
Keynote Address St. Xavier's College,Ahmedabad |
25 |
Development of an Insturment for Psycho-Social Stress
Pestonjee D M
Indian Council of Medical Research,New Delhi |
26 |
Free pricing and Investors Protection
Raghunathan V
All India Conference on Management and Financial Services,1993:The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India , held at Ahmedabad |
27 |
New Enterprise Management:MBAs as Consultants
Ramchandran K
International Workshop on Innovations in Training for Entrepreneurship and small Business Development held at Ahmedabad |
28 |
Promoting Micro Enterprises in the Slums:Some Lessons from the Fields
Ramchandran K
Asian Regional Workshop on the Development of Micro Enterprises by Women held at Ahmedabad |
29 |
Management of Learning in Organizations
Rao, T. V.
12th National Conference of the NIPM held at Cochin |
30 |
Allocation of Buses to Depots: A decision Support System
Ravichandran, N.
Western Region Conference of CSI held at Lucknow |
31 |
Revitalization of cooperative Agricultural Credit Structure
Seetharaman S P
International Seminar on Cooperative Banking held at Nairobi,kenya |
32 |
Marketing of Seeds in India : Satus and Issues
Gurdev Singh
6th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing held at Lucknow,UttarPradesh |
33 |
Minimum Rooted Arborescence Problem: Weights on Arcs Case
Sridharan R
Silver Jubilee Convention of OR Society of India held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
34 |
Approaches for successful OR/MS Application in Developing Countries
Tripathy A
International Conference on Operational Research for Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
35 |
Agroclimatic Regional planning Models for Agriculture planning and Policy Analysis in India
Tripathy A
International Conference on Operational Research for Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
36 |
Impact of the European Monetary union (Maastricht Treaty) on India
Varma, Jayanth R.
Indian Banks Association , Ahmedabad Chapter |
37 |
Management: Action Plan for Sabarmati River
Shukla, P. R.
Seminar on Sabarmati River held at CEPT , Ahmedabad |
38 |
The Economic Lot Scheduling Problem:ADSS Approach
Barua, Samir K.
Silver Jubilee Convention of OR Society of India held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
39 |
Some Innovative Indian Organization
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Global Management Development Forum held at Sitges:Barcelona |
40 |
Traing of Information Analysts in Developing Countries
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Professional Development of Information Technology Professionals held at Singapore |
41 |
A Contractual Relations Framework for Studying Development
Datta, Samar K.
International Conference on Operatinal Research for Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
42 |
West Bengol-A case of Half Hearted Land Reforms
Datta, Samar K.
National WorkShop on Socio Economic Impact of Land Reforms held at Viswa Bharati |
43 |
Implication of Sectoral Targets of India's Eight Five Year Plan
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Seminar on India's Eight Five Year Plan held at Baroda,Gujarat |
44 |
Ethics of Foreign Aid:Why is it Always Ignored?
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Criteria for Foreign Aid held at University of Aarhus,Denmark |
45 |
Environmental Policy Analysis for Maintaining Diversity
Gupta, Anil K.
Seminar on Environment and Sustainable Development held at IDS,Jaipur |
46 |
Implementation of large it projects: The passenger Reservation System of Indian Railways
Jain, Rekha
Internatinal Conference on Challenges for Information Management in a World Economy held at Utah,USA |
47 |
Setting Work Targets for a Large Fleet of Landshaping Machinery
Kalro A H
Silver Jubilee Convention of OR Society of India held at Indian Institute of Ahmedabad |
48 |
A Computer Based Crew Management System for freight Trains in South Central Railway
Manikutty, S.
27th Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India held at Madras |
49 |
Bivoltine Sericulture for Developing Hill Areas: A Marketing perspective
Naik Gopal
Fifty-Second Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics held at TamilNadu Agricultural University,Coimbatore |
50 |
HRD for Minorities
Pestonjee D M
Held at Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh under the Auspices of Northern Regional Chapter of Indian Association of Applied psychology |
51 |
Simulation Analysis of parallel System
Ravichandran, N.
TIMS/ORSA Meeting on Probability held at Paris,France |
52 |
Free Pricing of New Issues
Raghunathan V
1993 Western India Regional Conference: The Institute of Chartered Secretaries of India held at Ahmedabad |
53 |
Rate Fixation for postal Services
Raghunathan V
National Workshop on Consumer Interest and Monopoly Services:Psotal Services; Consumer Education Research Centre, Ahmedabad |
54 |
A Computer Based Crew System for freight Trains in Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
COMPRAIL-92,Proceedings of 3rd Internatinal Conference on Computer Aided Design, Manufacture and Operation in the Railway and Other Advanced Mass Transit System,Washington D.C. |
55 |
Production planning Models in a Refinery
Raman V
Silver Jubilee Convention of OR Society of India held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
56 |
IT-2000, Role of IT in Transport
Ramani, K. V.
Workshop on Information Technology for National Development held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
57 |
HRD Strategies for Future:Investing in Workers
Rao, T. V.
National Conference on HRD for Workers Jointly Organized by Bhilai Steel plant,SAIL and National HRD Network held at Bhilai |
58 |
Industrial Growth During the Eigth Plan and Beyond
Sandesara J C
Seminar on the Eighth five year Plan held at the M.S. University,Baroda |
59 |
Economic Liberalisation and Industrial Growth in India-Experience and prospects
Sandesara J C
All India Conference on Management and Financial Services held at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,Ahmedabad |
60 |
Modelling of an Overdeveloped Meshwa Irrigation System
Shah Nitin
Silver Jubilee Convention of OR Society of India Held at Indian Institute of Management ,Ahmedabad |
61 |
Commercial Banking:New Vistas, New priorities
Varma, Jayanth R.
Seminar on Reform of Commercial Banking , Ministry of Finance ,Department of Economic Affairs,New Delhi |
62 |
Indian Cooperative Movement : Lessons from Experience
Vyas M M
International Seminar on Cooperative Banking Held at Nairobi,Kenya |
63 |
Research on Indian Capital Markets: A Review Seminar on Securities Market Research
Barua, Samir K.
Society for Capital Market Research and Development/UTI/NIBM, Pune |
64 |
Compensating Local Communities for Conserving Biodiversity: Shall we save the goose that laid the golden eggs so long?
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Coping with Complexity, University of Arizona |
65 |
Water Women and Management - Need to Understand for Planning One day Workshop on Role of Women in Water Management
Parmar D S
Water Management Forum of The Institution of Engineers (India) and Water and Land Management Institute , Anand (Gujarat) held at WALMI , Anand |
66 |
Developing a Training Programme on Shipping Management
Raghuram, G.
31st National Maritime Day Seminar held at Bombay |
67 |
Industrial Technology Supporting Institutions: Lessons from the Indian Experiences
Chaudhari Shekhar
Public Seminar on Institutions Supporting Technical Change in Industry: Lessons from Asia and the Americans held at IDRC, Ottawa, Canada |
68 |
Scale and Scope Economies in Rural Banking: Their Implications to Rural Credit Policies
Desai, Bhupat
Division of Agricultural Economics, IARI, New Delhi |
69 |
The Management of Irrigation Systems: The Case of Meshwo and Phopal Systems in Gujarat
Kolavalli Shashi
Workshop organized by IFPRI , IFPRI/India Collaborative Research Project |
70 |
Rate Fixation for Postal Services
Raghunathan V
Proceedings of the National Workshop on Consumer Interest and Monopoly Services , held at Consumer Education Research Centre , Ahmedabad |
71 |
Technology-Finance-Entrepreneur Linkages
Ramchandran K
Current Research in Indian Entrepreneurship held at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India , Ahmedabad |
72 |
The Badla Market and Futures and Options
Sinha, Sidharth
Fifth Annual Asia Pacific Futures Research Symposium , held at Taipei - Taiwan |
73 |
Fractal Application in Tourism Planning: A New Approach
Srivastava Krishna P
Souvenir National Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Tourism held at Department of Tourism , Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra |
74 |
Performance Evaluation of Utility and Public Sector in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
Tripathy A
13th Tri-ennial Conference IFORS'93 held at Lisbon , Portugal |
75 |
Using OR/MS in Third World Countries: Some Cases from India
Tripathy A
13th Tri-ennial Conference IFORS'93 held at Lisbon , Portugal |
76 |
The Case of Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation
Raghuram, G.
Seminar on Changing Role of Public Administration held at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Public Administration , Mussoorie |
77 |
Micro-Planning Using Integrated Terrain
Srivastava Krishna P
Environmental and Geographic Information Systems Model . Workshop on Micro-Planning Using Terrain Analysis and Geographic Information System , held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
78 |
Empowerment for Sustainable Development: Building Upon Local Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Vulnerable Environments
Gupta, Anil K.
International Workshop for Sustainable Development organized by International Institute for Sustainable Development , held at Winnipeg , Canada |
79 |
Secular Basis of Sustainable Spirit: Understanding Roots of Creativity and Innovations at Grassroots Level
Gupta, Anil K.
Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of India held at IIT , Bombay |
80 |
Water Pollution Impact on Aquaculture and Marine Fisheries in India
Srivastava Krishna P
Workshop Report on Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in India . Zentrum Fair Marine Tropenokologie (Centre for Tropical Marine Ecology) , Bremen , Germany |
81 |
Access to Groundwater: A Hardrock Perspective
Kolavalli Shashi
Workshop organized by VIKSAT , Water Management: India's Groundwater Challenge |
82 |
HRD for Workers
Pestonjee D M
National Seminar on HRD for Workers held at Gandhi Labour Institute , Ahmedabad |
83 |
Data Envelopment Analysis: Some Possible Applications in Public Systems in India
Tripathy A
26th Annual Convention of ORSI held at Bhubaneswar |
84 |
Technology and the New Economic Policy: Implications for HRD
Chaudhari Shekhar
. Presented at : |
85 |
National Conference on Changing Role of Human Resource Development in New Economic Environment
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Bombay |
86 |
Euro-India Collaboration in Telecommunications
Dixit, M. R.
EICEP Conference (1994) |
87 |
Information Marketing: Concepts and Application
Jambhekar Ashok
Seminar on Impact of Information Technology on Development and Efficiency of Library Services , organized jointly by University Grants Commission and Gujarat Vidyapeeth's Library , Information and Computer Education Department |
88 |
Team Building
Parikh Indira J
Team Work and Leadership Workshop held at National Remote Sensing Agency , Hyderabad |
89 |
Role and Identity
Parikh Indira J
Management Development Programme for Scientists/Engineers held at Space Application Centre , Ahmedabad |
90 |
Enriched Individual as a Centre for Growth
Parikh Indira J
World Conference Women and Wealth Generation in New World Order , Baroda Management Association |
91 |
Joint Implementation: Transaction Cost Analysis of Some Scenarios
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Climate Convention and Joint Implementation , Developmental Alternatives , New Delhi |
92 |
Current Contents Service: An Evaluation
Jambhekar Ashok
Proceeding of a Seminar at Sardar Patel University , Vallabh Vidyanagar |
93 |
Investor Protection in Indian Capital Markets
Barua, Samir K.
ICSI-ICAI Joint Professional Development Conference |
94 |
Impact of Information Technology on Socio Economic Development in India
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries held at Havana, Cuba |
95 |
Availability and Work Targets of Bulldozers
Kalro A H
29th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Junagadh , Gujarat |
96 |
Financial Sector Reform: Institutional & Technological Imperatives
Varma, Jayanth R.
Conference on Social Norms , Institutional Structures & Development Policy held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research , Bombay |
97 |
Changing Marketing Scenario and Strategic Response
Koshy, Abraham
National Symposium on Strategies for the Emerging Business Environment , Cochin University of Science and Technology , Kochi |
98 |
Research on Marketing of Management Information
Jain, A. K.
IIMA/IDRC Workshop on Marketing of Information Products and Services |
99 |
Indian Economic Forecast: Post Budget Analysis
Rastogi A B
Seminar on Economic Forecast held at Ministry of Finance , New Delhi |
100 |
Environmental Issues and Financial Institution's Role in Conventional and Non-Conventional Irrigation Project
Srivastava Krishna P
IGIDR-NABARD National Consultation on Environmental Issues in Agriculture and Rural Credit held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research , Bombay |
101 |
An Investigation into Utility of Electrical Back-up in Box Solar Cooker
Girja Sharan
30th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers , Coimbatore |
102 |
Stress Audit: An Indian Experiment for Managing Stress
Pestonjee D M
5th International Conference on Stress Management , ISMA-5 , Noordwijker Lout , The Netherlands |
103 |
Building Decision Support Systems for Public Administrators in India: Some Lessons
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Conference on Informatics in Administration and Public Systems Approach held at Damascus, Syria |
104 |
Outsourcing of Information Work: India's Experience in Exploiting the Globalization Market
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Conference on Globalization and IT Networking: Implications for Developing Countries held at London |
105 |
India's Manpower Needs for Software Exports
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Conference on Software Exports from India held at New Delhi |
106 |
Symposium on Role of HRD in the New Economic Environment
Bhatnagar, S. C.
ATIRA, Ahmedabad |
107 |
Spatial Dimension of the Acceleration of Economic Growth in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Seminar on Indian Economy During the Decade of Eighties held at Baroda, Gujarat |
108 |
Determining Lags in Export Supply Function in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
30th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society held at Mysore, Karnataka |
109 |
Fertilizer Response Function Environment and Future Growth of Fertilizer Use on Wheat and Rice in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
IFPRI/ICAR Workshops on Agricultural Growth in India held at New Delhi |
110 |
Privatization and India's Economic Reforms
Gupta Anand P
Conference on Institutions, Incentives and Economic Reforms in India held at New Delhi |
111 |
Options for Reforming the Policy and Political Environments of Irrigation Systems in India: A Conceptual Framework
Kolavalli Shashi
Workshop organized by IRIS , Institutions , Incentives and Economic Reforms in India |
112 |
Can PHC System in India Deliver Emergency Obstetric Care?: A Management Perspective on Safe Motherhood Programme
Mavalankar, Dileep
International Conference on Safe Motherhood in South Asia held at Chandighad |
113 |
Management of Cultural Diversity in Organization
Parikh Indira J
Executive Staff Meeting held at Unicef , New York |
114 |
Structural Reforms in the States
Rastogi A B
30th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society held at University of Mysore |
115 |
Tapping Domestic & International Capital Markets: New Methods Sources and Costs
Varma, Jayanth R.
Golden Jubilee Seminar , Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India held at Ahmedabad |
116 |
Intellectual Property Rights
Asokan S R
Farmers' Movements and Seed Industry in India , International Conference on Agrarian Questions , Wageningen , Holand |
117 |
Compensating Local Communities for Conserving Biodiversity: Shall We Save the Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs So Long
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Biological Diversity: Exploring the Complexities , Arizona |
118 |
Resource Mobilization Strategies for Financing of Transport Infrastructure and Services
Pangotra, Prem
Asian Institute of Transport Development Conference on Emerging Role of the State in the Transport Sector in the Perspective of Economic Liberalization , New Delhi |
119 |
Coping Creatively: Survival Through Innovations and Experimentation in High Risk Environment
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Global Forum on Poverty and Environment , BCAS , Dhaka |
120 |
OR Applications in Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference held at Lisbon |
121 |
A Structural VAR Model for a Rapidly Changing Economy
Rastogi A B
The 14th International Symposium on Forecasting held at Stokholm |
122 |
Discovering People Potential: Organizational Constraints and Facilitators
Bhatnagar, Deepti
NIPM Conference on Evolving Performing Organizations through People: A Global Agenda , Bangalore |
123 |
An Approach to Operationalize ACRP Documentation and Dissemination Center
Jajoo, B. H.
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of Agro-Climatic Regional Planning , Planning Commission , Kodaikanal |
124 |
Segment Specification and Formulation of Ad Strategy in Social Marketing
Mukhopadhyay S
25th International Conference on Marketing and Development , Beijing |
125 |
A Framework to Examine Inventories for Supply Chain Management
Raghuram, G.
Conference of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences , Singapore |
126 |
Emerging Market: The Indian Automobile Industry
Sastry Trilochan
IMVP Sponsors Meet , Toronto |
127 |
Effect of Policy on Export Competitiveness: The Case of the Indian Garment Industry
Sengupta D N
Conference Board of Canada , Toronto and New Delhi |
128 |
Decision Support System to Facilitate Passenger Train Operations
Ramani, K. V.
Conference on Computer Aided Modelling held at RWTH University of Aachin , Germany |
129 |
New Economic Policies and Environment: The Case of Biodiversity Conservation
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Environment , IDS , Jaipur |
130 |
Energey Conservation and Emission Control Policies in India for Industrial and Transport Sectors
Shukla, P. R.
Workshop on Strategies for Energey Conservation in Industries and Transport Enschede held at The Netherlands |
131 |
Dilemma in Conservation of Biodiversity: Ethical
Gupta, Anil K.
Equity and Moral Issues: A Review , Workshop of Pew Conservation Scholars on Developing Ethical Guidelines for Accessing Biodiversity , Arizona |
132 |
Social and Ethical Dimensions of Ecological Economics
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Down to Earth of International Society of Ecological Economics , Costa Rica |
133 |
Collective Action and Role of Leadership in Cooperatives
Datta, Samar K.
National Consultation on Cooperative Leadership for Agriculture held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad |
134 |
Planning Using Terrain Analysis and Geographical Information System
Jajoo, B. H.
IIM , Ahmedabad |
135 |
Some Exploratory Ideas on Leadership (a note)
Kolavalli Shashi
Workshop National Consultation on Cooperative Leadership held at IIM , Ahmedabad |
136 |
Efficiency of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge System for Systainable Natural Resource Management
Gupta, Anil K.
Fourth International Congress of Ethnobiology , Lucknow |
137 |
Developing a Training Programme on Shipping Manqagement
Raghuram, G.
International Conference of Institute of Marine Engineers , Bombay |
138 |
Information Needs for Biodiversity
Shingi P M
First National Conservation Congress , New Delhi |
139 |
Economic Liberalisation in India: Key Role of Information Technology
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Computers in Public Systems - CSI Regional Convention held at Ahmedabad |
140 |
First Estimates of Stock of Capital at State Level and Data Gaps in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Biennial Conference of the Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth held at Bangalore, Karnataka |
141 |
Annual Conference of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India held at Hyderabad
Raghunathan V
142 |
Computer Applications in Environmental Impact Assessment
Srivastava Krishna P
Proceedings of Western Regional Convention of Computer Society of India , Ahmedabad |
143 |
An Application to Conference Scheduling and Its Applications
Tripathy A
26th Annual Convention of ORIS held at Bhubanesswar |
144 |
Wanted in India: A Constitutency for Privatization
Gupta Anand P
Workshop on Redeployment of Labour , Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia , Hyderabad |
145 |
Rethinking Policy Options for Watershed Management by Local Communities: Combining Equity
Gupta, Anil K.
Efficiency and Ecological-economic Viability . 8th ISCO Conference on Soil and Water Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities , New Delhi |
146 |
Object Oriented Methodologies
Rama Rao, T. P.
Ebrains of 2000: Technology Seminar of CSI , Ahmedabad Chapter , Ahmedabad |
147 |
Perishable Inventory Models: The Case of Blood Bank
Ravichandran, N.
International Conference on Stochastic Models , Optimization Techniques and Computer Applications , PSG College , Coimbatore |
148 |
D .E .A . as a Tool for Benchmarking: Approaches and Illustrations
Tripathy A
Annual ORSI Convention,Calcutta |
149 |
Tobacco: Potential to Increase Excise Revenue
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
National Seminar on Indian Tobacco: Challenges and Perspectives , Guntur |
150 |
Role of Community Participation in Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects
Manikutty, S.
Workshop of the World Bank , New Delhi |
151 |
Export of Manufactures and Technology from the Public Sector under Changing Environment and Policy
Morris, Sebastian
Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
152 |
Suitable Energy Policies for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries
Panda Rasanda
National Seminar on Energy , Environment , and Economy , in the Department of Business Administration , Berhampur University |
153 |
Innovative Instruments for Raising Resource
Barua, Samir K.
Regional Conference of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India held at Ahmedabad |
154 |
Employment Potential of Wastelands Development in India
Gurdev Singh
Ibid |
155 |
A Comment on the Independence of Irrelevant Expansions Assumption for the Non-Symmetric Nash Choice Function
Lahiri Somdeb
Conference on Game Theory and Its Applications to Economics , held at IGIDR , Bombay |
156 |
Industrial Technological Development and Technology Institution-Firm Interaction: Reflections on a Multi-Industry Study in India
Chaudhari Shekhar
International Seminar on Human Resource Needs for Change in R&D Institutes , New Delhi |
157 |
Information Needs of Academicians
Jajoo, B. H.
Workshop on Library Networks , INFLIBNET , Ahmedabad |
158 |
Information Resources on the Internet
Jajoo, B. H.
CALIBER , Conference of Librarians , INFLIBNET , Hyderabad |
159 |
Synergy in Government Policies and Global Competitiveness of Two Canadian Industries: An Empirical Study
Manikutty, S.
Canada-India Linkage Program , New Delhi |
160 |
Synergy in Government Policies and Global Competitiveness of Two Indian Industries: An Empirical Study
Manikutty, S.
Canada-India Linkage Program , New Delhi |
161 |
Government Policies and Industry Compatitiveness
Manikutty, S.
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation , Delhi |
162 |
Knowledge Centres/Networks for Empowering Knowledge Rich-Economically Poor Communities and Innovators: DSS for Solution Augmentation for Sustainable Development
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on DSS organized by the United Nations University in Macau |
163 |
Constraints on Operationalization of RTI Interventions in PHC System
Mavlankar D V
Workshop on Reproductive Health of Women with Special Emphasis on Reproductive Tract Infection . Society for OR and Training , Baroda |
164 |
Options & Futures
Varma, Jayanth R.
ICICI Business Conference held at Bombay |
165 |
Synthetic Daily Rainfall Data Generation
Girja Sharan
30th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers , Coimbatore |
166 |
Fourier Representation of Ambient Temperature and Solar Radiation
Girja Sharan
30th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers , Coimbatore |
167 |
Crossroads of Creativity: Building Upon People's Knowledge
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop organised for the Top Management of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) , Rome |
168 |
Investing in Information Technology: Challenges and Opportunities for Management Schools
Bhatnagar, S. C.
International Workshop on Institution Building and Networking held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
169 |
Industry-Technology Institution Partnership: Some Reflections
Chaudhari Shekhar
NISTADS-FICCI Workshop on Institutionalization of R & D Partnership held at New Delhi , April 17-18 |
170 |
Capacity Building through Institutional Processes
Kalro A H
Workshop on Institution Building and Networking , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad and Management and Training Services Division , Commonwealth Secretariat , London |
171 |
Strategic Thinking for Competitiveness
Ramachandran K
Seminar on Management Skills for Rural Enterprises , Thiruvananthapuram |
172 |
Regulating Private Health Care Section in India
Bhat Ramesh
Conference on Health Sector Reforms in Asia , Asia Development Bank , Manila |
173 |
Sustainability of Small Producer Units through Cooperatives-Lessons from Several Case Studies
Datta, Samar K.
National Workshop on Small Farm Diversification Prospects and Problems , National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (ICAR) , New Delhi |
174 |
Estimating Price Elasticity of Demand for Fertilizer in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
31st Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society , National Institute of Bank Management , Pune |
175 |
The Logarithmic Relative Egalitarian Solution: An Axiomatic Characterization
Lahiri Somdeb
31st Conference of the Indian Econometric Society , NIBM , Pune |
176 |
Emerging Role of the State in the Transport Sector in Perspective of Economic Liberalization
Raghuram, G.
Conference of Asian Institute of Transport Development , New Delhi |
177 |
Total Quality Management in Library and Information Services
Jambhekar Ashok
Gujarat Vidyapeeth |
178 |
Economic Reform and the Prosepect for Small Firms in the Globalisation of the Economic
Morris, Sebastian
EDI Seminar on Business Response to Changing Environment held at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India , Ahmedabad |
179 |
CHESS (Commonwealth High Education Support Systems)
Parikh Indira J
Workshop for Women in Higher Education , Management of Personal and Professional Roles , held at Cape Town , South Africa |
180 |
Money Market with Reference to the Securities Scam
Barua, Samir K.
Conference on Investor Protection: Financial Services , Consumer Education Research Centre and the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange , Ahmedabad |
181 |
Application of Information Technology in Grameen Bank
Bhatnagar, S. C.
International Conference on IT and Socio-Economic Development: Challenges and Opportunities , IFIP Working Group 9 0.4 , Cairo |
182 |
Information Technology and Development: Search for a Model
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Keynote address to the 3rd European Conference on Information Systems , Athens |
183 |
Chandra, Pankaj
Practices and Competitiveness in the Primary Textile Industry: A Multination Study , Informs International Shela , Singpore |
184 |
On the Existence and Efficiency of a Voting Equilibrium for a Public Good Economy
Lahiri Somdeb
presentation at the Second International Conference on Social Choice and Welfare , Rochester |
185 |
A Reduced Game Property for the Eqalitarian Solution
Lahiri Somdeb
Sixth International Conference on Game Theory , Stomy Brock , New York |
186 |
Role of Women in Development: A Study of Women Entrepreneurs in India
Mukhopadhyay S
25th International Conference on Marketing and Development , Beijing |
187 |
Media in Social Marketing
Mukhopadhyay S
25th International Conference on Marketing and Development , Beijing |
188 |
Stress and Coping: Some Lessons and Suggestions
Pestonjee D M
23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology , Madrid |
189 |
IT Use in Indian Railways: Successes and Failures
Raghuram, G.
Conference of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sociences , Singapore |
190 |
Are Tractors Rising in Importance? An Examination of the Growth of Tractors Demand and Industry in India
Patel N T
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
191 |
Marketing of Information Services and Products
Jambhekar Ashok
INFLIBNET , Ahmedabad |
192 |
Port Privatisation: A Framework for Government Action
Raghuram, G.
World Conference on Transregional Research held at Sidney , Australia |
193 |
IT Application in the Service Sector: Case Studies from Singapore
Ramani, K. V.
INFORMS , Singapore |
194 |
Information Technology and Socio-Economic Development in DCs
Bhatnagar, S. C.
APDC Training Course on Information Technology on Sustainable Development , APDC , Kuala Lumpur |
195 |
Optimum Forest Rotation
Kalro A H
Workshop on Joint Forest Management , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
196 |
Mapping the Sources and Application of Innovative Activities in India
Basant, Rakesh
Workshop on Mapping the Sources and Applications of Innovative Activities in Developing Countries , University of Qubec , Montreal , Canada |
197 |
Networking of Libraries
Jambhekar Ashok
Workshop on Computer Applications in Health Science Libraries , Organised Jointly by WHO , National Medical Library , and B .J . Medical College |
198 |
Marketing of Information Services and Products
Jambhekar Ashok
INFLIBNET , Ahmedabad |
199 |
Effective Organizational Responses to Economic Restructuring
Khandwalla P N
International Conference on Economic and Corporate Restructuring: Experiences and Challenges of the Decade , held at Maastrichtt , Holland . (Keynote Address) |
200 |
Domestic and International Silk Markets and Prices: A Policy Framework
Naik Gopal
International Conference on Sericulture on Global Silk Scenario 2001 , Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute , Mysore |
201 |
Outlook for Raw Mulbery Silk in Indian Silk Industry
Naik Gopal
Seminar on Quality Dimensions in Silk held at Dehradun , U .P |
202 |
Blowing Ten Myths about Agroforestry: Restoring the Productivity of Marginal Dry Regions
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Sustainable Development of Degraded Lands through Agroforestry in Asia and the Pacific , New Delhi |
203 |
Alternatives for Action: SRISTI's Vision on Prioritization of Investments under Biodiversity Convention
Gupta, Anil K.
Global Biodiversity Forum , Bahamas |
204 |
Integrating Electronic Communication with DP and MIS Applications: A Case Study
Jajoo, B. H.
Annual Convention of Computer Society of India , Calcutta |
205 |
Gurdev Singh
Intelectual Property Rights and Indian Seed Industry , 55th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics , held at Institute of Rural Development , Anand (Gujarat) |
206 |
Library Services on LAN
Jambhekar Ashok
Proceeding of the XVI IASLIC National Seminar , Indian Institute of Technology , Bombay |
207 |
Impact and Implications of Rake Standardization of Passenger Services in Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
Convention of Operational Research Society of India , Calcutta |
208 |
Models for Tyre Management in a Road Transport Corporation
Ravichandran, N.
Annual ORSI Convention , Calcutta |
209 |
Demand for Farm Tractors: Two Models
Girja Sharan
XXXI Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Kerala Agricultural University , Trichur |
210 |
A Watering System for Potted Plants in Landscape
Girja Sharan
XXXI Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Kerala Agricultural University , Trichur |
211 |
Emerging Bond Market in Thailand: Problems and Prospects
Pandey I M
First Annual Asian Academy of Management Conference held at Penang , Malaysia |
212 |
Optimal Supply Chain Structure
Raghuram, G.
28th Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India |
213 |
Raw Material Procurement for Agro Processing Industries
Raghuram, G.
28th Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India |
214 |
Building WVA Capability for Irrigation Management Transfer
Ramnarayan S
Irrigation Turnover Workshop held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
215 |
It Takes Four to Square Dance
Banerjee, Bibek
Existence of Asymmetic Equilibria in a Model of Sales , International Conference on Game Theory held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research , Bombay |
216 |
Engineering the Agriculture in Kutch: Fodder Factory-I
Girja Sharan
SPRERI Conference , Vallabh Vidyanagar |
217 |
Choosing Product Features through Users Response: Solar Cooker Symposium on Role of Renewable Energy in Economic Development in Rural India held at Vallabh Vidyanagar
Girja Sharan
218 |
Networking of Libraries of Management Training and Research Institutions
Jambhekar Ashok
NIEPA , New Delhi |
219 |
International Library and Information Services: The VSL Experience
Jambhekar Ashok
220 |
Constraints to Commercialisation of Technology in BHEL
Morris, Sebastian
National Seminar on Problems and Challenges of Technology Transfer , In House R&D and Indigenous Technology for Indian Industry in the 90s , held at Indian Institute of Technology , Bombay |
221 |
End Utilization of Agroforestry Output
Shingi P M
at APAN , Bhopal |
222 |
Need for and Possibility of Integrating Solar Desalination with Polyhouse in Arid Areas like Kutch
Girja Sharan
Symposium on Controlled Environment Agriculture in Arid Areas held at The Institution of Engineers (India) , Gujarat State Centre , Ahmedabad |
223 |
Robust Design but Indifferent Manner of Use: Some Empirical Observations of Family Bio-gas Plants in Gujarat
Girja Sharan
National Seminar on Renewable Energy: Challenges and Opportunities at College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology held at Gujarat Agricultural University , Junagadh |
224 |
Contracts for `Compensating' Creativity: Framework for using Market and Non-Market Instruments for Rewarding Grassroots Creativity and Innovation
Gupta, Anil K.
paper presented at Forum Belem: Paths of Sustainable Development |
225 |
Individualism and Collectivism in India: Behaviour versus Intentions
Vohra, Neharika
South Asian Regional Conference of the International Association of Applied Psychology , Mumbai |
226 |
Policy Reforms and Evolution of Domestic Market Structure
Patibandla Murali
EEA Conference held at Washington D.C. |
227 |
Enhancing Employee Motivation for Higher Productivity
Pestonjee D M
National Convention on Productivity,Performance, and Work Culture held at Indian Society for Training and Development,Jaipur |
228 |
A Study of Percieved O.C. Role Efficacy and ORS among Scientists
Pestonjee D M
Second Asian and thirty-third IAAP Conference held at Gurukul Kangri University,Hardwar |
229 |
Identifying the Benefits of Mergers and C
Raghunathan V
First Indian Summit on Mergers and Acquisitions,Institute for International Research,(Dubai),held at Mumbai |
230 |
Operations of NSE,
Raghunathan V
National Workshop on Investor Concerns: National Stock Exchange,Consumer Education and Research Centre,Ahmedabad |
231 |
Critical Analysis of Draft Takeover Code
Raghunathan V
Inaugral Address at the Parimal-AMA Centre for financial management,Ahmedabad Management Association,Ahmedabad |
232 |
IT Applications in the Servie Sector: An Indo=Australia Perspective,
Ramani, K. V.
Business Workshop on Enterprise Management in the Asia Pacific Region held at New Delhi |
233 |
Risks of Financing Telecom Projects
Sinha S
Workshop on Telecom Policy Research held at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad |
234 |
Evaluation of Agro-Climatic Zones:An Application of DEA
Tripathy A
Twenty-ninth Annual Convention of ORSI held at Indian Institute of Technology,Mumbai |
235 |
Project Management Software: Gaps in Promise and Performance
Tripathy A
Twenty-ninth Annual Convention of ORSI held at Indian Institute of Technology,Mumbai |
236 |
Enterprise Based Societal Issues: The Case of KARMET,A Challenge to O.R.
Tripathy A
ICORD-II,Rio De Janerio,Brazil |
237 |
The Debt Market and Corporate financing Decisions
Varma, Jayanth R.
Ninth State Level Conference of the Karnataka State Chartered Accountants Association held at Banglore |
238 |
Financial Sector Reforms: The unfinished Agenda
Varma, Jayanth R.
Seminar on Economic Reforms: The next Step held at Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies,New Delhi |
239 |
Corporate Restructuring and Shareholder Value
Venkiteswaran N
Refresher Course,Western Regional Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, WWR held at Mehsana |
240 |
Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions
Venkiteswaran N
Financial Services Convention on Merger and Acquisitions,AMA-ICFAI held at Ahmedabad |
241 |
Building DSS for Planning in India: Some Lessons
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Workshop on DSS for Sustainable Development held at the UN University , Macau |
242 |
Marketing Approach in Libraries
Jambhekar Ashok
CALIBER - 96 , Jointly Organised by INFLIBNET and M .S . University , Baroda |
243 |
Library Automation: Trends and Practices
Jambhekar Ashok
Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration |
244 |
Managing The Urban Environment: Strategies for Indian Cities
Pangotra, Prem
XIth Gujarat Science Congress on Environment and Pollution , held at Physical Research Laboratory , Ahmedabad |
245 |
Stress Audit - An OD Intervention
Pestonjee D M
Convention on Evaluating HRD Function , Jaipur HRD Network Forum , Clarks Amer , Jaipur |
246 |
BIFFEX Freight Futures Analysis of a Contract on a Service
Sinha, Sidharth
Seventh Annual Asea Pacific Futures Research Symposium , held at Singapore |
247 |
Gupta, Anil K.
Plants , and Patents , International Conference on Benefit Sharing and Biodiversity Conservation held at Centre for Science and Environment , New Delhi |
248 |
Privatization: Theory
Gupta G S
Practices , and Issues , National Conference on Economic Liberalization: Consumer , Investor and Environment Interests held at Consumer and Education Research Centre , Ahmedabad |
249 |
Procurement Management by Commodity Cooperatives
Gurdev Singh
National Workshop on Emerging Issues for Integrated Agri Business Cooperatives held at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration , Musoorie |
250 |
Challenges of Globalization for India
Mehta Dhawal
Twenty-seventh Annual Economic Conference of the Gujarat Economic Association held at Bhavnagar |
251 |
India's Trade Prospects for Rice
Datta, Samar K.
Keynote Paper presented to IRRI-NCAP Collaborative Workshop held at New Delhi |
252 |
Growth and Economics of Pesticide Use in India: Overview-Analysis of the Environment
Dholakia Bakul H
Patterns and Market Potential , IAAE Symposium on Economics of Agro-Chemicals , Wageningen , Netherlands |
253 |
Marketing of Services: Successful Strategics for Banking and Credit Card Services in India
Mallikarjun M
National Seminar on Services Marketing: Challenges and Strategics for 21st Century , Department of Business Administration , Berhampur University , Berhampur , Orissa |
254 |
Mobilizing Professional Resources and Building Institutionality: The Role of Leadership
Misra, S.
Workshop on Institution Building and Networking: Commonwealth Secretariat held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
255 |
An Operational Research Approach to Sustainable Resource Allocation across Agro-Climatic Sub-Regions in India
Guha G S
IFORS held at Vancouver , Canada |
256 |
Some Aspects of Internationalization by Larger Indian Firms: Evidence from Ten Case Studies
Chaudhari Shekhar
Seminar on Business Response to Changing Environment held at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India , Ahmedabad |
257 |
Issues and Logistics Management: Case Study of India
Raghuram, G.
INFORMS Conference , Washington D .C |
258 |
Energy and Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies for India: Innovations and Analysis with MARKAL Model
Kanudia Amit
Regional workshop on Development of GHG Mitigation Assessments , Least-Cost Plans and Projects , held at Bangkok |
259 |
Localized and Non-Localized Competition in the Presence of Brand Loyalty
Banerjee, Bibek
Informs-Marketing Science Conference held at the Haas School of Business , University of California , Berkeley |
260 |
Rewarding Creativity for Conserving Diversity in Third World: Can IPR Regime Serve the Needs of Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge Experts and Communities in the Third World? paper presented in AIPPI Forum on Ethical and Ecological Aspects of IPR
Gupta, Anil K.
Switzerland |
261 |
Role of Public Distribution System in Food Security in India
Bapna S L
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
262 |
Agro-Processing Industry in India - Issues in Policy Management
Bapna S L
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
263 |
Algorithm and Reformulation for One and Two Facility Network Design
Chopra Gulboa
IPCO , Vancomer |
264 |
Why Does India Need A Total Perspective on Rice Exports? National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan held at Indian Institute of Management
Datta, Samar K.
Ahmedabad |
265 |
Methodology for Projection of Domestic Supply and Demand for Fish and the Issues for the Future
Datta, Samar K.
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for Ninth Five Year Plan held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
266 |
Sustainable Wetland Management through Cooperative Route--Lessons from the Mudiali Tutorial System
Datta, Samar K.
Environmental Economics Seminar held at Centre for Science and Environment , New Delhi |
267 |
Impact of Economic Liberalisation on the Growth of Indian Agriculture
Dholakia Bakul H
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
268 |
Role of Agriculture in India's Economic Development: A Brief Survey
Dholakia Bakul H
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
269 |
Poverty Eradication through Gainful Income Generation Activities: A Success Story
Pichholiya K R
Workshop on Training Needs Assessment for Poverty Alleviation under the sponsorship of United Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UN-ESCAP with Collaboration with ICECD , Ahmedabad |
270 |
Logistics Management-A New Model of A Firm
Raghuram, G.
World Conference on Transregional Research held at Sidney , Australia |
271 |
IT Enabled Public Sector Reforms
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Key Note Paper in Information Systems and the Public Sector , University of Manchester |
272 |
The Political Economy of Privatization in India
Gupta Anand P
IRIS Conference on Public Sector Restructuring and Labour Reform: Progress and Prospects held at New Delhi |
273 |
Cotton Cooperatives in India
Gurdev Singh
ibid |
274 |
Avenues for Joint Sales Promotion in India
Vyas Preeta
Conference of Association of All India Management Schools , Gurgaon , Haryana |
275 |
Human Resource Development in Shipping
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Seminar on Shipping Management held at Nautical Institute , Bombay |
276 |
Need for and Possibility of Integrating Solar Desalination with Polyhouse in Arid Areas like Kutch
Girja Sharan
National Seminar on Role of Engineering Techniques in Increasing Agrilcultural Productivity held at Nagpur |
277 |
The Nature
Gupta, Anil K.
Agriculture , and Nurturing Societies: Learning from those who Care and Conserve: Honey Bee Experience , paper presented in the Annual Conference of CEDIA on the theme of A World Market for Agronomists: Can a Starving and a Well-fed Communicate? orga |
278 |
Ethical Concerns in Biodiversity Conservation and Augmentation: Monitoring the Monitors
Gupta, Anil K.
International Crop Science Congress held at New Delhi |
279 |
Thorny Glory: Towards Organizational Greatness
Khandwalla P N
Symposium on Organizations of Courage and Wisdom held at Weatherhead School of Management , Case Western Reserve University |
280 |
Knowledge Centre: Building Upon What People Know
Gupta, Anil K.
IFAD's International Conference on Hunger and Poverty held at Brussels |
281 |
Management Gaming through Computer Networks
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Seminar on Technologies for Educational Networking , held at IGNOU , New Delhi |
282 |
The Mudiali Society: A Model for Freshwater Fisheries Cooperatives
Datta, Samar K.
Conference on Rediscovering Cooperatives held at Institute of Rural Management , Anand |
283 |
et.al Participatory Research: Will the Koel Hatch the Crow's Eggs
Gupta, Anil K.
Paper presented in the International Seminar on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Development , organized by CIAT , Colombia |
284 |
Sustainability through Farmers' Innovations and Participatory Breeding
Gupta, Anil K.
Satellite session of II International Crop Science Congress held at New Delhi |
285 |
Transformation for Achieving Greatness
Khandwalla P N
International Seminar on Managing Innovation at Transformation in Petroleum Industry: Sharing Global Experience held at New Delhi November 21-22 |
286 |
Order Release and Product Mix Coordination in a Complex PCB Manufacturing Line with Batch Processor
Chandra, Pankaj
ORSI Convention held at New Delhi |
287 |
Source Sink Flows in Capacitated Networks
Chopra Gulboa
CRSI , New Delhi |
288 |
Marketing of Information Services and Products
Jambhekar Ashok
Department of Library and Information Science , M .S . University , Baroda |
289 |
Outcomes of Irrigation Management Transfer and Financial Performance of Water Users' Associations in India: Some Experiences
Kalro A H
Workshop on Irrigation Management Transfer in India held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
290 |
Electric Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks and Deficit Management
Majumdar Saumen
Conference on Applied Mathematics |
291 |
Current Problems of Family Welfare Programme Administration and Principles and Techniques of Management Applicable to FW and Reproductive Health Programme
Mavlankar D V
National Seminar on Policy Directions and Strategy of Action in Population and Reproductive Health . Population Foundation of India , New Delhi |
292 |
Management of Urban Energy and Air Quality: Case Study of Ahmedabad City
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on Energy and Environment Policies for Development , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
293 |
Organizational Role Stress: An Indian Perspective
Pestonjee D M
Second International Symposium on Cognition and Education: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective , BHU , Varanasi , UP . (Keynote Address) . |
294 |
Clearing Muddle in the Middle: Top Management's Top HRD Agenda
Misra, S.
Keynote address to the National HRD Network , Bhubaneswar |
295 |
Direct Contract Farming Versus Indirect Contracting through Farmer Cooperatives
Datta, Samar K.
Seminar on Contract versus Cooperative Farming in India held at Indian Social Institute , New Delhi |
296 |
Management of Fish Cooperatives
Datta, Samar K.
Training Programme on Management of Agri-Business Cooperatives held at Institute of Rural Management , Anand |
297 |
Cooperatives and Joint Forest Management
Datta, Samar K.
Seminar on Cooperatives and JFM held at Divisional Forest Office , Bankura , West Bengal |
298 |
An Investigation into Utility of the Electrical Back-up in Box Solar Cooker
Girja Sharan
Third International Conference on Solar Cookers held at Coimbatore |
299 |
Building upon what Poor are Rich in: Honey Bee Network Linking Grassroots Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
Enterprise , Investments , and Institutions , paper presented at the Twenty-second World Conference on Which Globalization: Opening Spaces for Civic Engagement held at Santiago de Copmpostela , Spain |
300 |
My Mind is Made Up; Do Not Confuse Me with Facts: An Analysis of Bureaucracies and Use of Local Knowledge
Manikutty, S.
International Conference on Creativity and Innovation at Grass Roots for Sustainable Development held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
301 |
MAT (Minimum Alternative Tax) in India: Corporate and Market Response
Barua, Samir K.
International Conference on Business Management held at Nirma Institute of Management Ahmedabad , India |
302 |
Managing Information Technology at Educational Institutions
Jajoo, B. H.
Proceedings of INSA NEW-ICTE and UNESCO-CICT workshop , Indian National Science Academy , Jain-Interscince Press , Delhi |
303 |
Participation Rates of Child Labour: Its Pattern
Patel N T
Spatial Variation and Trends . 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics held at Trivendrum , Kerala |
304 |
New Instruments and Problems of Taxation
Raghunathan V
Emerging Instruments in the Indian Financial Market , Ahmedabad |
305 |
Role of Farmers in Use
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Development and Maintenance of Animal Genetic Resources: Building Upon Indigenous Knowledge and Institutions . 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production held at University of New England , NSW , Australia |
306 |
Forecasting and Policy Simulation of the Indian Silk Industry through an Econometric Model
Naik Gopal
Fourteenth Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies,Vancouver |
307 |
Stress Management for Total Quality Leadership
Pestonjee D M
CDM-1996 Seminar on Total Quality Leadership held at CDM,Secunderabad |
308 |
The Role of Management Systems in Human Relatons and Ethinic Understanding
Pestonjee D M
Keynote address at the Second Asian and thirty-third IAAP Conference held at Gurukul Kangri University,Hardwar |
309 |
A Study of L.H. among the Executives of public and Private Sector Undertakings
Pestonjee D M
Second Asian and thirty-third IAAP Conference held at Gurukul Kangri University,Hardwar |
310 |
Value Addition to Management Education: Research and Consulting
Raghunathan V
Annual National Conference of the Association of Indian Management Schools,Madras |
311 |
Primal and Lagrarian Heuristics for Minimum Weight Rooted Arborescence Problem
Venkata Rao, V.
Twenty-ninth Annual Covention of ORSI held at Indian Institute of Technology,Mumbai |
312 |
Agroforestry: A Diversified and Sustainable Land Use System for Rural Poor
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Fifty-sixth Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics held at Collage of Co-operation Banking and Management,Kerala Agricultural University,Thrissur |
313 |
An Approach to Evaluation of Decision Making Units
Tripathy A
Twenty-ninth Annual Convention of ORSI held at Indian Institute of Technology,Mumbai |
314 |
Corporate Restructuring
Venkiteswaran N
ICAI-ICSI Joint Conference on Corporate Finance and Law held at Mumbai |
315 |
Linking Telecom Technologies: Complementarities Capabilities and Policies
Basant, Rakesh
Seminar on Telecom Policy held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
316 |
Telecom Services in Urban and Corporate Segments: A Consumers Perspective
Manikutty, S.
Workshop on Telecommunications Policy Research held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
317 |
Harnessing Competitive Potential of IT in India
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Key Note , Business Information Technology: Closing the International Divide , New Delhi |
318 |
Financial Viability of PACS in Gujarat
Desai, Bhupat
Conference on Cooperative Reforms in Gujarat held at Ahmedabad |
319 |
Deploying IT for Small Businesses
Jajoo, B. H.
Seminar on Emerging Computing Technologies for Small Businesses , Intel held at Ahmedabad . (Key note address) . |
320 |
Re-orienting Human Resources Management and Training Needs: Process at ISPAT KARMET
Tripathy A
International Conference on Human Resource Management: Strategy and Practice , Almaty , Kazakstan |
321 |
Professionalism in Cooperatives for Rural Credit
Desai, Bhupat
National Conference on Cooperatives in Rural Credit held at New Delhi |
322 |
Participated in a National Seminar on Remote Sensing and Agricultural Statistics-Rationale
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Scope and Aims , at the Space Application Centre (SAC) organised by ISAE and Department of Space |
323 |
Gupta, Anil K.
Sustainability and Social Purpose . Panel session of Commission on Sustainable Development - CSD6 Meeting held at New York |
324 |
Keynote Address in the Zonal Seminar on Software: Challenges and Opportunities
Jajoo, B. H.
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers , Indore |
325 |
Rights to the Benefits of Research
Fundacion Sabiduras Indigena
International Conference on Creativity and Innovation at the Grassroots held at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad |
326 |
Grassroots Innovations and Benefit Sharing
Gupta, Anil K.
Regional Workshop on Community Based Conservation: Policy and Practice held at Indian Institute of Public Administration , New Delhi |
327 |
Axiomatric Characterization of Solutions for Rationing Problem
Lahiri Somdeb
Conference on Application of Recent Advances in Quantitative Economic Methods to Indian Economic Problems held at Bangalore |
328 |
Political Economy of Electric Power
Morris, Sebastian
Workshop on the Power Sector held at Delhi Science Forum , New Delhi |
329 |
Indo-US Relation in the Post Cold War Period - Economic Aspects
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Seminar on Indo-US Relations in the Post-Cold War period held at Gujarat University |
330 |
Brand Building and Marketing
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Seminar on Hi-Tech Agriculture in Gujarat organised by NABARD and GCCI at Ahmedabad |
331 |
Who Will Deliver Babies? New Options for Maternal Case in Rural India
Mavlankar D V
Poster presentation at International Conference on Reproductive Health , Bombay |
332 |
Strategies of Technology Intensive Firms
Ramachandran K
Conference in Entrepreneurship Research held at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India , Ahmedabad |
333 |
Energy and Emission Projections for Indian Industries Using AIM/ENDUSE Model
Shukla, P. R.
Asia Pacific Integrated Model - International Workshop held at Tsukuba , Japan |
334 |
Computers in Project Management: Status and Opportunities
Tripathy A
National Seminar on Role of General Management in Indian Construction Sector held at CEPT , Ahmedabad |
335 |
Software Exports from India: Bridging the Person Power Gap
Bhatnagar, S. C.
IT for Competitiveness: Experiences and Demands for Education and Vocational Training , Florianopolis , Brazil |
336 |
Role of Cooperative Leadership
Datta, Samar K.
IAS-Training Programme on Cooperatives: Policy Environment and Management held at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy , Mussoorie |
337 |
Relevance of and Business Opportunities for Agri-Business Cooperatives in the New Economic Environment
Datta, Samar K.
IAS-Training Programme on Cooperatives: Policy Environment and Management held at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy , Mussoorie |
338 |
Fourier Representation of Ambient Temperature and Solar Radiation
Girja Sharan
Third International Conference on Solar Cookers held at Coimbatore |
339 |
Privatization of Public Enterprises in India's Power Sector
Gupta Anand P
Twentieth Annual International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics held at New Delhi |
340 |
Same Language Subtitling: Literacy Development in India Through Film Songs
Kothari, Brij
Conference on Re-Developing Communication for Social Change: Issues of Power , Gender , and Practices held at Austin , Texas |
341 |
O.R. Applications in Steel Industry: Some Case Studies from Indian Steel Plants
Tripathy A
Euro XV-Informs XXXIV Conference held at Bercelona , Spain |
342 |
Integrated Knowledge Based and Decision Support Systems
Venkata Rao, V.
Keynote Address , National Seminar on Knowledge Based Systems , organised by Division II of CSI , Vallabh Vidyanagar Chapter |
343 |
The Competitiveness Conundrum: Literature Review and Reflection
Chaudhari Shekhar
Conference on Economic Foundations of Strategic Management held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research , Mumbai |
344 |
CanTargetting Work in Food Security Programmes? A Study of Behaviour and the Fair Price Shop System for Food in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
23rd International Conference of Agricultural Economists held at Sacremanto , California , USA |
345 |
How is the Household Food Consumption Basket Influenced by Non-Income Factors? A Study of Rural and Urban Consumers in Gujarat (India)
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Mini-Symposium on Global Trends in Taste , Preferences , and Composition of the Food Basket at the XXIII International Conference of Agricultural Economists held at Sacramento , California , USA |
346 |
A Watering System for Potted Plans in Landscape
Sharan Girja
One-day Seminar on Technology for Urban Land Scapes and Gardens , held at Ahmedabad |
347 |
Consumer Response to Green Market Opportunities
Gupta, Anil K.
National Workshop on Marketing of Organic Food Products ISAM held at Ahmedabad |
348 |
Consumer Awareness and Attitude Towards Organic Food Products in Urban Gujarat
Naik Gopal
National Workshop on Marketing of Organic Food Products held at Ahmedabad |
349 |
The Network Design Problem
Sastry Trilochan
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming |
350 |
Environmental Activism and Small Firms
Morris, Sebastian
National Workshop on Eco-Friendly Products held at Consumer Education and Research Centre , Ahmedabad |
351 |
Problems of Farmer - Market Industry Interface in Ginger: A Case Study of East Himalaya Region
Chakraborty M
Workshop on Agricultural Industry Interface in Changing Economic Environment held at New Delhi |
352 |
Improving Efficiency of Coops
Datta, Samar K.
SAARC Consultation on Cooperative Policy held at Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy , Mussoorie |
353 |
Relevance and Sustainability of Cooperatives in Current Economic Scenario
Datta, Samar K.
The SAARC Consultation on Cooperative Policy held at Mussoorie |
354 |
Organic Farming and Export of Agricultural Produce from India
Naik Gopal
Seminar on Strategy for Enhancement of Exports of Horticultural , Floricultural and Agro-Products from Gujarat held at Ahmedabad |
355 |
Financial Sector Reforms: The Road Ahead
Barua, Samir K.
Conference on Economic Reforms: The Next Step held at Rajiv Gandhi Foundation , New Delhi |
356 |
Linking Industry and Scientific and Technology Institutions: Select Indian Cases
Chaudhari Shekhar
Conference on Science Management , Technology Transfer and Human Resource Training held at Hanoi University of Technology , Hanoi , Vietnam |
357 |
Hindustan Lever International Division
Korwar Ashok
NACRA , Cincinatti , Ohio |
358 |
Royal Enfield Motor Limited
Ravichandran, N.
Annual Conference of NACRA held at Cincinati , Ohio |
359 |
Globalization Work and Management
Singh J P
Seminar on Science Management , Technology Transfer and Human Resource Training held at Hanoi University of Technology (HUT) |
360 |
Strategies for the Fishery Cooperatives of Tomorrow
Datta, Samar K.
Conference on Rediscovering Cooperatives held at Institute of Rural Management , Anand |
361 |
An Analysis of Congestion in Wholesale Vegetable and Fruit Market of Ahmedabad
Girja Sharan
Thirty-second Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana |
362 |
Framework for Analysing Indigenous Knowledge in Conservation of Animal Germplasm paper presented at the meeting of the Advisory Group on Animal Germplasm held at FAO
Gupta, Anil K.
Rome |
363 |
Macro Economic Theory and Policy: A Perspective
Gupta G S
Gujarat Economic Conference held at Bhavnagar |
364 |
MAT (Minimum Alternative Tax) in India: Lessons from US Experience with AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax)
Barua, Samir K.
Nine Asia Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues held at Bangkok , Thailand |
365 |
A Multi-Period Optimisation Based DSS for Strategic and Operational Planning
Dutta, Goutam
32nd National Convention of Computer Society of India held at Ahmedabad |
366 |
Modelling a Vegetable and Fruit Market to Aid Modernisation
Sharan Girja
The 32nd Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India held at Ahmedabad |
367 |
Modelling a Vegetable and Fruit Market to Aid Modernisation
Sharan Girja
International Conference on Operations Research and Management Science held at EDSA Plaza Hotel , Metro Manila , Philippines |
368 |
Building Competencies for Effective Use of -IT Users' Perspective
Tripathy A
CSI-97 Convention held at Ahmedabad |
369 |
O.R. in India . Country Paper in the Panel Discussion State of O.R and Panel Member
Tripathy A
ICORMS-ICORD III 1997 , held at Metro Manila , Philippines |
370 |
Management Gaming Through Computer Networks
Venkata Rao, V.
Annual National Convention of Computer Society of India held at Ahmedabad |
371 |
Managing Y2K Projects: Productivity Improvement
Venkata Rao, V.
Annual National Convention of Computer Society of India held at Ahmedabad |
372 |
A Reconsideration of Some Properties of Solutions for Two Dimensional Choice Problems
Lahiri Somdeb
1996 , Winter Meeting of the South and South-East Asian Chapter of the Econometric Society , Centre for Development Economics held at Delhi School of Economics , Delhi |
373 |
Leadership in Educational Administration
Bhatnagar, Deepti
The Annual Convention of the Principals of the CBSE-Affiliated Schools in the Gulf held at Doha , Qatar |
374 |
Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing Industry: Some Recent Findings
Chandra, Pankaj
1st Operations Management Workshop held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
375 |
Pesticides and the Environment: A Comparative Study of Farmer Awareness and Behaviour in Andhra Pradesh
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Punjab , and Gujarat . 57th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics held at Pantnagar |
376 |
Impact of Telecommunication Technologies on Information Services
Jajoo, B. H.
Colloquium on Identity Crisis of Library and Information Science Professionals , ADINET and INFLIBNET held at Ahmedabad |
377 |
Certification and Inspection of Organic Products in India
Naik Gopal
3rd IFOAM-Asia Scientific Conference and General Assembly held at Bangalore |
378 |
Infrastructure Management and Implications on Logistics
Raghuram, G.
XXX Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India held at Jamshedpur |
379 |
BPR Implementation Issues: Indian Experience
Ravichandran, N.
Annual Conference of OR Society held at Jamshedpur |
380 |
O.M. Issues in Process Industry
Tripathy A
O .M . Workshop held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
381 |
O.R. Approaches and Modelling for Large and Complex Systems
Tripathy A
XXX Convention of ORSI held at Jamshedpur |
382 |
O.R. in Steel Industry-I
Tripathy A
Session Chairman , XXX Convention of ORSI held at Jamshedpur |
383 |
OR/MS Application in Steel Industry: FutureScenario
Tripathy A
XXX Convention of ORSI held at Jamshedpur |
384 |
Analysis of Innovative Instruments Used Recently in the Indian Market
Barua, Samir K.
Seminar on New Instruments organised by Chartered Accountants' Association held at Ahmedabad |
385 |
Economic Benefits of TB Control through DOTS
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Intensified Action for TB Control in South East Asian Region , organised by WHO/SEARO |
386 |
Intranets for Business Competitiveness
Jajoo, B. H.
2nd Annual Internet Summit , Indian Merchant's Chamber and Computer Society of India held at Bombay |
387 |
Creating Value Through Marketing
Koshy, Abraham
Conference on Managing Customer Value for Competitive Advantage held at Ahmedabad Management Association , Ahmedabad |
388 |
Changing Pattern of Public Health Services in India: Investing More Getting Less
Mavlankar D V
International Conference on Changing Patterns of Health in Developing Countries held at M .S . University , Baroda |
389 |
New Instruments and Issues of Investor Protection
Raghunathan V
All India Conference on Direct Taxes and Financial Management held at Ahmedabad |
390 |
Animal Health and Breeding Services in Gujarat: A Profile of Service Providers
Ahuja, Vinod
Workshop on Commercialization of Livestock Health and Breeding Services , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
391 |
The Institution of Agricultural Extension in New Socio-Economic Order
Ahuja, Vinod
paper accepted for presentation at the 58th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics |
392 |
Activity Based Costing in India
Raghunathan V
Conference on Strategic Cost Management , Panjab University , Chandigarh |
393 |
Cyclone and Orchards
Sharan Girja
Souvenir-cum-Proceedings on the Role of Agricultural Engineers in Mechanization for Sustainable Agriculture , Gujarat Agricultural University , Junagadh |
394 |
Professionalisation in Management: Role of Human Resource Management in Banks
Bhatnagar, Deepti
A talk at the seminar on Current Challenges in Urban Banks' Management organised by the Ahmedabad District Cooperative Union and the Ahmedabad District Cooperative Bank Ltd . held at Ahmedabad |
395 |
Getting Value from IT Investments: Experiences from Indian Organisations
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Implementation and Evaluation of Information Systems in DCs , AIT , Bangkok |
396 |
Grassroots Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Globalisation , Modernity and Locality in Stories of Development held at Yale University |
397 |
Developing Managerial Capability for Agricultural Exports
Naik Gopal
invited paper , Fourth Agricultural Science Congress , Jaipur |
398 |
Dyestuff Industry in Gujarat: A Case of Environmental Impasse
Pangotra, Prem
National Workshop on Industry and Environment , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
399 |
Conclave on Family Business Strategizing the Future
Parikh Indira J
Confederation of Indian Industry , Chennai |
400 |
Pesticide Use in Indian Agriculture: Some Issues and Constraints in its Growth
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Second Asia-Pacific Crop Protection Conference , Mumbai |
401 |
Competitive Strategies for Indian Agri-Business Cooperatives - A Perspective for the Next Decade
Datta, Samar K.
Seminar on Agri-Business Coops in Punjab Area 2000 held at Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy , Mussoorie |
402 |
Fishing in the Troubled Waters: Recognising
Gupta, Anil K.
Respecting and Rewarding Local Ecological Knowledge , Innovations and Practices Around Aquatic Biological Diversity . Conference on Policies for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Aquatic Genetic Resources held at Bellagio , Italy |
403 |
Financial Markets in India: The Past
Raghunathan V
Present and the Future . 50 Years of Change: The Indian Economy , B .K . School of Management Students Council (sponsored by Industrial Extension Bureau , Ahmedabad) held at Ahmedabad |
404 |
Public Management and Poverty Reduction in a Market Economy; Role of Cooperatives and Cooperatives-like Organizations
Datta, Samar K.
IDS Sussex Programme on Public Management and Poverty Reduction in a Market Economy , Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration , Mussoorie |
405 |
Liberalization in Gujarat: Review of Experience
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Gujarat Economy; Recent Trends , Gujarat Institute of Development Research , Ahmedabad |
406 |
Quality of Care in FP Programme in India: A Review of Status and Interventions
Mavlankar D V
Indo-China Dialogue on Population Programme Management , IIHMR , held at Jaipur |
407 |
Is Import Liberalisation Hurting Domestic Industry and Employment
Nambiar R G
Platinum Jubilee seminar on Current Industrial Policy and Performance in India , Centre for Advanced Study in Economics , Department of Economics , held at University of Mumbai |
408 |
Capital Structure Patterns and Practices of Thai Companies
Pandey I M
International Trade and Finance Association Eighth International Conference held at Atlantic City , NJ , USA |
409 |
Strategic Thinking for Competitiveness
Ramachandran K
National Seminar on Strategic Challenges of Corporate India held at Calicut |
410 |
Information Technology and Development: Foundation and Key Issues
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Workshop on Information and Communication Technology for Rural Development in India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
411 |
Building on Core Competencies in a Regulated Economy
Chaudhari Shekhar
second Strategic Management Conference on Management: Looking to the Future , Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore |
412 |
Assessment of Information
Jambhekar Ashok
presented at the National Convention on Business and Management Information , Ahmedabad Management Association , Ahmedabad |
413 |
Sustainability and its Indicators: Grassroots Activist Perspectives from Kachchh
Kothari, Brij
Conference on Criteria and Indicators of Sustainability in Rural Development: A Natural Resource Perspective , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
414 |
Voting Operators on Ballot Profiles
Lahiri Somdeb
LGS 99 (International Conference on Logic , Game Theory and Social Choice) , Oisterwijk , The Netherlands |
415 |
The Challenges on Managing Historic Cities
Raghunathan V
Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
416 |
Heritage Conservation and Urban Transformation
Singh J P
Sambhav II Workshop , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
417 |
Standardization versus Localization in Advertising: What Strategy for the New Entrants in the Indian Market
Mukhopadhyay S
International Conference on Arc'July 18 |
418 |
How Should the Indian Sugar Industry Liberalise? 72nd Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International held at Scattle
Datta, Samar K.
419 |
Agricultural and Agri-Business Issues under Economic Liberalisation
Desai, Bhupat
Conference on Contemporary India in Transition held at Lisbon , Portugal |
420 |
CAT: Experience of IIM
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ahmedabad . National Seminar on Establishing National Aptitude Testing System held at Technical Teachers' Training Institute , Bhopal |
421 |
Financial Management in French-Thai Joint Ventures: An Exploratory Study
Pandey I M
International Conference International Joint Ventures , Asian Institute of Technology held at Thailand |
422 |
Relationship between Risk and Return: An Empirical Test of the Capital Asset Pricing Model for Malaysia
Sanda A U
MFA Workshop , Universiti Kawangan Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur |
423 |
Joint Venture Abroad
Singh J P
keynote address at the Annual Conference of Materials Management Association , Ahmedabad |
424 |
Principle-Centred Leadership
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Convention on Excelling in the 21st Century: Challenges and Strategies , 24th National Management Convention , Bangalore Management Association and AIMA , held at Bangalore |
425 |
Lot Survey with Changeover Costs
Magsanti T L
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming |
426 |
Discovering the Potential of the Self
Parikh Indira J
FLO/HSF Workshop organized by FICCI Ladies Organization at Chennai and Delhi |
427 |
Valid Inequalities with Facets for Multi Item
Sastry Trilochan
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming |
428 |
Agenda for Future: Ethics and Values for Corporate Governance
Venkiteswaran N
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India , Silver Jubilee National Convention and Third International Conference of Company Secretaries held at Hyderabad |
429 |
GLOBE Research in India: An Example of Within-Country Analysis
Chhokar J S
presented as part of a symposium on GLOBE - a 62-Nation Study of Culture and Leadership: Multiple Methodologies and Initial Findings , National Meeting of the Academy of Management , San Diego , California |
430 |
A Multi-Period Optimization Based DSS for Strategic and Operational Planning
Dutta, Goutam
presented at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Developmental Research , Mumbai |
431 |
Community Information Services: A Proposal for Creating Knowledge Networks for Creativity
Gupta, Anil K.
presented at the Conference on Information Today and Tomorrow , Central Leather Research Institute , Chennai |
432 |
Estimates of Back-up Needed in Box Cooker in Different Regions using Simulation
Sharan Girja
33rd Annual Conference of ISAE on Agricultural Engineering towards Doubling Food Production in Next Decade , CIAE , Bhopal |
433 |
Quality Aspects of Tomato Arriving for Auction at APMC Ahmedabad
Siripurapu S C B
33rd Annual Conference of ISAE on Agricultural Engineering towards Doubling Food Production in Next Decade , CIAE , Bhopal |
434 |
National Office Automotion
Korwar Ashok
NACRA , Cincinatti , Ohio |
435 |
Capital Account Convertibility and Liberalisation
Raghunathan V
Workshop on Going Global , ICFAI Business School , Ahmedabad and Ahmedabad Finance Companies Association held at Ahmedabad |
436 |
Role of Management Training in Shipping
Raghuram, G.
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers , Madras |
437 |
Implications of Uncertainties on Energy Investments and Emissions: Analysis for India
Shukla, P. R.
Seminar on Uncentainty and Energy Policy to Meet UNFCCC Objectives International Energy Agency held at Paris |
438 |
Corporate Takeovers in Malaysia: Discriminant Analysis for Bidder and Target Firms
Ali Ruhani
10th Annual PACAP/FMA Finance Conference , Kuala Lumpur |
439 |
Demand Side Management at AEC
Majumdar Saumen
10th National Power Systems Conference , M .S . University of Baroda , Baroda |
440 |
Development of Greenhouse for Arid Hot and Windy Region (Kachchh)
Sharan Girja
Technology Summit and Technology Platform 98 , New Delhi |
441 |
Energy and Carbon Mitigation: Modelling and Analysis for India
Shukla, P. R.
International Workshop on Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) , organized by Energy Research Institute and State Development Planning Commissions , Beijing |
442 |
A Perspective on Land Use Planning for Eastern India
Datta, Samar K.
Workshop on Land Use Planning held at National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy , New Delhi |
443 |
Policy Strategy and Instruments for Alleviating Rural Poverty
Desai, Bhupat
National Conference on Rural Development: Retrospect and Prospect held at Hyderabad |
444 |
Managing IT Infrastructure
Jajoo, B. H.
XXXII Annual Convention of Computer Society of India held at Ahmedabad (Invited Paper) |
445 |
RNTCP: Logistics: OR in Developing Countries
Ravichandran, N.
Manila |
446 |
Performance Evaluation of Units in Development Sector
Tripathy A
ICORMS/ICORD-III 1997 , held at Metro Manila , Philippines |
447 |
Linkages Among Sources of Technology in the Presence of Spillovers: The Case of Indian Industry in the Pre-Reform Period
Basant, Rakesh
Conference of the Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Fellows in Economics , New Delhi |
448 |
Technology Strategy of Indian Firms: Searching for the Role of Complementary Assets and Technology Supply Chains
Basant, Rakesh
Second International Symposium on Management of Technology , Hangzhou (China) |
449 |
Business Incubation Development in India
Gupta, Anil K.
presented at the International Conference on Business Incubation , Hong Kong |
450 |
Data Envelopment Analysis and its Uses for Performance Evaluation of Organization and for Profit
Tripathy A
National Conference on Applied Statistics and Operations Research , Nagpur |
451 |
Enigma of Intellectual Property Rights: How Long Shall We Miss the Opportunities? 49th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Trivandrum
Gupta, Anil K.
452 |
Tending the Spirit: Sustaining the Sacred - Policy and Institutional Aspects of Sacred Groves
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Role of Sacred Grove in the field of Sustainable Development held at Peechi , Kerala |
453 |
Information Technology: A Super Highway to Success in the 21st Century
Jajoo, B. H.
Seminar on Managing Business Survival and Growth in the Changing Scenario , Institute of Management Consultants of India and Gujarat Chamber of Commerce |
454 |
Organic Farming and International Market for Organic Food Products
Naik Gopal
3rd IFOAM-Asia Scientific Conference and General Assembly held at Bangalore |
455 |
Comparison of Performance of `Not for Organizations'
Tripathy A
A DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) Approach . Conference on Decision Making Models and their Applications held at Utkal University , Bhubaneswar |
456 |
A Concept of Constrained Egalitarianism in Fair Division Problems
Lahiri Somdeb
4th R ^ Q Conference , Indian Statistical Institute , Bangalore |
457 |
National Research Laboratories and Technologies for Entrepreneurs
Ramchandran K
National Workshop on Indian Incubator for Innovation Based Enterprises , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
458 |
OM Challenges in Process Industries
Tripathy A
second OM Workshop , Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore |
459 |
Community Participation in Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects: A Framework and Some Preliminary Hypothesis
Bhatt Anil
Oral presentation made before a Workshop organized by the UNDP/World Bank at New Delhi |
460 |
Towards People Oriented Forestry
Shingi P M
Keynote Address of MPFD , Bhopal |
461 |
Building Upon Grassroots Green Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture
Gupta, Anil K.
presented at the National Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture Production , New Delhi |
462 |
Networking Experience among the IIMs with special reference to Implementation of Resource Sharing/Co-operation Acquisition
Jambhekar Ashok
Workshop-cum-Meeting on Resource Sharing , Central Secretariat Library , New Delhi |
463 |
Long-term Power Sector Planning: Integrating Energy
Shukla, P. R.
Environment and Development , Workshop on the Future of Power Generation in Developing Countries , Rand Corporation , Santa Monica (California) |
464 |
Implementation Issues Relating to Agreement on Agriculture Including International Experiences
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Regional Consultation Workshop on WTO Agreement on Agriculture , Ahmedabad |
465 |
Environmental Aspects of Social Change: Agenda for Statistical Research
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Statistical Science and Environmental Policy: Possible Interactions , Indian Statistical Institute , Calcutta |
466 |
Problems of Fair Division and the Egalitarian Solution
Lahiri Somdeb
International Conference on Operations Research and Game Theory (ICORGT 2000) , Indian Institute of Technology , Chennai |
467 |
Resourcefulness: A Proximal Theory of Entrepreneurial Behaviour
Misra, Sasi
ASAC-IFSAM Conference , Montreal , Canada |
468 |
India's Competitiveness of Major Agricultural Commodities
Naik Gopal
Regional Consultation on WTO Agreement on Agriculture , Ahmedabad |
469 |
Competitiveness of Indian Oilseeds
Gurdev Singh
Regional Consultation on Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture , Ahmedabad |
470 |
A Perspective for Forestry Resource Management
Datta, Samar K.
National Workshop on Joint Forest Management , Ahmedabad |
471 |
Emerging Issues in Formal Rural Credit
Desai B M
Seminar on Current Issues in Rural Credit , Institute of Development Studies , Jaipur |
472 |
Implications of WTO for SMEs
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
3rd National Convention on Small and Medium Enterprises , Ahmedabad |
473 |
Conserving Animal Germplasm: Building upon Pastoral Knowledge Systems and Institutions
Gupta, Anil K.
G . B . Pant University of Agriculture and Technology , Pantnagar |
474 |
Strategic Models
Ravichandran, N.
UGC Sponsored Conference on Mathematical Modelling , National College , Tiruchirapalli |
475 |
Earth Tube Heat Exchanger
Sharan Girja
Seminar on Plastics in Water Management , Gujarat State Plastic Manufacturers Association , Ahmedabad |
476 |
Economic and Institutional Analysis of Farm Forestry in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
International Conference on Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the 21st Century , Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) , New Delhi |
477 |
Trade Liberalization under WTO: Implications for the Indian Dairy Industry
Sharma, Vijay Paul
46th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society , Canberra |
478 |
Management News Index Service: VSL Experience
Jambhekar Ashok
Seminar on Library Automation and Its Aftermath , organized by American Studies Research Centre , Hyderabad |
479 |
Corporate Response to Economic Reforms in India
Basant, Rakesh
International Conference on Economies in Transition at the Turn of the Century , Macau |
480 |
Information Technology in Developing Countries: An Assessment
Bhatnagar, S. C.
keynote paper presented at the Second Al-Shaam International Conference on Information Technologies , Damascus , Syria |
481 |
WTO and Indian Agriculture: Beyond Trade-Related Public Policies
Desai B M
ICSSR-MSH Seminar on WTO and Agriculture: Perspectives from France and India , Paris |
482 |
Strengthening Innovativeness
Gupta, Anil K.
Technology Upgradation , and Role of Information Technology , presented at the Conference on National Competitiveness Policy , New Delhi |
483 |
WTO and Oilseeds Sector
Singh Gurudev
Workshop on Impact of WTO on Indian Agriculture , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
484 |
Infrastructure for Developing Agriculture: Its Needs and Financing Strategy
Desai B M
Seminar on Rural Credit , BIRD , Lucknow |
485 |
Distribution Strategies for Consumer Goods: Implications From Three Indian Case Studies
Banerjee, Bibek
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference , Syracuse University |
486 |
Management of Contract Farming in India
Bapna S L
presented at the Seminar on Corporate Farming , V .S . Contract Farming , Ahmedabad |
487 |
Reorganizing Formal Rural Credit System
Desai B M
keynote address , Seminar on Restructuring Rural Credit System in India , Shivaji University , Kolhapur |
488 |
Econometric Modelling of the Indian Cotton Sector: Regional Perspective
Jain S K
35th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society , Jaipur |
489 |
Same Language Subtitling for Literacy: Small Change for Colossal Gain
Kothari, Brij
Workshop on Information Communication Technology for Rural Development in India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
490 |
Family Business Groups in India: The Emerging Trends
Manikutty, S.
Second Conference of the Strategic Management Forum of India , Bangalore |
491 |
GHG Emissions Inventory for India: Sectoral and Regional Analysis
Shukla, P. R.
Fourth AIM International Workshop , National Institute of Environment Studies , Tsukuba (Japan) |
492 |
Justice and Fairness in Climate Change: Bridging the North-South Divide
Shukla, P. R.
Second EFIEA Policy Workshop on Integrating Climate Policies in the European Environment: Costs and Opportunities , Milan |
493 |
Macroeconomic Performance and Tax Revenue: The Case of Gujarat State
Dholakia Archana R
Seminar on Recent Developments in Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy , Ahmedabad |
494 |
Impact of Exchange rate Pass- Through on Indian Foreign Trade
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Seminar on Recent Developments in Macro-economic Analysis and Policy , Ahmedabad |
495 |
India: An Update on Recent Developments
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Asia Update Forum , University of Sydney , Orange , Australia |
496 |
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy: Recent Developments
Gupta G S
UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar on Recent Development in Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy , Department of Economics , Gujarat University , Ahmedabad |
497 |
Corporate Leadership in the New Millennium
Khandwalla P N
Seminar on Institution Building through Organizational Leadership Development: Challenges in the New Millennium for HR professionals , Indore |
498 |
WTO: Opportunity or Constraint? An Analysis of the Options open to Developing Countries in the Telecom Sector
Manikutty, S.
India Telecom Conference on Emerging Telecommunication Opportunities in India , Washington , D .C |
499 |
Seed Industry in India: Problems and Prospects
Gurdev Singh
National Seminar on Agricultural Development Perspective for the Ninth Five Year Plan , held at Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
500 |
Perishable Inventory Models
Ravichandran, N.
Paper presented in the TINS/ORSA Meeting held in Singapore |
501 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation Strategies for the Energy Sector
Shukla, P. R.
Seminar on Climate Change: Its Dimensions and Implications for Planning in India , Planning Commission , New Delhi |
502 |
Corporate Takeovers in Malaysia: Discriminant Analysis for Bidder and Target Firms
Ali Ruhani
3rd Asian Academy of Management Conference , Kuala Terengganu , Malaysia |
503 |
Problems of Agricultural Marketing Under WTO Environment
Bapna S L
Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry , Ahmedabad |
504 |
Cost Effectiveness of Private and Public Delivery Systems for Livestock Services in Gujarat
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Commercialization of Livestock Health and Breeding Services in India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
505 |
Presentation on Quality of Care through the National Population Policy
Mavlankar D V
2000 , National Consultation with Professionals , Experts , and NGOs on Reproductive and Child Health , New Delhi |
506 |
Is the Taiwan Stock Exchange Efficient? Fifth International Conference of the Decision Science Institute
Pandey I M
Athens , Greece |
507 |
Regulation and Privatization: A Comparative Case Study of Gujarat Maritime Board and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
Raghuram, G.
International Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Maritime Transport and Ports , Genoa |
508 |
Fixing Compensation for Seed Growers
Gurdev Singh
Seminar on Growth of Seed Production in Gujarat , Ahmedabad |
509 |
The Impact of the Study of Indigenization on the Progress of the Discipline: A Review
Vohra, Neharika
Symposium on Research and Reflections on Indigenous Psychologies |
510 |
Reshaping Gandhi’s Humanistic Model of Education: Towards a ‘Socially Conscious’ Entrepreneurship Education
Vijaya Sherry Chand
4th International Humanities Conference |
511 |
Foot-in-the-Door or Door-in-the-Face? A Cross-Cultural Examination of Compliance Induction Techniques in Business Negotiations
Chhokar J S
24th International Congree of Applied Psychology , San Franciso |
512 |
Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Brand Advertising on Demand
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics , Pune |
513 |
Indigenous Voice: The Regressive Effects of Western Models on Organization Structure
Parikh Indira J
Management Practices , and Relationship Process in Indian Organizations , International Conference on Muting Indigenous Perspective on W/O Psychology , San Francisco |
514 |
Service Quality Improvements in Hospitals: An Indo-Australia Perspective
Ramani, K. V.
Conference on World Innovation and Strategy , Sydney |
515 |
Cyclone Induced Failure of Fruit Trees in Kachchh (25-minute Video)
Sharan Girja
National Seminar on Farm Mechanization and Agro-Processing in India , CIAE , Bhopal |
516 |
Inter-firm Linkages and Development of Capabilities in the Indian Telecom Software Sector
Basant, Rakesh
Workshop on Telecom Policy Initiatives: The Road Ahead , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
517 |
A System Dynamic Simulation Model for Blast Furnance
Dutta, Goutam
paper presented at the annual Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies , Beijing , China |
518 |
Lessons for Success for OR/MS Practice in Indian and US Steel Plant
Dutta, Goutam
Annual Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies , Beijing , China |
519 |
Operational Research in Developing Countries: A Different View
Dutta, Goutam
Annual Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies , Beijing , China |
520 |
Optimization based Decision Support System for Strategic and Operational Planning
Dutta, Goutam
Annual Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies , Beijing , China |
521 |
The Impact of WTO on Agricultural Inputs
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Implications of WTO Agreements: Threat or Challenge for Indian Agriculture and Agri-business , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
522 |
Distribution Strategy for Consumer Goods
Raghuram, G.
SCM Conference , Hong Kong |
523 |
Policy Approach to IP Telephony
Ramadesikan G R
Workshop on Telecom Policy Initiatives: The Road Ahead , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
524 |
Environmental Effects of Trade Liberalization on Indian Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Workshop on Implications of WTO Agreements: Threat or Challenge for Indian Agriculture and Agri-business , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
525 |
Performance Simulation of Empty Solar Cooker under Climatic Conditions of Ahmedabad
Sharan Girja
33rd Annual Conference of ISAE on Agricultural Engineering towards Doubling Food Production in Next Decade , CIAE , Bhopal |
526 |
Brand Maintenance: The Secondary Research Way
Banerjee, Bibek
Conference on World Class Marketing , XLRI , Jamshedpur |
527 |
Intellectual Property Rights of Grassroots Innovators: Issues and Concerns
Gupta, Anil K.
presented at National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities , Forest Research Institute , Dehradun |
528 |
Library and Information Science Education in the Information Age
Jambhekar Ashok
presented at the 49th FID International pre-Congress , Jaipur |
529 |
Voting Operators on Ballot Profiles
Lahiri Somdeb
Second Annual Conference on Economic Theory and Policy , Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi |
530 |
Modelling Framework to Analyse the Electricity Management Issues
Majumdar Saumen
10th National Power Systems Conference , M .S . University of Baroda , Baroda |
531 |
Econometric Modelling of Indian Cotton Industry
Naik Gopal
Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Conference , Seattle |
532 |
Brand Maintenance: The Secondary Research Way
Banerjee, Bibek
Workshop on World Class Marketing , XLRI , Jamshedpur |
533 |
Building Technological Capabilities in a Liberalizing Developing Economy: Firm Strategies and Public Policy
Basant, Rakesh
International Workshop on the Political Economy of Technology in Developing Countries , United Nations University Institute of New Technologies , Brighton , UK |
534 |
Beyond Ecological Engineering; The Need for Social Re-Engineering for Sustainability of the Wetlands around Calcutta
Datta, Samar K.
International Conference on Ecological Engineering , Science City , Calcutta |
535 |
Models for Electricity Reforms
Morris, Sebastian
Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board |
536 |
Computer Simulation of Hospital Systems
Ramani, K. V.
INFORMS Conference , Philadelphia |
537 |
Relationship between Risk and Return: An Empirical Test of CAPM for Malaysia
Sanda A U
International Seminar on Development Issues of the 3rd World Countries , Baroda |
538 |
A Reduced Game Property for the Equalitarian Choice Function
Lahiri Somdeb
International Conference on New Directions in Applied Mathematics , held at Hyderabad . (Delivered a Planary Talk) |
539 |
Performance of Supply Chains: Structures
Chandra, Pankaj
Allocation Rules , and Inventory Policies , Operations Management Workshop , Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore |
540 |
Wage-Productivity Relations in Agro-based Industries
Patel N T
40th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics , Hyderabad |
541 |
Soft Systems Methodology and its Application in Industry
Tripathy A
21st Annual Convention of ORSI , Agra |
542 |
Recharging Public Bureaucracy for Development: A Menu of Options
Khandwalla P N
National Symposium of Building and Managing Organizations for Rural Development in the New Millennium , IRMA , Anand |
543 |
How Many Securities Make a Diversified Portfolio: KLSE Stocks
Khoon Ch'ng Huck
7th Tun Abdul Razak International Conference: Part 2 , Penang , Malaysia |
544 |
Aligning Service Levels to Corporate Strategy
Manikutty, S.
International Conference on Delivering Service Quality: Managerial Challenges for the Twenty First Century , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
545 |
Issues in Handling Pilgrim Population at Tirumala
Raghuram, G.
Conference on Delivering Service Quality: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century , Ahmedabad |
546 |
Strategies to Handle Pilgrim Population at Tirumala
Raghuram, G.
ORSI 1999 , Tirupati |
547 |
Field Trial of Vastrapur Carton
Sharan Girja
34th Annual Convention of ISAE , Hissar |
548 |
Supply Chain Coordination and Cooperation: A Case Study of GCMMF
Chandra, Pankaj
3rd Operations Management Workshop , Indian Institute of Management , Lucknow |
549 |
Capability Building and Manufacturing Performance in the Small Scale Auto-Component Industry in India
Chandra, Pankaj
3rd Operations Management Workshop , Indian Institute of Management , Lucknow |
550 |
Naik Gopal
Issues Relating to Agreement on Agriculture Including International Experience , Regional Consultation Workshop on WTO/Agreement on Agriculture , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
551 |
Launch Convention of Aravali Institute of Management
Singh J P
AIM , Jodhpur |
552 |
Recent Developments in the Indian Capital Markets
Barua, Samir K.
Chartered Accountants Association of India , Nirma School of Management , Ahmedabad |
553 |
Inter-firm Linkages and Development of Capabilities in the Indian Telecom Sector
Basant, Rakesh
Workshop on Internet , Global Production Networks , and Knowledge Diffusion , East-West Center , Honolulu |
554 |
Competiti-veness of Indian Agriculture in the WTO Era and Implications for Gujarat
Naik Gopal
Seminar on WTO and Indian Agriculture with Special Reference to Gujarat , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
555 |
Global Women Leaders: Going Beyond Myths and Stereotypes
Parikh Indira J
31st ISTD National Convention and Exhibition , New Delhi |
556 |
Empowering Citizens through ICT Applications: Experiences of the Centre for Electronics Governance
Rama Rao, T. P.
International Conference on Digital Democracy , AMIC and EMPI , New Delhi |
557 |
Sharan Girja
Orchards , and Engineers , XXXV Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers , Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) , Bubhaneswar |
558 |
Impact of Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Volatility on Indian Foreign Trade
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
36th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society , Indore |
559 |
Digitization for a Wired Library
Jambhekar Ashok
Second Convention of MANLIBNET , Institute of Management Technology , Ghaziabad |
560 |
How to Set Up an Electronic Library
Jambhekar Ashok
Second Convention of MANLIBNET , Institute of Management Technology , Ghaziabad |
561 |
Science Teaching and Learning at the School Level: Framework for Innovations
Sharma, Rajeev
International Conference on Science , Technology , and Mathematics Education for Human Development , Goa |
562 |
Heuristics of Innovative Teachers: A Framework for Understanding the Innovation Process
Vijaya Sherry Chand
International Conference on Science , Technology , and Mathematics Education for Human Development , Goa |
563 |
Challenges before the RFIs under the Financial Sector Reforms and Management Strategy to Implement Them
Desai B M
Seminar on Rural Credit , BIRD , Lucknow |
564 |
Becoming Globally Competitive
Khandwalla P N
National Symposium on Creating and Sustaining High Performing Organizations , Indian Institute of Management , Lucknow |
565 |
Expenditure Allocation and Welfare Returns to Government Efforts: A Suggested Model and Its Application
Dholakia Archana R
37th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Society , Surat |
566 |
Foodworld -- B: Supply Chain Strategy
Raghuram, G.
Conference cum Workshop on Management of Quality in Fresh Produce Post-Harvest Systems , Ahmedabad |
567 |
Promoting Agroforestry Practices Among Small Farmers: The Case of Polar-based Agroforestry Systems in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
IUFRO/CATIE International Symposium on Silvipastoral Systems and Second Congress on Agroforestry and Livestock Production in Latin America , CATIE , Costa Rica |
568 |
Theoretical and Policy Making Contributions of Research on Agricultural Economics: A Success or Failure or Neither? Seminar on Indian Economy in the New Millennium
Desai B M
Department of Economics , University of Mumbai |
569 |
A Remedy for Indian Maladministration
Khandwalla P N
Convention on National Productivity Policy , National Productivity Council , New Delhi |
570 |
Who Subsidizes Whom? A Study of PCO Users
Manikutty, S.
Telephone Owners and PCO Operators in the State of Gujarat , India , India Telecom Conference on Emerging Telecommunication Opportunities in India , Washington , D .C |
571 |
Public Health Dimensions of Anemia Control
Mavlankar D V
Sun Pharmaceuticals and Ahmedabad Society of Obstetricians and Gynecology , Ahmedabad |
572 |
Post Harvest Problems of Field Crops
Gurdev Singh
Seminar on Post Harvest Scenario Agriculture: Problems and Solutions , Chandigarh |
573 |
Intellectual Property in Developing Countries: Local and Traditional Knowledge in Indian Agriculture
Basant, Rakesh
Workshop on Intellectual Property in Developing Countries , World Bank , Washington , DC |
574 |
Impact of WTO on Indian Sugar Industry
Datta, Samar K.
Haryana State Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories , Chandigarh |
575 |
Socio-Economic Burden of TB in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Research Dissemination Workshop , TRC Chennai |
576 |
Developing Employee Orientation Towards Technological Change: Issues in the Emerging Economics
Gurtoo Anjula
Annual Conference of Canadian Industrial Relation Association (CIRA) , University of Laval , Quebec City |
577 |
IT: A Tool for Implementation of Corporate Strategy
Manikutty, S.
Afro-Asian Conference on IT in Hotels , Hotel Association of India |
578 |
Developing Workteams and Improving Performance
Singh J P
University of North Texas Symposium on Collaborative Workteams , Denton , Texas |
579 |
Web Supported HRM: The New Mandate
Varkkey, Biju
National Conference on Web Enabled Applications , Computer Society of India , Indore |
580 |
Issues in Measurement of Productivity in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Measurement of Productivity in India , Department of Statistics , New Delhi |
581 |
Abstract Games Admitting Stable Solutions
Lahiri Somdeb
5th Annual Conference on Econometric Modelling for Africa , University of Witwatersrand , Johannesburg |
582 |
Axiomatic Solutions of Some Solutions for Abstract Games
Lahiri Somdeb
First Conference of the Society for Economic Design (SED 2000) , Istanbul , Turkey |
583 |
Supply Chain Coordination and Cooperation: A Case Study of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
Chandra, Pankaj
INFORMS International Meeting , Hawaii |
584 |
Effective Leadership in India: A Multi-Method Study
Chhokar J S
27th International Congress of Psychology , Stockholm , Sweden |
585 |
Comparative Societal Culture of India in the Context of a Multi-cultural Study
Chhokar J S
27th International Congress of Psychology , Stockholm , Sweden |
586 |
Domestic Reform and International Negotiation Strategies of Indian Agriculture in a WTO Regime
Datta, Samar K.
WTO and Indian Agriculture , Institute of Rural Management , Anand |
587 |
Investment and Institutions for Water Management in Indian Agriculture: Profile and Behaviour
Gandhi, Vasant P.
ACIAR Water Policy Workshop , Bangkok |
588 |
OR Applications in Managing Centres of Pilgrimage: Focus on Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam
Raghuram, G.
APORS Conference , Singapore |
589 |
Do Gender Issues have a Place in Indian Telecom Policy
Bhatnagar, S. C.
presented at the Workshop on Telecom Policy Initiatives: The Road Ahead , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
590 |
Agroindustries for Rural and Small Farmer Development: A Study of Issues and Lessons from India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Conference on Agroindustrialization , Globalization and Economic Development , American Agricultural Economic Association , Nashville , USA |
591 |
Securing Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Innovations: Can Global Trade Links help Grassroots Innovations? Honeybee Perspective
Gupta, Anil K.
World Trade Forum , Bern , Switzerland |
592 |
Who Needs Subsidy? A Study of Public Call Office (PCO) Users
Manikutty, S.
Telephone Owners and PCO Operators in Gujarat , Workshop on Telecom Policy Initiatives: The Road Ahead , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
593 |
The Nineties: A Lost Decade for Indian Telecom? Workshop on Telecom Policy Initiatives: The Road Ahead
Manikutty, S.
Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
594 |
Logistics of Tractor Distribution
Raghuram, G.
IFORS Beijing |
595 |
Economic Impact of WTO Agreement on the Indian Dairy Sector
Workshop on Implications of WTO Agreements: Threat or Challenge for Indian Agriculture and Agri-business , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
596 |
Impact of WTO on Indian Edible Oilseeds Sector
Gurdev Singh
Workshop on Impact of WTO on Indian Agriculture , Ahmedabad |
597 |
Pesticides and the Environment: Do Farmers Know? A Study of their Awareness and Behaviour in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Conference , Berlin |
598 |
Role of Agricultural Engineering in Agricultural Business in the Present Context of Indian Agriculture
Sharan Girja
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology , Gujarat Agricultural University , Junagadh (Gujarat) |
599 |
Key Observations on R&D Thrusts for Agriculture in India in the Wake of Globalization
Desai B M
Seminar on Agriculture R&D , Planning Commission , New Delhi |
600 |
Conserving Biodiversity and Rewarding Associated Knowledge and Innovation Systems: Honeybee Perspective
Gupta, Anil K.
First Commonwealth Science Forum-- Access , Bioprocespecting , Intellectual Property Rights and Benefit Sharing and the Common Wealth , Goa |
601 |
How Well are Adolescent Reproductive Health Needs Being Met in India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey
Mavlankar D V
Ninth International Congress , World Federation of Public Health Associates , Beijing |
602 |
Moments of Truth
Mavlankar D V
Ninth International Congress World Federation of Public Health Associates , Beijing |
603 |
Quality in Supply Chains: Focus on Organized Retailing
Raghuram, G.
Workshop on Processes Food Industry in Transition (PROFIT) , Ahmedabad |
604 |
Securing HACCP in Agriculture to Build Brand Image (SHABRI) in the context of WTO Agreements
Dave Hetal
International Workshop on Markets , Rights and Equity: Rethinking Food and Agricultural Grades and Standards in a Shrinking World , Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards , Michigan State University |
605 |
Impact of Commercialization on Poor: Case of Livestock Services in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
World Bank Office , New Delhi |
606 |
Same Language Subtitling: A Butterfly for Literacy? Third Asia Literacy Forum
Kothari, Brij
Beijing |
607 |
Competition Issues
Basant, Rakesh
CTPS Workshop on 3G Reforms: Policy and Regulatory Implications , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
608 |
Universal Service Obligations: Probing the Assumptions 3G Reforms: Policy and Regulatory Implications
Jain, Rekha
Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
609 |
Foreign Dependence and the Propensity for Inter-Firm Linkages in Multinational and Local Enterprises
Ray P K
Proceedings of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference , Auckland , New Zealand |
610 |
WTO: Opportunity or Constraint? Some Lessons from the Experiences of Mexico and China
Sanda R
Workshop on 3-G Reforms , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
611 |
The Trinity in International Strategy Research and the Partial Least Squares Methodology
Venaik Sunil
Proceedings of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference , Auckland , New Zealand |
612 |
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Technology and Employment Effects of Economic Policy Reforms in the Indian Private Corporate Sector , 41st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics , IGIDR , Mumbai |
613 |
A Comparative Profile of Livestock in Gujarat (India) with a Conceptualization of Crop-Livestock Systems
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Stakeholder Workshop on Raising Livestock Productivity in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in South Asia , International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) , Patancheru (AP) |
614 |
Information Services and Resources of National Information Centre on Management
Jambhekar Ashok
Fifth National Conference on Information Today and Tomorrow (ITT-99) , Indian Institute of Chemical Technology , Hyderabad |
615 |
Environmental Effects of Agricultural Trade Liberalization on Indian Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
NIRD Foundation Day Seminar on Rural Prosperity and Agriculture: Policies and Strategies for the Next Millennium , National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) , Hyderabad |
616 |
Electoral Reforms to Reduce Criminalisation of Politics: A Citizens' Initiative
Chhokar J S
National Seminar on Electoral Reforms , Rashtriya Jagriti Sansthan , New Delhi and Bharatiya Sanskriti Trust , Calcutta |
617 |
Rural India's Vulnerability to the WTO Framework
Datta, Samar K.
7th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Political Economy Association (ISPE) , St . Joseph's College , Darjeeling |
618 |
Reforms in the Telecommunications Sector in India: An Institutional View
Dossani R
Conference on Telecom Reforms in India , Asia Pacific Research Centre , Stanford University |
619 |
Strengths and Weaknesses of Family Business: The Indian Context
Parikh Indira J
Family Business Meet , Jaipur |
620 |
Warehouse Management
Ramani, K. V.
INFORMS Meeting , San Antonio |
621 |
Impact of Technology on Cotton Production
Naik Gopal
Prices and Competitiveness: Implications for India , International Seminar on Cotton and its Utilization in the 21st Century , Mumbai |
622 |
How to Teach Simulation
Ravichandran, N.
Annual ORSI Convention , Tirupati |
623 |
Relationship between Risk and Return: An Empirical Test of CAPM for Malaysia
Sanda A U
7th Tun Abdul Razak International Conference: Part 2 , Penang , Malaysia |
624 |
A Survey of Non-Optimization Techniques in an Integrated Steel Plant
Basu Shankarshan
33rd National Convention of Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
625 |
Economic Efficiency of Indian Sugar Industry
Datta, Samar K.
XXXIII Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
626 |
Database Structure for a Class of Multi-Period Mathematical Programming Models
Dutta, Goutam
33rd National Convention of Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
627 |
The Implications of Agricultural Trade Liberalization for Indian Dairy Industry
Sharma, Vijay Paul
VIII Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics Research Association (India) on Livestock in Different Farming Systems , Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University , Chennai |
628 |
Determinants of Store Choice in an Evolving Market: A Framework for Validation
Banerjee, Arindam
Marketing Science 2002 |
629 |
Advertising Competition under Consumer Inertia
Banerjee, Bibek
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference |
630 |
Impact of Indirect Taxes on Prices, Output Profits and Concentration in Markets with Imperfect Competition
D'Souza, Errol
38th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society |
631 |
Nature of North-South Trade in Agriculture: Implications for WTO Negotiations.
Datta, Samar K.
76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International |
632 |
Global Competitiveness Analysis of Indian Sugar
Datta, Samar K.
76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International |
633 |
An Institutional Economics Approach to problems of Small Farmer Credit in India: The Study of Amalsad Cooperative Society
Datta, Samar K.
76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International |
634 |
Downsizing: Some Aspects of Communication and Its Social Impact
Dholakia Jigisha
Nirma International Conference on Management |
635 |
Role of State Government to Promote Private Sector: The Case of Gujarat State in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Hawaii Conference on Business |
636 |
Economic Policy Reforms and Trade Behaviour of Private Corporate Sector in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International |
637 |
Making IPR Regime Responsive to the Needs of Small, Scattered and Disadvantaged Innovators and Traditional Knowledge Holders: Agenda for Policy and Institutional Change
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Traditional Knowledge |
638 |
Managing Organizational Change
Gupta, Parvinder
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
639 |
Information Techno-logy and Human Resource Management
Jambhekar Ashok
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalay |
640 |
Corporate Governance Practices of MNC Subsidiaries and Family Controlled Corporations in India: A Comparative Study
Manikutty, S.
Hawaii Intec National Conference |
641 |
WTO Agreements Relating to Agriculture: A Perspective on Implementation Issues
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA) Meetings , New Orleans |
642 |
Building upon Grassroots' Innovations: Articulating Social and Ethical Capital
Gupta, Anil K.
World Social Forum Workshop , Porto Alegre , Brazil |
643 |
Building A World Class Organization: Challenges and Opportunities
Parikh Indira J
World HRD Congress , Mumbai |
644 |
Business Applications: Some Trends
Rama Rao, T. P.
Regional Convention on Building Globally Competitive Saurashtra , Rajkot Management Association , Rajkot |
645 |
Performance of Earth-Tube Heat Exchanger in Cooling Mode
Sharan Girja
88th Indian Science Congress , IARI , New Delhi |
646 |
Design of Consumer Pack of Tomatoes
Sharan Girja
XXXV Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers , Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) , Bubhaneshwar |
647 |
Workshop on Long-term Energy Scenario for India
Shukla, P. R.
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics , Germany |
648 |
Long-Term Energy Scenarios for India
Shukla, P. R.
Workshop on Long-term Energy Scenario for India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
649 |
The Role of Public Food Distribution System in the Strategy for Food Security of the Poor: Comparison of Indian and Chinese Experience
Zhou, Zhang-Yue
Asian Association of Agricultural Economists Conference , Jaipur |
650 |
Pre-budget Consultation with Agricultural Experts and Agriculturists,2002 Pre-Budget Meeting with the Finance Minister
Naik Gopal
Ministry of Finance , New Delhi |
651 |
New Trends in Sensitivity Training
Parikh Indira J
India HRD Congress , Mumbai |
652 |
Enhancing Intellectual Capital
Singh J P
Third International Management Convention , Aravali Institute of Management , Jodhpur |
653 |
Managing Trade in Educational Services: Issues for India's Response in WTO Negotiations
Deodhar, Satish Y.
National Seminar on WTO and Allied Issues |
654 |
Status of Research in India Non-Profit Sector
Singh J P
ICP , New Delhi |
655 |
Gearing up Indian Agriculture and Marketing Cooperatives to Face Removal of Quantitative Restrictions
Naik Gopal
National Conference on Impact of WTO on Indian Agriculture and the Marketing Cooperatives , National Cooperative Union of India , New Delhi |
656 |
Venaik Sunil
Innovation , and Performance in MNC Subsidiaries , National Seminar on WTO and Allied Issues , New Delhi |
657 |
Ethics and Incentives in Business: Contemporary Issues and Dilemmas
Kulshreshtha Pravin
National Workshop on Teaching Business Ethics |
658 |
Is Bribery Welfare Promoting?
Kulshreshtha Pravin
Writers Workshop of India Infrastructure Report 2002 |
659 |
Inter-firm Linkages in the IT Industry in India: A Case Study of Telecom Technologies
Basant, Rakesh
Workshop on Indian IT Industry in Comparative Perspective |
660 |
Status of Major Fruits and Vegetables in India and Gujarat
Naik Gopal
Conference cum Workshop on Management of Quality in Fresh Post-Harvest Systems , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
661 |
Emerging Trends in Enterprise wide Applications
Rama Rao, T. P.
Computer Society of India , Ahmedabad |
662 |
Slow Pace of Modernization in Fresh Produce Post-harvest Systems in Ahmedabad Region
Sharan Girja
Conference-cum-Workshop on Management of Quality in Fresh Produce Post-Harvest Systems , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
663 |
Innovations in School: Identifying a Framework for Initiating
Sharma, Rajeev
Sustaining and Managing them , AERA Annual Convention , Seattle |
664 |
Perspectives on E-Recruitment
Varkkey, Biju
Conference on Trends in E-Recruitment , HRINFO .COM , Chennai |
665 |
Need to Learn
Parikh Indira J
Need for Change: A Succession Planning , Asia Pacific Convention of Entrepreneurial Women by Awake , Bangalore |
666 |
Small Farmers: An Endangered Species
Asokan S R
Seminar on Small Farmer: Their Problems and Remedies , Chandigarh |
667 |
WTO and Gujarat Agriculture
Bapna S L
Special Workshop , Agricultural Marketing Board , Government of Gujarat |
668 |
How Can Asian Countries Protect Traditional Knowledge Rights and Access to Genetic Resources through the Implementation or Review of the WTO TRIPS Agreement
Gupta, Anil K.
Joint ICTSD/CEE/HBF Regional Dialogue for Government and Civil Society , Chiang Mai , Thailand |
669 |
Characteristics of Effective Communicators: Perceptions of Indian Managers
Joseph B
First Conference on Business Communication for Management Teachers , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
670 |
Does it Matter to be Owned by the Government: Case of Decline and Turnaround of the Government Owned Organization
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
4th Strategic Management Forum Conference , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
671 |
Teaching Business Communication at Indian Business Schools: The Current Scenario
Monippally, M. M.
National Seminar on Teaching Communication at Indian Business Schools , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
672 |
Large Point Source (LPS) Emissions from India: Regional and Sectoral Analysis
Shukla, P. R.
Sixth AIM International Workshop , National Institute of Environment Studies , Tsukuba , (Japan) |
673 |
Operation Strategy for Process Industries
Tripathy A
Global Manufacturing Research Group Workshop , Chile |
674 |
Developing Reward Systems for Competitiveness through R&D
Tripathy A
XVIII Pan-Pacific Conference , Chile |
675 |
SSM Approaches in Industry: Some Case Studies
Tripathy A
ICORD IV , South Africa |
676 |
CIAL Strategic Options
Varkkey, Biju
Fourth Conference of Strategic Management Forum of India |
677 |
Capital Structure and Market Power: The Malaysian Experience
Pandey I M
Fourth Symposium of the Malaysian Finance Association , Penang (Malaysia) |
678 |
Capital Investment Decisions in Member User Organizations: A Case Study of Golden Flow Oilseeds?
Agrawal Rajesh
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
679 |
Global Competitiveness in Tea Trade: Marketing Implications for India
Asopa V N
Marketing Science Conference , Weisbaden-Mainz , Germany |
680 |
Effectiveness of Minimum Tax Legislation and its Effect on Corporate Financial Reporting: A Comparative Analysis Between the USA and India
Barua, Samir K.
Illinois International Accounting Summer Conference , Champaign , Illinois |
681 |
Barua, Samir K.
Securities Markets , and Trading Strategies , Association of NSE Members of India (ANMI) , Mumbai |
682 |
Aspects of the Draft New Competition Bill with Special Reference to (1) Exemptions and Exceptions and (2) Regulation of Combinations
Basant, Rakesh
Symposium on Existing and Proposed Competition Law of India , India International Centre , New Delhi |
683 |
WTO and Its Implications for Indian Agriculture
Datta, Samar K.
State Level Workshops held at Hyderabad and Shimla by MANAGE , Hyderabad |
684 |
Cigarette Taxation in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Hawaii Conference on Business , Hawaii |
685 |
Role of State Government to Promote Private Sector: The Case of Gujarat State in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Hawaii Conference on Business , Hawaii |
686 |
The Impact of WTO and TRIPS on Agricultural Inputs in India: An Exploratory Study
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Hawaii Conference on Business , Honolulu |
687 |
Transformation and Pattern in Rural Land and Labour Markets under Economic Reforms in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Hawaii Conference on Business , Honolulu |
688 |
Optimum Size of a Stock Portfolio: Malaysia
Gupta G S
Hawaii Conference on Business , Honolulu , Hawaii |
689 |
A Test of Arbitrage Pricing Theory: Predictions for Malaysia
Khoon Ch'ng Huck
Hawaii Conference on Business , Honolulu |
690 |
The Proof is in Improved Reading: Same Language Subtitling on Television in India
Kothari, Brij
Annual Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) Conference , Monterey Institute of International Studies , California |
691 |
Structural Qualitative Method of Forecasting
Naik Gopal
International Symposium on Forecasting , Callaway Gardens , Georgia (USA) |
692 |
Regulation and Privatization: A Comparative Case Study of Gujarat Maritime Board and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
Raghuram, G.
International Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Maritime Transport and Ports , Genoa |
693 |
Gender Differences in Conflict Between Work and Home Roles among Dual Career Couples
Rajadhyaksha U
Hawaii Conference on Business , Honolulu , Hawaii |
694 |
Econometric Estimation of Technical Efficiency: An Application to Indian Dairy Farmers
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting , Logan , Utah |
695 |
e-Governance for Municipal Hospitals
Ramani, K. V.
IS 2002 Conference , Cork (Ireland) |
696 |
Normative Beliefs about Collectivist-Individualist Intentions and Behaviour of Indians
Vohra, Neharika
Identifying Culture , International Institute of Business , Stockholm School of Economics |
697 |
Agricultural Economics Curriculum in Institutions of Higher Agricultural Education in India: Needs and Strategies for Change
Gandhi, Vasant P.
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Conference , Berlin |
698 |
Analysis of Agricultural Commodity Systems in Developing Countries through Econometric Simulation Models: The Case of Indian Cotton
Naik Gopal
poster presentation at the XXIV International Conference of Agricultural Economists , Berlin |
699 |
Are Expenditures on a Government Food Distribution System Justified in Developing Countries: Perspectives from a Comparative Study of India and China
Zhou, Zhang-Yue
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Conference , Berlin |
700 |
Hospital Logistics: Activity Based Costing for Hospital Services
Ramani, K. V.
Logistics 2001 , Singapore |
701 |
Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing: Some Findings of 2001 National Manufacturing Survey
Chandra, Pankaj
6th Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing |
702 |
Competitive Strategy for Agricultural Exports Through Value Addition: The Intellectual Property Rights Perspective
Gupta, Anil K.
Gujarat Government Committee on WTO and Agriculture |
703 |
Creativity, Conservation, and Compensation: The Honey Bee Network Approach to Providing Incentives for Sustainably Utilizing Biodiversity
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Incentive Measures for Sustainable Use and Conservation of Agrobiodiversity: Experiences and Lessons from Southern Africa |
704 |
Retention Management in IT Industry: Work-Life Balance as an HR Tool
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Seminar on Current and Emerging Issues in HR , Indian Institute of Technology , Delhi |
705 |
Socio-Economic Impact of Rural Telecom
Jain, Rekha
Telecom Policy Research Conference , Alexandra |
706 |
Impact of Design and Maintenance of Primary Health Care Buildings on Reproductive Health Services
Mavlankar D V
Ninth International Congress World Federation of Public Health Associates , Beijing |
707 |
Inter-firm Linkages and Development of Capabilities in the Indian Telecom Sector
Basant, Rakesh
CTPS Workshop on 3G Reforms: Policy and Regulatory Implications , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
708 |
Feasibility of Competition of Broad Band Access Markets: A Case of India
Basant, Rakesh
CTPS Workshop on 3G Reforms: Policy and Regulatory Implications , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
709 |
Competitiveness of Indian Cotton in the WTO Era
Naik Gopal
National Seminar on WTO: Its Impact on Indian Agriculture , Gandhinagar |
710 |
Livestock Service Delivery in Developing Countries: Efficiency and Equity Implications of Privatization
Ahuja, Vinod
International Symposium on Tropical Animal Health and Production |
711 |
Recent Developments in Macroeconomics, Invited Paper
Gupta G S
23rd Conference of the Rajasthan Economic Association |
712 |
Convergence: An Integrated Approach
Manikutty, S.
Conference on Convergence: Issues and Opportunities in the Indian Telecom Sector |
713 |
Role of State Government to Promote Private Sector: The Case of Gujarat State
Dholakia Archana R
India State Forum Meeting , New Delhi |
714 |
Values in Managing Gender Diversity
Parikh Indira J
HRM Summit: The Impact on Globalization on HRM , New Delhi |
715 |
An Empirical Examination of the Dimensionality of the Integration-Responsiveness Framework
Venaik Sunil
Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting , Phoenix , Arizona |
716 |
Implications of WTO on Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities
Naik Gopal
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Implications of WTO on Agriculture in India , Tamil Nadu Agricultural University , Coimbatore |
717 |
Introducing IP Telephony in India
Sinha S
CTPS Conference on Convergence: Issues and Opportunities in the Indian Telecom Sector , New Delhi |
718 |
Analysis of Retail POS Data: Some Methodological Aspects
Banerjee, Bibek
ORSI International Conference on OR and National Development |
719 |
New Insights on the Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing Firm
Chandra, Pankaj
5th Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
720 |
Secure Livelihoods
D'Souza, Errol
43rd Indian Society of Labour Economics Conference |
721 |
Backtracking Local Search
Ghosh, Diptesh
34th Annual Convention of the ORSI |
722 |
Will Patents Preserve the Experimental and Innovative Spirit at Grassroots? Traditional Knowledge, Contemporary Grassroots Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights
Gupta, Anil K.
UNEP Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, WTO TRIPS Agreement and the Environment |
723 |
Competitive Strategies for Indian Agribusiness in a WTO Regime
Datta, Samar K.
MDP on WTO and India's Challenges , Nirma Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
724 |
Dynamic Sensitivity of Sales to Advertising: A Case of Peanut Butter Industry
Deodhar, Satish Y.
OR- 2000: Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
725 |
Operational Research in Developing Countries: A Different View
Dutta, Goutam
33rd National Convention of Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
726 |
Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management
Kumar Satyendra
ORSI National Conference , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
727 |
OR Applications in Agribusiness in India
Sharan Girja
XXXIII Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
728 |
Measurement of Technical Efficiency in Indian Milk Processing Industry: A Comparison of DEA and Stochastic Production Frontier Techniques
Sharma, Vijay Paul
XXXIII Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
729 |
Regional Workshop for Awareness of Global Environment Facility
Shukla, P. R.
United Nations Development Programme , Ahmedabad |
730 |
Technology Choice and Market Entry Decisions: The Value of Flexible Production Facilities
Tirupati Devanath
Operations Management Conference-4 , Indian Institute of Technology , Chennai |
731 |
Management Simulation Game for Improving Food Chains
Prussia W
Model-IT 2001: Second International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Agri-Food-Chain , Massey University , Palmerston North (New Zealand) |
732 |
Materials Management System in Larger Hospitals
Ravichandran, N.
Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society of India , Kolkata |
733 |
Capacity Expansion
Tirupati Devanath
Network Planning and Quality of Service in Telecommunication Networks , Operations Management Conference 5 , Mumbai |
734 |
A Country of Origin Analysis of Foreign Products by Indian Consumers
Bandyopadhyay S
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference |
735 |
Joint Forest Management: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Datta, Samar K.
76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International |
736 |
How Does it Matter to be Owned by Government: Empirical Evidences in India
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Third International Conference on Business |
737 |
Managing MNCs in India: Implications for HRM Practices
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Nirma International Conference on Management |
738 |
Application of Structural Qualitative Method of Forecasting to Indian Seed Industry
Naik Gopal
ISF 2002: 22nd International Symposium on Forecasting 2002 |
739 |
Competing in the New WTO Era: Indian Agricultural Sector
Naik Gopal
Western Rajasthan Utsav |
740 |
Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture
Naik Gopal
Competitiveness of Indian Economy |
741 |
Governance and Performance in the Public Sector Banks during Liberalization
D'Souza, Errol
Fifth Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy |
742 |
What’s in a Beverage You Call a Chai?: Quality Attributes and Hedonic Price Analysis of Tea
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA) meetings |
743 |
Comparative Efficiency of Public and Private Sectors Banks in India
Ram Mohan, T. T.
Fifth Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy |
744 |
Integrating Domestic Markets with World Markets and Policy Support for Agricultural Exports
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Seminar on ‘Administrative Reforms in the Field of Agricultural Marketing in India in the Context of WTO |
745 |
Alternatives to Globalization
Singh J P
Fourth Annual Convention of Management |
746 |
HR Issues in the Telecom Sector
Parikh Indira J
BSNL National Seminar , Hyderabad |
747 |
Contract Farming in India
Asokan S R
Seminar on Agri Industries |
748 |
International Financial Architecture: Chairman’s Remarks
Gupta G S
33rd Conference of the Gujarat Economic Association |
749 |
Electronic Governance: Lessons from Experiences
Rama Rao, T. P.
National Seminar of the Computer Society of India on Innovations in Information Systems for Rural Development |
750 |
Livestock Industrialisation, Trade and Social-Health-Environment Impacts in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Indian Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
FAO-LEAD Workshop on Impacts of Social, Health, Environmental and Trade Objectives on Domestic Policies and Market Forces Shaping the Livelihoods of Livestock-dependent People in Developing Countries |
751 |
A Study of Marketing Strategy of MNCs in India
Venaik Sunil
Proceedings of the Academy of International Business India Inaugural Conference |
752 |
Globalization and National Policy: Institution-level Responses
Vijaya Sherry Chand
International Conference on Globalization and Challenges for Education: Focus on Equity and Equality |
753 |
Why Governance Matters: A World Bank Perspective
Kulshreshtha Pravin
Writers workshop of India Infrastructure Report 2002 |
754 |
The Impact of ICT on Economic Development
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Workshop on Indian Development Experience |
755 |
Economic Reforms and Development Strategy in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Ford Foundation-GIDR National Seminar |
756 |
Role of Regulatory Agencies
Sinha S
National Roundtable on Infrastructure Policy |
757 |
Sources of India's Accelerated Growth and the Vision of Indian Economy in 2020
Dholakia Bakul H
Presidential Address at the 31st Annual Conference of the Gujarat Economic Association |
758 |
Managing Change: Challenges
Parikh Indira J
Processes and Strategies , Pre- Convocation National Seminar , Symbiosis , Pune |
759 |
Trade Unions and Change Management
Varkkey, Biju
National Seminar on Managing Change: Challenges , Processes and Strategies , SCMHRD , Pune |
760 |
Ethics and Incentives in Business
Kulshreshtha Praveen
National Workshop on Teaching Business Ethics |
761 |
Capital Structure and Market Power: The Malaysian Experience
Pandey I M
Fourth Symposium of the Malaysian Finance Association |
762 |
An Analytical Appraisal of a Tolerate Limit of Non-Performance of Asset
Ram Mohan, T. T.
Conference on Regulation of Financial Intermediatories , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
763 |
Some Critical Issues in the Banking Sector Today
Ram Mohan, T. T.
Conference on Regulation of Financial Intermediatories , Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad |
764 |
Multi-Index CAPM vs. APT: A Comparison of Two Asset Pricing Models For Malaysia
Khoon Ch'ng Huck
Fourth Conference of the Malaysian Finance Association |
765 |
Markets for Green, Oolong and Other Teas
Asopa V N
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
766 |
Markets for Tea
Asopa V N
Marketing Science Conference |
767 |
Concept Note on Workshop on Analysing Conflicts in Natural Resources Management
Datta, Samar K.
768 |
How Does it Matter to be Owned by Government: Rejuvenation of a Government Owned Automobile Company in India
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
769 |
e-Governance for Municipal Hospitals: Subsidy vs Quality of Healthcare Services
Ramani, K. V.
International Conference: IS 2002 |
770 |
Determinants of Store Choice in a Developing Market
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Marketing Science Conference |
771 |
An Empirical Examination of the Characteristics of the Integration-Responsiveness Pressures
Venaik Sunil
Academy of International Business Annual Meeting |
772 |
Normative Beliefs About Collectivist-Individualist Intentions and Behaviour of Indians
Vohra, Neharika
Conference on Identifying Culture |
773 |
Technical Efficiency in the Public and Private Sectors in India
Ram Mohan, T. T.
North American Productivity Workshop , Schenectady , New York |
774 |
Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for an Ophthalmologist's Clinic
Ravichandran, N.
International Conference on Modelling and Simulating of Complex Systems , Business School of Sichuan University |
775 |
Overseas Research and Development and Appropriation of Intellectual Property Rights in Transnational Corporations
Ray P K
AIBSEAR , Shanghai (China) |
776 |
Econometric Estimation of Technical Efficiency: An Application to Indian Dairy Farmers
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Annual Meeting of the Western Agricultural Economics Association , Logan (Utah) |
777 |
An Empirical Examination of the Characteristics of the Integration Responsiveness Pressures
Venaik Sunil
Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business , San Juan (Puerto Rico) |
778 |
Social Beliefs and Commitment
Khokle, Pradyumana
16th International Congress of International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology |
779 |
Overseas Research and Development and Appropriation of Intellectual Property Rights in Transnational Corporations
Ray P
Academy of International Business South East Asia Regional Conference |
780 |
Operations Strategy for Process Industry
Tripathy A
16th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies |
781 |
Are Social Beliefs in India Correlated with Commitment at the Work Place?
Vohra, Neharika
Symposium on Social Axioms through Cultural, Cross-Cultural and Mutli-Cultural Lenses |
782 |
Fruit and Vegetable Marketing and its Efficiency in India: A Study of Wholesale Markets in the Ahmedabad Area
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Fourth Conference of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) |
783 |
Wheat Economy of India: Can Production Keep Pace with Demand?
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Fourth Conference of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) |
784 |
Market Access and Removal of Quantitative Restrictions: Likely Impact on Indian Agriculture
Naik Gopal
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) , New Delhi |
785 |
IP for Traditional Knowledge: Recognizing, Respecting, and Rewarding Creativity and Innovation at Grassroots
Gupta, Anil K.
Second WIPO International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property |
786 |
Cellular Licensing in India
Jain, Rekha
International Telecommunication Society Conference |
787 |
Teacher-Derived Innovations in Basic Education: Lessons for Educational Policy and Teacher Development
Vijaya Sherry Chand
10th Biennial Conference of International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching , University of Algarve , Faro (Portugal) |
788 |
Economic Recession and Its Impact on Indian Economy, Keynote Paper
Gupta G S
Seminar on Economic Downturn and Strategies for Indian Corporates |
789 |
Rural Telecom and Universal Service Obligation, Telecom Policy
Jain, Rekha
Research Conference |
790 |
A Decision-Oriented Market Information System for Forest and Agro-Forest Products in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Third Asian Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture (AFITA 2002) |
791 |
Public Expenditure Accountability in the Telecom Sector
Jain, Rekha
Centre for Telecom Policy Studies Conference |
792 |
Larger Access and New Services to the Rural Areas in Canada and India
Jakhu Ram
Conference on Switching to High Growth: Issues in Policy and Regulation in the Indian Telecom Sector |
793 |
Selling the Pink Slip: The Indian Rope Trick
Monippally, M. M.
67th Annual Conference of the Association of Business Communication |
794 |
On the Representation of the one Machine Sequencing Problem in the Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic
Mukherjee, Saral
11th Latin-Iberian American Congress of Operations Research |
795 |
Knowledge Management in Indian Software Export Industry
Venkata Rao, V.
Conference on Knowledge Management |
796 |
Health Stigma and Communication: A Conceptualization with Implications for Mental Illness Destigmatization
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Second Conference of the Council of Behavioural Scientists on Mental Health |
797 |
The Expected Stock Returns of Malaysian Firms: A Panel Data Analysis
Pandey I M
Fourth Asian Academy of Management Conference , Johar Bahru (Malaysia) |
798 |
Communication Standards Adoption: An Analytical Framework and Its Application to the Case of 3G Standards
Basant, Rakesh
CTPS Conference on Convergence Issues and Opportunities in the Indian Telecom Sector |
799 |
Policy Implications for State IT Infrastructure for e-Governance: Study of State Wide Area Network
Jain, Rekha
CTPS Conference |
800 |
Review of Convergence Bill, 2001
Jain, Rekha
CTPS Conference |
801 |
Multi-Index Capital Asset Pricing Model for Malaysia
Khoon Ch'ng Huck
Fourth Conference of the Asian Academy of Management |
802 |
Challenges to Indian Agriculture in the WTO Era
Naik Gopal
Ninth Annual Conference on Impact of WTO on Indian Agriculture |
803 |
Estimates of State Income Originating in the Entertainment Sub-sector in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Biennial Conference |
804 |
Estimating State Income at Market Prices in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Biennial Conference |
805 |
On the Road to Universal Coverage and Access: Progress So Far and the Road Ahead
Manikutty, S.
Telecom Conference 2002 |
806 |
Competition Policy in Telecommunications: The Case of India
Sinha S
Workshop on Competition Policy in Telecommunications |
807 |
Role of Bt Cotton in Improving Competitiveness of Cotton in India
Naik Gopal
Workshop on Cotton Biotechnology: Present Status of Bt Transgenic Cotton in India , Central Institute for Cotton Research , Nagpur |
808 |
Veterinary Services Delivery: Issues in Privatization
Ahuja, Vinod
National Seminar on Veterinary Service Delivery |
809 |
Use of Transaction Data for Creating Efficiencies in Operations
Banerjee, Arindam
Marketing Conference |
810 |
Impact of Economic Reforms on Rural Employment
D'Souza, Errol
61st Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economic |
811 |
Seed Production in India: Recent Trends and Constraints
Asokan S R
62nd Conference of the India Society of Agricultural Economies |
812 |
Same Language Subtitling on Television for Mass Literacy
Kothari, Brij
Second International ‘Development by Design’ Conference |
813 |
Voluntary Retirement Schemes in India
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Third Asia Academy of Management Conference |
814 |
Organizational Decline and Turnaround Management: Empirical Study of a Government Owned Automobile Company
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Asia Pacific Journal of Management Conference |
815 |
Applying Machine-Based Decomposition in 2-Machine Flow Shops
Mukherjee, Saral
Sixth Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
816 |
The Transformation of Microfinance in India: Experiences, Options and Future
Sriram M S
National Workshop on Key Dimensions in Transformation: From NGOs to Formal Institutions |
817 |
Analysis of Retail Sales Data: Some Methodological Aspects
Raghuram, G.
34th Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India , Kolkata |
818 |
Tutorial on Lean Logistics
Ravichandran, N.
Conference of the Operations Management Society , Mumbai |
819 |
Soft Systems: Approaches and Some Case Studies
Tripathy A
OR- 2001 , Kolkata |
820 |
Soil Temperature Regime at Ahmedabad
Sharan Girja
37th ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium |
821 |
Cluster Analysis of Himachal Tomato
Sharan Girja
37th ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium |
822 |
Industrial Conflicts in India : Some Perspective for Labour Judiciary.
Verma Pramod
Seminar on Labour Judiciary, Adgudication, and Industrial Justice held at Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad |
823 |
Scope of Contrct Farming in India
Asokan S R
Seminar on Contractual and Coopertive Farming, Anand |
824 |
Competitiveness in Pineapple Canning Industry
Asopa V N
Hawaii Business Conference, Honolulu |
825 |
Contractual Arrangements in Academia and their Implictions for Performance
Workshop on Challenges in Higher Education Today, Pune |
826 |
Export of Agri-Products from Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Keynote address to the Workshop on Agri-Business in Gujarat |
827 |
Regional Disparity in Economic and Human Development
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Biennial Conference of the Indian Association of Research in National Income and Wealth, Jaipur |
828 |
Lessons for Success in OR/MS Practice Gained from Experiences in Indian and US Steel Mills
Dutta, Goutam
International Conference in Operational Research, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata |
829 |
Data Correcting Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization
Ghosh, Diptesh
ICOR, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata |
830 |
A LDC Perspective on Internet Collaboration in Teaching and Research over the Internet
Manikutty, S.
Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Seattle |
831 |
Livestock Services and the Poor
Morrenhof Jan
Papers, Proceedings and Presentations at the International Workshop, Bhubaneshwar |
832 |
IT Enabled Applications in Government Hospitals, India: Illustrations of Telemedicine, e-Governance, and BPR
Ramani, K. V.
37th Hawaii International Conference, Honolulu |
833 |
e-Commerce Strategies for Library and Information Services
Sirurmath Sangayya S
Digital Information Exchange Pathways to Build Global Information Society, Annual Convention and Conference, Chennai |
834 |
Lessons from Honey Bee Network
Gupta, Anil K.
Symposium on Invention and Innovation for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges |
835 |
Time-Varying Efficiency of Thermal Power Plants in India
Shanmugam K R
Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society |
836 |
Trade Liberalisation under WTO: Implications for the Indian Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
46th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society |
837 |
E-Government: Lessons in Scaling Up
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Presentation at ASSOCHAM-World Bank Summit on India- The Knowledge Capital: E-Governance Transforming India |
838 |
Maternal Healthcare in Ahmedabad City: Managerial Challenges for Service Quality Improvements
Karnick Pallavi
Quality Improvements in Health in the Context of Reforms: Directions, Experience, and Challenges, Ahmedabad |
839 |
The Case of the Vadodara-Halol Toll Road
Raghuram, G.
TRANSPO 2004 Conference, Chennai |
840 |
Livestock Industrialization and the Small holder Producers Participation: Challenges and Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
48th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES), Melbourne |
841 |
A Cross-National Investigation of First Generation and Subsequent Generaton Family Businesses
Sonfield Mathew
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Small Business Institute, Florida |
842 |
Labour Market Deepening in the India Information Technology Industry: An Exploratory Analysis
Basant, Rakesh
Ford Foundation: GIDR National Seminar on New Development Paradigms and Challenges for Western and Central Regional States in India |
843 |
Agricultural Biotechnology in India: Ethics, Business, and Politics
Gupta, Anil K.
International Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology in the Developing World: Perceptions, Politics and Policies, Zurich |
844 |
Harvesting Rain Water and Self Empowerment at Household Level
Singh J P
Seminar on Consumer and Water, Consumer Coordination Council (CCC), New Delhi |
845 |
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Challenges for Women
Conference on Women in Science, NISTADS, New Delhi |
846 |
Information, Incentives, and Institutions for Rewarding Conservation and Creativity at the Grassroots
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, USA |
847 |
Perspectives on Technological Innovation in India
Chandra, Pankaj
Workshop on India and Technological Innovation, Cambridge |
848 |
Honey Bee Network: Giving Visibility, Voice, and Voluntary Platform to Green Grassroots Innovations and Traditional Knowledge Holders
Gupta, Anil K.
ICT Development Forum, Germany |
849 |
Technical Efficiency in the Public and Private Sectors in India
Ram Mohan, T. T.
North American Productivity Workshop |
850 |
HR... A Passion for Excellence
Parikh Indira J
National HRD Network Conference, Pune |
851 |
Product Development Capability to Enhance Supply Chain Performance: Case of a Telecom Factory
Tripathy A
International Conference on Industrial Logistics, Finland |
852 |
Successful Implementation of Soft Projects in a Process Industry
Tripathy A
16th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies |
853 |
Key Note on the Future of E-government in Asia Pacific
Bhatnagar, S. C.
E-Government Summit 2003, Hong Kong |
854 |
An Institutional Economics Approach to the Problems of Small Farmer Credit in India
Datta, Samar K.
78th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Denver, Colorado |
855 |
Property Rights, Incentives and Performance of Cooperatve Training Institutes in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
78th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Denver, Colarado |
856 |
National Academy of Agricultural Research Management
Parikh Indira J
7th Executive Development Programme in Agriculture Research Management, Hyderabad |
857 |
An Application Framework for Soft O.R. Approach: A Case of Reinventing a Large Manufacturing Organization
Tripathy A
ICIAM 2003, Sydney |
858 |
Development and Poverty Reduction: Do Institutions Matter? A Study on the Impact of Local Institutions in Rural India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
25th IAAE International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Durban |
859 |
Freeing Organizational Energy
Parikh Indira J
National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad |
860 |
Segmenting Shoppers on Their Behaviour
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
10th EIRASS Conference, Portland |
861 |
Verma, Sanjay
Third European Conference on Knowledge Management |
862 |
Emerging Pathways to Innovation in Asia: Some Issues Relating to Public Policy
Basant, Rakesh
Asian Pathways to Innovation in the Global Network Economy: Business Institutions, Governance, and Development Strategies, East West Center, Honolulu, and Social Science Research Council (SSRC), New York |
863 |
Short-Term and Medium-Term Prospects of Agricultural Sector in Gujarat: Some Policy Recommendations
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop of Senior Officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of Gujarat, Ahmedabad |
864 |
Cradle of Creativity: The Case for in situ Conservation of Agro Biodiversity and the Role of Traditional Knowledge and IPRs
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Property Rights Collective Action and Local Conservation of Genetic Rosources, Rome |
865 |
IT Applications in Healthcare Management: Case Studies from Developed and Developing Countries
Keen Justin
International Conference on the Implications of Information Technology for Healthcare Delivery, London |
866 |
Microfinance and the State: Exploring New Areas and Structures of Collaboration
Sriram M S
Sa-Dhan Annual Conference, New Delhi |
867 |
Enhancing Competition in Telecommunications in India
Sinha S
Conference on Switching to High Growth: Issues in Policy and Regulation in the Indian Telecom Sector |
868 |
Role of Government: As an Enabler, Regulator, and aProvider of ICT Based Services
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Asian Forum on Information and Communiction Technology Policies and e-Strategies, Kuala Lumpur |
869 |
Talking Up: Study of Upward Influence Strategies
Kaul, Asha
68th Annual Convention, Albuquerque |
870 |
Practices, Perceptions, and Avenues of Net-based Promotions
Kureshi Sonal
6th International Conference on E-Commerce Research, Dallas |
871 |
Passion for Excellence
Parikh Indira J
National Institute of Personnel Management Deriving Competitive Advantage from Value added HR Process, Jamshedpur |
872 |
Improving In-plant Logistics by Process Reengineering: Case Study
Ravichandran, N.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Excellence, Melbourne |
873 |
Logistics Planning of an Edible Oil Company in India
Raghuram, G.
874 |
Leadership Role of the Principals
Saha Jahar
Indian Public Schools Principals Conference |
875 |
Business Strategies for Managing Complex Supply Chains in Large Emerging Markets
Chandra, Pankaj
Workshop on Economics of Industrial Development, London |
876 |
The Theory and Practice of Data Correcting Algorithms
Ghosh, Diptesh
P&QM Area Seminar Series, Ahmedabad |
877 |
Blood Banking Policy: Ensuring Access and Enhancing Quality
Mavalankar, Dileep
Americal Public Health Association Meeting, San Francisco |
878 |
Communication Standards Adoption in Developing Economies: Issues and Options for India
Basant, Rakesh
International Seminar on ICT and Indian Development |
879 |
A Framework for Modeling Coordination Mechanisms in Complex Supply Chains
Chandra, Pankaj
Sixth Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
880 |
Identifying, Assessing and Reporting on Subsidies in the Fishing Industry
Datta, Samar K.
Expert Consultation held by FAO |
881 |
HACCP: Quality Enabler for Food and Food Service
Deodhar, Satish Y.
CII sponsored International Conference on Organized Food Retail and Food Services in India: The New Revolution |
882 |
Approximate Algorithms for Location Problems
Ghosh, Diptesh
Sixth Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
883 |
Permutation Flowshop Scheduling with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties: Some New Results
Chandra, Pankaj
VII Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management, Indore |
884 |
Optimization Based Decision Support System for Strategic and Operational Planning in a Process Industry
Dutta, Goutam
Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies Conference, New Delhi |
885 |
System Dynamic Simulation Model of a Blast Furnace
Dutta, Goutam
Society of Operational Management Conference, Indore |
886 |
Asset-Specific Supply Tree Competition and Leadership
Majumder P
SOM Conference, Indore |
887 |
Implications of the Law of Diminishing Returns for the Average Shadow Price
Mukherjee, Saral
VIIth Annual Conference of Society of Operations Management, Indore |
888 |
The Marginal Unit Shadow Price and its Relationship To Average Shadow Price
Mukherjee, Saral
VIIth Annual Conference of Society of Operations Management, Indore |
889 |
Growth, Structure and Prospects of Agro-Processing Industries in India: Is there Imporvement since the Economic Reforms?
Namboodiri N V
Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Bhubaneswar |
890 |
Challenges and Opportunities of Building a Networked Society
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Fifth GDN Annual Global Development Conference on Understanding Reforms, New Delhi |
891 |
Alternative Knowledge Formation
Sirurmath Sangayya S
Democratization of Information: Focus on Libraries, Mumbai |
892 |
An Investigation of First and Subsequent Generation Family Firms in India
Sonfield Mathew
Proceedings of the Annual Eastern Conference of the Small Business Institute |
893 |
Grouping and Labeling of Gains from a Price Promotion
Jha-Dang Priya
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies |
894 |
Impact of Prior Product Knowledge on Information Search
Awasthy Dheeraj
37th Annual Convention of the ORSI |
895 |
Role of Small Scale Industries in the Age of Liberalization
Basant, Rakesh
Second Technical Workshop of the Policy Group on Trade and Industry of the Asian Development Bank |
896 |
Local Knowledge, Global Institutions: Why Should Local Experts Disclose their Knowledge to Institutional Experts?
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Biodiversity: Science and Governance |
897 |
Detection of Multiple Change Points: An Application to Detection of Volatility Changes in the Indian Stock Market
Laha, A. K.
37th Annual Conference of ORSI |
898 |
A Study of the Registry of the Supreme Court of India
Manikutty, S.
37th Annual Conference of ORSI |
899 |
Pricing and Financing Strategies for Water
Morris, Sebastian
Country Water Resource Strategy |
900 |
An Exploratory Study of International Marketing in India: Indian Firms, Multinationals, and their Competitiveness
Oburai, Prathap
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economics |
901 |
Systems Perspectives on Inland Water Transport for Freight Movement
Raghuram, G.
37th Annual Conference of ORSI |
902 |
Marketing Strategy for a Port: Case of Kandla Port
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies |
903 |
Marketing of Railways for Port Traffic: The Case of Gandhidham Area
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies |
904 |
Linking Organizational Reward and Employee Development Systems to Individual Career Drivers
Singh, Manjari
Nirma International Conference on Management |
905 |
Measurement of Wages and Working Hours in India
Varkkey, Biju
Conference on Wage Measurement and Determination using Statistical Data |
906 |
Frameworks for Evaluation of e-Governance Projects
Rama Rao, T. P.
Workshop on ICT for Poverty Alleviation in India: Financing Models and Scaling Up Opportunities, Ahmedabad |
907 |
The Role of XML in Information Portals
Sirurmath Sangayya S
Roadmap to New Generation of Libraries Using Emerging Technologies, New Delhi |
908 |
Government Employees Strike in Kerala: A Case Study
Varkkey, Biju
Workshop on Industrial Relations Teaching and Research, Vishakapatnam |
909 |
Productivity of India's Public Sector Units: Some Reflections
Kansara P
National Conference on Tools & Techniques for Quality and Productivity Improvement |
910 |
Productivity of India’s Public Sector Units: Some Reflections
Kansara P
National Conference on Tools and Techniques for Quality and Productivity Improvement |
911 |
Energy and Infrastructure in Gujarat
Morris, Sebastian
Gujarat 2010 Seminar |
912 |
Understanding Export Led Growth and Late Industrialization to Explain the Differences in the Post Reform Performance of India and China
Morris, Sebastian
International Conference on Economic Reform in India and China: Emerging Issues and Challenges |
913 |
“Performance Indicators in Health Sector: Changing Management Perspectives
Ramani, K. V.
International Conference on Quality Healthcare in Changing Environment |
914 |
Design for Hot and Arid Areas
Girja Sharan
Entrepreneurship Education for a Sustainable Future: Integrating Economic, Social, and Environmental Imperatives |
915 |
Legal Aspects of Data Protection
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Business Information Management Conference 2005 |
916 |
Coffee, Tea or …? Gender and Politeness in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
Kaul, Asha
5th ABC (Asia Pacific) International Conference |
917 |
Global Value Chains and Small Producers in South Asia: Governance, Participation, and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
South Asia Regional Conference on Globalization of Agriculture in South Asia: Has It made Difference to Rural Livelihoods? CESS/IFPRI/IAAE/ISAM/ANGRAU |
918 |
Issues Relevant for the 12th Finance Commission
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
12th Finance Commission Workshop, Mumbai |
919 |
Implications of WTO for Indian Food Industry: Focusing on Safety and Quality
Deodhar, Satish Y.
National Seminar on Food Safety and Quality |
920 |
Valuing Roads and Highways in India: The Case of the Golden Quadrilateral and Radial Roads from Cities
Morris, Sebastian
International Workshop on Valuing Infrastructure and Utility Properties |
921 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Re-invention for Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Case of Tata Steel
Mukherjee T
IEMC 2004 |
922 |
An Optimal Breadth-First Algorithm for the Preemptive Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Verma, Sanjay
Second World POM Conference on POM and 15th Annual POM Conference |
923 |
Intellectual Property and Innovation: Changing Perspectives in the Indian IT Industry
Basant, Rakesh
Strategies for Building Software Industries in Developing Countries, East-West Center |
924 |
A Family Business Anova Comparison of the United States and India
Lussier Robert
Nebba International Conference on Globalization and Sustainable Development |
925 |
A Multi-Product, Multi-constraint, Single-period Distribution (MMSD) Model
Venkata Rao, V.
CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting |
926 |
Improved Efficiency in Logistics Using ERP (2004)
Ravichandran, N.
CORS-INFORMS Conference |
927 |
Revisioning Learning in Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Opportunities for Innovation in Schooling
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Indigenous Knowledges: Transforming the Academy |
928 |
An Examination of Ethical Attitudes Among Indian Management Students, Business Executives, and the Administrative Service Probationers
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Hawaii International Conference in Business, Hawaii |
929 |
Integrating Coastal Shipping with the National Transport Network in India
Raghuram, G.
IAME Annual Conference |
930 |
Productivity and Efficiency at Public, Private and Foreign Banks in India
Ram Mohan, T. T.
North American Productivity Workshop |
931 |
Assessing the Impact of e-Government Project on Citizen Service Quality: An Analytic Hierarchy Approach
Venkata Rao, V.
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on e-Government |
932 |
Operations Management as a Change Agent: A Framework based on Indian Case Studies
Ravichandran, N.
EUROMA 2004 |
933 |
Opertional Research in Developing Countries: A Different View
Dutta, Goutam
Euro-Informs Conference, Istanbul |
934 |
Water Resource Management in India: Institutions and Development
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Institutional Issues in Water Resources Allocation: Lessons from Australia and Implications for India, Australia |
935 |
An Optimization-based Decision Support System for Strategic Planning in Pharmaceuticals Company
Dutta, Goutam
Ninth International Symposium in Logistics |
936 |
A Grounded Exploration of Sales and Distribution Channel Structures in Thirteen Industries in India Leading to a Classification Scheme
Oburai, Prathap
Academy of Marketing 33rd Annual Conference |
937 |
Indian Railways: Towards Third Party Logistics for Cement
Raghuram, G.
10th World Conference on Transport Research |
938 |
Indian Railways: Towards Third Party Logistics for Cement – A Case Study
Raghuram, G.
9th International Symposium on Logistics |
939 |
Management of Spares in a Public Transport Utility in India: A Simulation Based Optimization Model
Ravichandran, N.
MSOM Conference |
940 |
Supply Chain, Logistics and Outsourcing: Back to Basics, Case of Product Development
Sahu A
9th International Symposium on Logistics |
941 |
Small vs. Large Farms in Dairy Production: A Comparison of Findings from Brazil, India, Kenya and Thailand
Sharma, Vijay Paul
25th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), South Africa |
942 |
Review of Organizational Behavior Research in India: Last Fifteen Years
Vohra, Neharika
XVIIIth International Congress of Psychology |
943 |
Role Portrayals of Men and Women in Indian Television Advertising
Jha P
XVIIIth International Congress of Psychology |
944 |
An IT Based Market Information System for Improving Marketing Efficiency of Fruits and Vegetables in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Fourth International Conference of the Asian Federation of Information Technology in Agriculture and the Second World Congress of Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources |
945 |
Success and Succession in Family Firms: An Investigation into Changes in Managerial Practices with Generations
Manikutty, S.
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management |
946 |
Viability of Inland Water Transport in India
Raghuram, G.
First ADB Technical Workshop |
947 |
A Finite Horizon Inventory Model: An Operational Framework
Ravichandran, N.
13th ISIR Symposium |
948 |
Performance of Greenhouse Coupled to Earth Tube Heat Exchanger in Closed-Loop Mode
Girja Sharan
XXX CIOSTA-CIGR V Congress Proceedings of Management and Technology Applications to Empower Agriculture and Agro-food Systems, Italy |
949 |
Reorienting Pest Management Strategies: Why Should Corporations Rethink their Policies for Sustainable Pest Management?
Gupta, Anil K.
IV Asia Pacific Crop Protection Conference, New Delhi |
950 |
Management of RH Services in India and the Need for Health System Reforms
Mavalankar, Dileep
Internationalm Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Health Systems Development, Leeds |
951 |
A Framework for Performance Management
Varkkey, Biju
National Symposium on Performance Management for Competitive Advantage, Hyderabad |
952 |
Can Poor Country Small Producers Outsmart their Rich Country Large Counterparts? Strategies for the Indian Dairy Farmer
Datta, Samar K.
33rd All India Dairy Industry Conference |
953 |
Fiscal Sustainability of Debt in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Select Aspects of the Development of Gujarat for Senior Officials of the Government of Gujarat |
954 |
A Suggested Policy on Financial Product
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Select Aspects of the Development of Gujarat for Senior Officials of the Government of Gujarat |
955 |
An Indian Study of the Influence of Family Business Size on Management Activities, Styles, and Characteristics
Lussier Robert
The 2004 Small Business Institute Annual Eastern Conference |
956 |
ICT for Social Development
Rama Rao, T. P.
Proceedings of the Seminar on Information Technology and Social Science Research |
957 |
International Trade in Dairy Products: Current Status and Emerging Issues
Sharma, Vijay Paul
33rd Dairy Industry Conference |
958 |
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Potential in India
Shukla, P. R.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of Green-home Control Technologies |
959 |
Costing MDG Need Assessment in Three Indian States – Experience
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
UNDP Workshop on MDG-Based National Development Strategies |
960 |
Shedding of Unproductive Resources in Family Firms: Role of Family Structure and Community Culture
Sharma Pramodita
Annual Conference of the Family Firm Research Institute, Toronto |
961 |
UN Indicators and Beyond for Emergency Obstetric Care
Ramani, K. V.
Three Workshops on Maternal Mortality Reduction by Improving EmOC Services in India |
962 |
Vision, Mission, and Social Obligations for Gujarat Cancer Research Institute
Ramani, K. V.
International Seminar on Human Resource Management in Healthcare: Directions, Experience, and Challenges |
963 |
Logistics: The Bombay Dabbawala’s Operations
Ravichandran, N.
964 |
Bullwhip Effect in Hospitals: Impact on Performance and Implications for Healthcare Management
Sethuraman K
International Business and Economic Research Conference |
965 |
Performance Management in a Large Institute
Verma, Sanjay
Seminar on Human Resource Management in Healthcare Directions, Experience, and Challenges |
966 |
Information and Communicatin Technologies for Education
Rama Rao, T. P.
33rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Coimbatore |
967 |
Predatory Pricing and Typing in Telecommunications
Sinha, Sidharth
Conference on Regulation: Institutional and Legal Dimensions, New Delhi |
968 |
Information Technology based Agricultural Marketing: The Case of ITC's E-Choupal
Asokan S R
18th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing |
969 |
Building Bridges between Honey Bee Network of India and Social Technology Network of Brazil
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Social Technology |
970 |
Nurturing Fast Track Leaders
Krishnan Sandeep K
Conference on Leadership Development in the Globalized Economy: HRD Initiatives and Interventions in Organizations |
971 |
Building Global Leaders: Issues and Challenges
Parikh Indira J
33rd IFTDO World Conference and Exhibition |
972 |
Impact of OECD Dairy Policies on Developing Countries: A Case Study of Indian Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
FAO Expert Consultation on Milk and Milk Products: The Impact of OECD Dairy Policies on Developing Countries |
973 |
MSWM: Fitting Technology to Environmental and Social Conditions
Varkkey, Biju
City Scapes 2004: Global Convention on Agenda for Urban Infrastructure Reforms |
974 |
Role and Constraints of Contract Farming in Agro-Processing Industry
Asokan S R
63rd Annual Conference of the Indina Society of Agricultural Economics |
975 |
Administrative Capacity, Corruption Regulation, and Judicial Independence in India
Follow-up of the World Summit for Social Development: Governance Challanges and Innovations for Human Development, Bangkok |
976 |
Contract Farming in Gujarat: Some Suggestions on Draft Agreement
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Seminar on Model Act organized by Gujart State Agricultural Marketing Board and Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Government of Gujarat, Ahmedabad |
977 |
Plant Location for a Bicycle Assembly Plant
Raghuram, G.
APORS Conference, New Delhi |
978 |
An Approach to Watershed Development: A Case of Dangri Watershed in Haryana
Gurdev Singh
64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economies |
979 |
Robustness of Tests for Change Point with Directional Data
SenGupta A
International Conference on Future of Statistical Theory, Practice, and Education |
980 |
How Governance Issues Influence Joint Forest Management in India? A Perspective from Sub-Himalayan West Bengal
Chakraborti Milindo
Workshop on Governance Issues in Cooperatives |
981 |
Macropolicy and Fiscal Fetishism
National Conference on Macroeconomic Policy in India |
982 |
Governance in Micro-Finance: The Case of BASIX
Datta, Samar K.
Workshop on Governance Issues in Cooperatives |
983 |
Property Rights: Enabling or Disabling Sustainable Fisheries Management
Datta, Samar K.
Seminar on Fisheries Management |
984 |
Determinants of Employee Career Effectiveness: An Empirical Study
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Academy of Management |
985 |
ICT and E-Governance for Rural Development
Rama Rao, T. P.
Proceedings of the Silver Jubilee Symposium on Governance in Development Issues, Challenges and Strategies |
986 |
Democratic Governance and Member Capital Stake in Cooperatives
Reddy Prathap
IRMA Silver Jubilee Symposium of Governance |
987 |
Livestock Economy of India: Current Status, Emerging Issues and Long Term Prospects
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics |
988 |
Governance in Farm Forestry Contract Farming Schemes in India: Experience and Lessons
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Governance in Forestry Sector as part of the Symposium on Governance in Development |
989 |
Examining Relationship of Prior Product Knowledge to Information Search
Banerjee, Arindam
Annual ORSI Conference |
990 |
Consumer Learning and Store Choice
Waterschoot Walter Van
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies |
991 |
Pricing of Critical Products in an Emerging Economy - A Value Based Approach
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies |
992 |
Development and Some Applications of Earth Tube Heat Exchanger in Gujarat
Girja Sharan
Proceedings Seminar on Innovative Features of Energy Efficient Buildings & Green Building Architecture organised by Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and air-conditioning Engineers Ahmedabad Chapter and American Society of Heating, Refrigerat |
993 |
A Bayesian Analysis of the Change Point Problem for Directional Data
SenGupta A
International Workshop/Conference on Bayesian Statistical Analysis |
994 |
Detection of Multiple Change Points - An Application to Detection of Volatility Changes in the Indian Stock Market
Laha, A. K.
37th National Conference of Operational Research Society of India |
995 |
Consumer's Evaluation of Brand Extensions May Not Be Extensive After All; An Empirical Test among Consumers in India
Banerjee, Bibek
37th Annual Convention of the ORSI |
996 |
Consumer’s Evaluation of Brand Extensions May Not Be Extensive After All: An Empirical Test Among Consumers in India
Banerjee, Bibek
37th Annual Conference of ORSI |
997 |
If Technology is like Word, Institutions are like Grammar: Institutional Context of Technological Innovations and Knowledge Systems at Grassroots
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Biodiversity: Science and Governance |
998 |
Contexts in Models for Auction Designs: Lessons from Experience
Jain, Rekha
37th Annual Convention of ORSI |
999 |
An Empirical Analysis of Different Types of Consumer Promotions in Indian Market
Jha-Dang Priya
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Markets |
1000 |
Grouping and Labelling of Gains from a Price Promotion
Jha-Dang Priya
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economics |
1001 |
Strategies for Improving Indian Railways’ Market Share of Port Based Coal Traffic: A Diagnostic Study
Raghuram, G.
37th Annual Conference of ORSI |
1002 |
Contract Farming for Agricultural Development: Review of Theory and Practice with Special Reference in India
Singh, Sukhpal
South Asian Regional Consultation on Small Scale Agriculture in the Era of Globalization |
1003 |
Farming Crisis and Farmer Suicides in Punjab: An Examination of Institutional Dimensions
Singh, Sukhpal
International Conference on Punjab Peasantry in Turmoil, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology |
1004 |
Pricing of Critical Products in an Emerging Economy: A Value Based Approach
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies |
1005 |
Testing for the Absence of Random Effects in a Two-way Nested Design with Mixed Effects Model: A Non-Parametric Approach
Banerjee, Tathagata
International Conference on Statistics and Probability |
1006 |
Utilizing Network Features for Privacy Violation Detection
Dass, Rajanish
COMmunication Systems Software and Middleware, (COMSWARE 2006) |
1007 |
An Efficient Heuristic Technique for Real-Time Frequent Pattern Mining
Dass, Rajanish
39th IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 39) |
1008 |
Public Private Partnerships for Rural Network Infrastructure and Services
Jain, Rekha
Connecting Rural Communities: The Impact of Telecom |
1009 |
Product Strategy to Meet Global Competition
Koshy, Abraham
National Seminar on Global Competitiveness: Issues and Challenges before Indian Corporates |
1010 |
Statistics in Finance
Laha, A. K.
National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Finance |
1011 |
Corporate Brand Image and Stakeholder Expectations
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the IIMA-Goizueta Business School Conference on Return on Marketing Investments |
1012 |
Excellence in Logistics: A Case Study from a Social Sector in India
Ravichandran, N.
International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM 2006) |
1013 |
Marketing Spend and Shareholder Value: A Comparison of Listed Firms on India and the US
Sahay, Arvind
International Conference on Return on Marketing Investment |
1014 |
Changing Face of Indian Industrial Relations: What Cases like HMSI Gurgaon and Toyota Motors Bangalore Teach Us
Varkkey, Biju
National Seminar on HRM, Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute |
1015 |
Macroeconomic Framework for Development in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Gujarat 2010 |
1016 |
Implications for Business and Education Sector
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Platinum Jubilee National Convention of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India |
1017 |
Alternative Marketing System of Agricultural Products in India: Some Recent Developments
Asokan S R
National Conference on Strengthening Agricultural Marketing Systems in Post-WTO World Trade Order |
1018 |
Is a Just System Also Fair? Traversing the Domain of Knowledge, Institutions, Culture, and Ethics
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Is Knowledge Justiciable |
1019 |
Winning Strategies for Family Business
Parikh Indira J
Hotel Taj Coromandel |
1020 |
Conducting an MDG Needs Assessment: Technical Issues
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
MD-Based National Development Planning Workshop for Mongolian Government Technical Task Forces |
1021 |
Please Work from Home: The Immobility of Labour in the Age of Offshoring
Srinivasan S K
National Conference on the Idea of Public Sphere: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on the Fate of a Philosophical Concept in the Age of Globalization |
1022 |
Challenges to HR from Outsourcing
Parikh Indira J
National HRD Network |
1023 |
Design, Development, and Implementation of a Reengineered Purchase System at Gujarat Cancer Hospital
Ramani, K. V.
International Conference on Hospital Management |
1024 |
Decision Support System for Evaluation of Pipeline Projects
Barua, Samir K.
Conference on Applications of OR |
1025 |
University-Industry Linkages and Enterprise Creation in India: Some Strategic and Policy Issues
Basant, Rakesh
World Bank Symposium on University-Industry Linkages |
1026 |
Determinants of Cellular Competition in Asia
Chakravarty Sujoy
Shanghai Forum – Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia Conference |
1027 |
Collusion and Corruption in Government
D'Souza, Errol
Conference on Governance |
1028 |
Implementing BDFS(b) with Diff-Sets for Real-Time Frequent Pattern Mining in Dense Datasets – First Findings
Dass, Rajanish
UDM 2005/IEEE ICDE 2005 (21st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering) |
1029 |
Building Competitiveness in an Inter-connected World: Opportunities and Challenges in Financial Services Sector
Gandhi, Shailesh
Western Region Conference 2005 of Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) |
1030 |
A New Likelihood Integrated Method for Change-Point Problems with Skewed Circular Distributions
Laha, A. K.
International Conference on Statistics in the Technological Age |
1031 |
Artificial Neural Network Models for Forecasting Stock Price Index in Bombay Stock Exchange
Laha, A. K.
Second Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Derivatives |
1032 |
Assessing Policy Choices for Managing SO2 Emissions from Indian Power Sector
Menon-Choudhary, Deepa
CSH Occasional Paper No. 12 |
1033 |
Fertilizer Sector Policy Environment and Anticipated Impacts on Industry Structure, Manufacturing, and Marketing
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Annual Marketing Meeting |
1034 |
Relationship of Prior Products Knowledge to Search
Banerjee, Arindam
Relationship of Prior Products Knowledge to Search |
1035 |
Can Distant Brand Extensions Work? An Empirical Test among Consumers in India
Banerjee, Bibek
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
1036 |
Role of Educational and R&D Institutions in City Clusters: An Exploratory Study of Bangalore and Pune Regions in India
Basant, Rakesh
Research Conference on University-Industry Linkages |
1037 |
An Efficient Real-Time Frequent Pattern Mining Technique Using Diff-Sets
Dass, Rajanish
Fifth International Conference on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2005) |
1038 |
Multi-Product Multi-Constraint Single-Period Inventory Problem: A Hierarchical Solution Procedure
Kumar Satyendra
ASAC 2005 Conference |
1039 |
Vehicle Allocation and Bin Packing
Kumar Satyendra
47th National Meeting of the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) |
1040 |
Initial Returns, Long Run Performance and Characteristics of Issuers: Differences in Indian IPOs Following Fixed Price and Book Building Processes
Pandey, Ajay
Fifth Annual Business Conference |
1041 |
Reinventing Urban Renewal
Pangotra, Prem
International Conference on Urban Renewal Learnings for Mumbai |
1042 |
Agricultural Commercialization and Small Farmers in India
Singh, Sukhpal
FAO Workshop on Agricultural Commercialization and the Small Farmer |
1043 |
Conditions in Which Microfinance has Emerged in Certain Regions and Consequent Policy Implications
Sriram M S
High Level Policy Conference on Microfinance in India |
1044 |
Legal Issues on Training MBBS Doctors for Anaesthesia and C-section Operation
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Workshop on Maternal Mortality Reduction by Improving Implementation of EmOC Services for State Level Health and FW Officers in Context of RCH II and NRHM and Supported by Averting Maternal Deaths and Diability Programe (AMDD) |
1045 |
Developing India’s Strategic Response to the Global Debate on Fisheries Subsidies
Datta, Samar K.
International Symposium on Development Economics |
1046 |
A New Type of Precedence Relationship for the One Machine Sequencing Problem in the Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic
Mukherjee, Saral
Seventh Conference on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2005) |
1047 |
Shift in Marketing Paradigm from Supply Chain Focus to Providing ROI: Case of Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference |
1048 |
A Comparison of Productivity in Public and Private Enterprises in India
Ram Mohan, T. T.
Ninth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis |
1049 |
A Process Oriented Approach to Waiting Line Management in a Large Pilgrimage Center in India
Ravichandran, N.
EUROMA 2005 |
1050 |
Communication Policy for Destigmatization of Mental Health in an Emerging Economy
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Ninth International Conference on Marketing and Development |
1051 |
Evaluation of Lateral Transshipment Policy in a Two-Echelon Inventory System
Kumar Satyendra
International Symposium on Logistics |
1052 |
Issues in Road Toll Collection: Lessons from Two Indian Case Studies
Raghuram, G.
10th World Conference on Transport Research |
1053 |
Strategies for Improving Indian Railways’ Market Share of Port Based Coal Traffic
Raghuram, G.
10th World Conference on Transport Research |
1054 |
Offshoring and the Indian IT Labour Market
Basant, Rakesh
Annual Meetings of the Academy of International Business |
1055 |
Preparing for Global Business Careers: Some Findings from India
Chhokar J S
Global Networking into the Future-2, Fundacion para la Educacion Superior Internacional |
1056 |
A Survey of OR/MS Models in Process Industry
Dutta, Goutam
17th International Conference of International Federation of Operational Research Societies |
1057 |
Optimization Based Decision Support System for Strategic Planning in a Process Industry
Dutta, Goutam
17th International Conference of International Federation of Operational Research Societies |
1058 |
An Exploration of Customer-supplier Alliances and Partnerships: A Synthesis of Literature Review and Empirical Investigation Leading to a Conceptual Framework
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 34th Annual Conference (incorporating the Fifth American Marketing Association/Academy of Marketing Joint Biennial Conference) |
1059 |
Case Research and Convergence of Methodological and Philosophical Perspectives: An Application of Mixed Method (Qualitative and Quantitative) investigation to Understanding Patterns in Marketing Channels and International Marketing Strategies
Oburai, Prathap
34th Annual Conference (incorporating the Fifth American Marketing Association/Academy of Marketing Joint Biennial Conference) |
1060 |
Multiplicity of International Marketing Strategies in an Emerging Economy: A Comparison of Practices Across Twelve Industries/Business Sectors in India
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 34th Annual Conference (incorporating the Fifth American Marketing Association/Academy of Marketing Joint Biennial Conference) |
1061 |
A Case on Supply Chain Planning in a Process Industry in India
Ravichandran, N.
1062 |
Agriculture and the WTO: Where are we Heading?
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Consultation on Off-the-Starting Block to Hong Kong: Concerns and Negotiating Options on Agriculture and NAMA for India |
1063 |
International Competitiveness of the Indian Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Fifth International PENSA Conference on Agrifood Chains/Networks, Economics, and Management |
1064 |
Domestic Marketing of Organic Produce: Experience, Issues, and Options
Singh, Sukhpal
National Planning Meeting for Development of Technical Capacity Base for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture |
1065 |
Horticultural Supply Chains and Small Producers in South Asia: Governance, Participation, and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
International Symposium on Supply Chain Management in Transitional Economies |
1066 |
Re-inventions a Large Process Plant
Tripathy Arabinda
IFORS-2005 |
1067 |
Teachers as ‘Socio-Educational Entrepreneurs’: Self-Construction of Identities of Competence
Vijaya Sherry Chand
Twelfth International Conference of the ISATT |
1068 |
Review of Organizational Behaviour Research in India: Last Fifteen Years
Vohra, Neharika
18th International Congress of Psychology |
1069 |
Implications of the Amendments to the Patents Act: The Legal Perspective
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Patents Symposium 2005 |
1070 |
Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for Indian Farmers
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Workshop on WTO and Indian Agriculture |
1071 |
International Commercial Arbitration as the Method of Choice for Dispute Settlement
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Sixth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-VI) |
1072 |
Estimating Equation Approach to Small Area Estimation
Banerjee, Tathagata
Workshop on Advances in Survey Methodology |
1073 |
CBD and TRIPS: Empowering Knowledge Rich, Economically Poor People through IPR Reforms
Gupta, Anil K.
National Seminar on TRIPS-CBD and Subsidy Issues at the WTO |
1074 |
Ethical Issues in Accessing People’s Knowledge and Innovations for Developing Low Cost Health Technologies
Gupta, Anil K.
Fourth International Congress of Ethnobotany |
1075 |
Indigenous Knowledge and Innovations for Managing Resources, Institutions and Technologies Sustainably: A Case of Agriculture, Medicinal Plants and Biotechnology
Gupta, Anil K.
Seminar on Economic Development and Social Equity |
1076 |
Evaluating Lateral Transhipment Policy in a Two-Echelon Inventory System
Kumar Satyendra
International Conference of Business, Economics, and Management Disciplines |
1077 |
Implications of Culture on Teaching and Learning through the Case Method
Manikutty, S.
Academy of Management Annual Conference |
1078 |
The Greenland Dialogue on Climate Change: A Policy Discussion Paper
Pallemaerts M
The Greenland Dialogue – Views on Climate Change |
1079 |
Corporate Farming and Contract Farming in India
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on WTO and Indian Agriculture |
1080 |
Global Value Chains and Small Producers: Governance, Participation, and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)-4 |
1081 |
Marketing of Seed: A Perspective and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
Seminar on Seed Production and Marketing |
1082 |
The Livestock Revolution: What is it? Where is it Coming From? Will it Sustain Itself? What does It Mean for Us?
Ahuja, Vinod
Annual Conference of Indian Dairy Association |
1083 |
Financing the Climate-friendly Development Pathway with Illustrative Case Studies from India
Heller T C
Workshop on Development and Climate |
1084 |
A Study of the Regional Determinants of FDI in India and the Case of Gujarat
Morris, Sebastian
Workshop on Select Aspects of the Development of Gujarat for Senior Officials of the Government of Gujarat |
1085 |
Explaining FDI in Gujarat: A Study Based on an Opinion Survey of Persons Involved in the Foreign Direct Investment Processes
Morris, Sebastian
Work-shop on Select Aspects of the Development of Gujarat for Senior Officials of the Government of Gujarat |
1086 |
Policy Perspective and Readjustment for Indian Handloom Sector under WTO Regime
D'Souza, Errol
Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Handloom Sector under the WTO Regime, Indian Merchants Chamber – UNCTAD Workshop |
1087 |
Trends in Regional Disparity in Human and Social Development in India
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
National Seminar on Accelerated Economic Growth and Regional Balance |
1088 |
An Integrated Strategy for Urban Air Quality Management in India
Menon-Choudhary, Deepa
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales and 14th Regional IUAPPA Conference |
1089 |
Globalization and Indian Dairy Industry: Rising Call for Food Safety and Hygiene
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Symposium on the Theme Safety First: Farm to Fork and Annual General Body Meeting of the Compound Livestock Feed Manufacturers Association |
1090 |
Worldwide Socio-Economic Forces and their Effects on the Future of the Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit 2005 |
1091 |
A Family Business Study in India: Correlations between the Use of Non-Family-Member Managers in Family Firms and Activities, Styles, and Characteristics
Sonfield Mathew
Proceedings of the Annual Eastern Conference of the Small Business Institute |
1092 |
Study of Speech Act Theory in Upward Influencing in an Indian Workplace
Kaul, Asha
69th Annual Convention for Business Communication |
1093 |
Impact of Globalization on Dairy Sector in Developing Countries
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Fourth World Dairy Producers’ Round Table, Hong Kong, and Agriculture Question: A Dairy Perspective, International Federation of Agricultural Producers |
1094 |
Revisioning Learning within Legal Knowledge Systems: Implications for Formal Environmental Education
Shukla Shailesh
Third World Environmental Education Congress |
1095 |
Changing Dimension of Agricultural Marketing and Small Farmers in India: From Regulated Markets to Vertical Coordination
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Changing Dimension of Marketing of Farm Commodities |
1096 |
Preliminary Estimates of Regional Accounts for Gujarat State
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Biennial Conference of Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth |
1097 |
Ethical Issues in Agricultural Research, Technology, and Intellectual Property Rights
Gupta, Anil K.
International H.E. Babcock Workshop on Ethics |
1098 |
The Role of Small Industries in India: Policies for Rapid Growth of the Small Firm Sector
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on Small Business Competition Development |
1099 |
Development and Climate: Impacts and Adaptation for Infrastructure Assets
Shukla, P. R.
OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Development and Climate Change |
1100 |
Role of State in Contract Farming in Thailand and India: Experiences and Lessons for Indian Agribusiness Policy
Singh, Sukhpal
First South Asia ASF (Asian Scholarship Foundation) Alumni Conference |
1101 |
Cropping in Arid Area Greenhouse: Tomato
Girja Sharan
International Conference on Plasticulture and Precision Farming (ICPPF) |
1102 |
Public, Private Partnerships in Telecentres: Best Practices from Indian Case Studies
Jain, Rekha
World Summit on Information Society |
1103 |
Seeding and Harvesting of Innovations in Intellectual and Social Capital in the Organizational Context
Mathur, Ajeet N.
34th IFTDO World Conference |
1104 |
Drivers in Urban Development: Employment Generation
Pangotra, Prem
International Conference on Cities in Race: Global Competition and City Development |
1105 |
Excellence in Project Management: Lessons from Amalgamation of Banks
Ravichandran, N.
1106 |
Challenges for Combining Technology with Education
5th Conference of CIT 2003, Bhubaneswar |
1107 |
Marketing Management and Statistics: Some Reflections
Madhavan, T.
International Conference on Future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education |
1108 |
Democratic Governance and Member Capital Stake in Co-operatives
Reddy Prathap
IRMA Silver Jubilee Symposium of Governance |
1109 |
Change Point Problems for the Mean Direction of the Circular Normal Distribution
Laha, A. K.
International Conference on Future of Statistical Theory, Practice, and Education |
1110 |
My Journey through Cooperatives and Beyond: In Search of a Governance Structure for Stakeholder Cooperation
Datta, Samar K.
Workshop on Governance Issues in Cooperatives |
1111 |
Networking and Organizational Performance: Decline and Turnaround of a Firm in India
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Conference for the Special Issue of Asia Pacific Journal of Management on Networks in Asia-Pacific Business |
1112 |
Institutional Innovation to Irrigation Management in Mehsana District, Gujarat
Namboodiri N V
64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics |
1113 |
Agro-processing Industry and Agricultural Development: New Vistas in Indian Agribusiness
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Institutional Alternatives and Governance of Agriculture as part of the Symposium on Governance in Development |
1114 |
Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Development of Society: Lok Adalat in India
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Second NAPSIPAG Annual Conference 2005 |
1115 |
Optimal Microarray Designs for cDNA Microarray Experiments
Banerjee, Tathagata
ISPS Annual Conference organized by the University of Bangalore and Indian Statistical Institute |
1116 |
Bangalore Cluster: Evolution, Growth and Challenges
Basant, Rakesh
Second Asian Development Conference on ICT Industrial Clusters in East Asia |
1117 |
Modelling Operational Decisions and Strategic Behaviour in the Indian Autocomponent Replacement Market
Chandra, Pankaj
Ninth Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
1118 |
Balancing Stress and Well-being: Telemarketing Agents in Bangalore, India
D'Cruz, Premilla
Presentation at ANZAM 2005 |
1119 |
Are Retrenchment Laws Inefficient?
D'Souza, Errol
47th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics |
1120 |
h1-max: A Domain Independent Heuristic for Real-Time Frequent Pattern Mining
Dass, Rajanish
12th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2005) |
1121 |
Role of Public Administration in Facilitating Rural Telecommunication and ICT Network of Asia
Jain, Rekha
Second NAPSIPAG Conference 2005 |
1122 |
Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Ethnic Relations: An Approach to Administrator Capability Development
Jerome, Joseph
Second NAPSIPAG Conference |
1123 |
Modelling and Analysis of Sector and Region Level Policies for Optimal Management of Greenhouse Gas and Local Emissions in India
Kapshe, M.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Operational Research for Development (ICORD) |
1124 |
Leveraging Creative Services through Regional Clusters: Why Some Hubs Fail and Others Succeed?
Mathur, Ajeet N.
31st EIBA International Conference |
1125 |
“(Re) Negotiating Identity: Call Service Representatives in Technical Call Centres
D'Cruz, Premilla
ANZAM 2005 |
1126 |
Disaster Management and Risk Mitigation: India’s Experiences and Future Needs
Pangotra, Prem
Memorial Conference on 2004 Giant Earthquake and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean |
1127 |
Modelling Travel Behaviour in a Metropolitan City: Case of Bangalore, India
Pangotra, Prem
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Operational Research for Development (ICORD) |
1128 |
Problem Based Learning in Teaching of Infrastructure Development and Financing
Raghuram, G.
Second NAPSIPAG Annual Conference 2005 |
1129 |
Mumbai Widget Limited: Supply Chain Efficiency and Improvement Initiatives
Ravichandran, N.
Ninth Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
1130 |
National Seed Company: Portfolio of Computer Applications
Ravichandran, N.
International Conference on Management Case Studies (ICMC 2005) |
1131 |
Managing Emissions from Indian Electricity Sector: Application of Energy-Environment Optimization Model
Shukla, P. R.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Operational Research for Development (ICORD) |
1132 |
Recommendations of the Task Force on Revival of the Co-operative Credit Structure: Implementation Issues
Sriram M S
Round Table on Cooperative Banking, College of Agricultural Banking |
1133 |
Bullwhip Effect in Hospitals: An Optimization Framework for Performance Improvement
Tirupati Devanath
Ninth Annual International Conference of the Society of Operation Management |
1134 |
Soft Problems Hard Impacts: Can OR Help!
Tripathy Arabinda
1135 |
Measuring Consumer Preference for Sales Promotion Schemes in FMCG Sector in an Emerging Market: India
Vyas Preeta H
Economics and International Business Research Conference |
1136 |
Public Investment and Infrastructure: A Political Economy Tale
D'Souza, Errol
Silver Jubilee Seminar on Perspectives on Equitable Development: International Experience and What Can India Learn |
1137 |
An Efficient Algorithm for Real-Time Frequent Pattern Mining for Real-Time Business Intelligence Analytics
Dass, Rajanish
39th IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 39) |
1138 |
Innovations, Institutions, and Involvement: Socio-Ecological Crisis and Insurgency in Marginal Environments
Gupta, Anil K.
Seminar on Civil Society and Democratic Space in South Asia |
1139 |
Wisdom from Real Life Experiences
Ravichandran, N.
APORS 2006 |
1140 |
Effect of Measurement Error on Estimation of Correlation Coefficient between Binary Responses
Roy, S.
National Conference on Statistical Inference in Stochastic Processes and Actuarial and Financial Statistics |
1141 |
Role of Agrochemicals in Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on Strategies for Globalization and Increasing Competitiveness of the Indian Agrochemical Industry |
1142 |
Analysis of Data in the Form of Proportions related to Biomedical Studies
Banerjee, Tathagata
UGC Sponsored Workshop on Bio-Medical Statistics |
1143 |
Addressing the Need of Data Security and Privacy in Networked India
Dass, Rajanish
International Conference of Information and Technology Management |
1144 |
Gender Equality Goal Needs Assessment: An Illustration of Microfinance Intervention
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
1145 |
Growth Acceleration and Potential in Gujarat
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
Dr. I.G. Patel Memorial Seminar |
1146 |
MDG Needs Assessment: Priority Areas in Mongolia
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
Workshop on MDG-Based National Development Strategy |
1147 |
Comparing Indian Irrigation Institutions: What Determines Institutional Behaviour and Performance? Preliminary Empirical Observations
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society |
1148 |
Issues in Infrastructure in India Today
Morris, Sebastian
Dr. I.G. Patel Memorial Seminar |
1149 |
Strategies for the Indian Dairy Industry in Post Hong Kong Ministerial Conference Regime
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Hong Kong Ministerial Consultation on Dairy Products |
1150 |
P-values: Its Meaning and Interpretation
Banerjee, Tathagata
First Management Consultation in Health Care in India |
1151 |
Management and Valuation of Open Surface Urban Water Bodies
Datta, Samar K.
National Seminar on Management and Valuation of Open Surface Urban Water Bodies |
1152 |
Developing an MD-Based Environment Strategy
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
MDG-Based National Development Planning Workshop for Mongolian Government Technical Task Forces |
1153 |
Gender Equality – MDG – 3
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
MDG-Based National Development Planning Workshop for Mongolian Government Technical Task Forces |
1154 |
Inaugural Address
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
Workshop on Financial Econometrics |
1155 |
Sectoral Needs Assessment – Air Pollution and Energy – MDG – 7
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
MDG-Based National Development Planning Workshop for Mongolian Government Technical Task Forces |
1156 |
Sectoral Needs Assessment – Water and Sanitation
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
MDG-Based National Development Planning Workshop for Mongolian Government Technical Task Forces |
1157 |
When/If Longer, Faster, Stronger, Smarter Life is Happier? Reflections on Slower, Sustainable, and More Inclusive Life Experiences
Gupta, Anil K.
World Forum on Tomorrow’s People: The Challenges of Technologies for Life Extension and Enhancement |
1158 |
Competing through Mass Customization: A Case in Indian Furniture Industry
Kolluri Saumya
National Conference on Management Science and Practice |
1159 |
Mother’s Crying for Help
Mavalankar, Dileep
Management Consultation on Health Care in India |
1160 |
Sanitation and Water Supply: The Forgotten Priority in Public Health
Mavalankar, Dileep
Management Consultation on Health Care in India |
1161 |
Communication for Management: The Way Forward
Monippally, M. M.
Theme Address at the National Conference on Communication for Management |
1162 |
Teaching Persuasive Communication: Reflections on an Experimental Course for Students of Management
Monippally, M. M.
National Conference on Communication for Management |
1163 |
Revamping GSRTC
Prasad Surya
National Conference on Management Science and Practice |
1164 |
Sundaram Medical Foundation
Ravichandran, N.
1165 |
Tutorial on OR Applications
Ravichandran, N.
National Conference on Management Science and Practice |
1166 |
Future of Contract Farming in India
Singh, Sukhpal
Fifth IWMI-Tata Annual Partners Meet on Water and Equity |
1167 |
Supply Chain Efficiency in Smallholder Dairying: A Comparative Study of Private and Cooperative Sectors in India
Ahuja, Vinod
International Conference on Livestock Services |
1168 |
Japan Tea Market
Asopa V N
Presentation to the Hawaii International Business Conference |
1169 |
Organizing Call Centre Agents
D'Cruz, Premilla
National Workshop on Organizing Strategies for ITES Workers |
1170 |
Can Net Present Value Calculations be Used to Compensate for the Loss of Forests due to Mining?
Datta, Samar K.
University of Southern California |
1171 |
Valuation and Conservation of Wetlands
Datta, Samar K.
Department of Economics, University of Southern California, |
1172 |
Cross-Cultural Studies and Studies on Learning Styles
Manikutty, S.
2nd International Conference on Intercultural Competence |
1173 |
Harnessing OR with DSS: Emerging Trends
Rama Rao, T. P.
1174 |
Bullwhip Effect: Concept, Implications, and Responses
Ravichandran, N.
39th Annual Convention of ORSI |
1175 |
Leveraging ICTs for Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development in India
Singh, Sukhpal
5th Development Convention of the Southern India ICSSR Institutes |
1176 |
Impact of Expressiveness Value of Service on Satisfaction and Patronage Intentions
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
2nd International Conference on Research in Marketing |
1177 |
Measurement of Shopping Involvement: A Scale Development Approach
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
2nd International Conference on Research in Marketing |
1178 |
Resolution of International Business Disputes: International Commercial Arbitration is the Need of the Hour
Agarwal, Anurag K.
9th Annual Convention of Strategic Management Forum |
1179 |
Gender Differences in the Use of FTAs When Reporting Incidents of UI: An Indian Study
Kaul, Asha
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
1180 |
Gender, Affect and Upward Influence
Kaul, Asha
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
1181 |
Using the Internet for Learning and Academic Collaborations by Students: A Study from India
Manikutty, S.
Hawaii International Conference on Business |
1182 |
An Empirical Investigation of Corporate Brand Image: Antecedents, Mediating Role, and Impact on Stakeholder Expectations
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy |
1183 |
Innovations in Health Care Delivery: An Indian Case Study
Ravichandran, N.
12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing |
1184 |
Creating Competitiveness in Indian Floriculture
Asopa V N
Annual World Food Forum and Symposium |
1185 |
A Modelling Approach for Operational Decision in a Competitive Auto Component Replacement Market
Chandra, Pankaj
INFORMS International Conference |
1186 |
Experience of Teaching Revenue Management in India
Dutta, Goutam
INFORMS International Conference |
1187 |
Revenue Management in Indian Railways: Current Status and Implementation Challenges
Dutta, Goutam
INFORMS International Conference |
1188 |
Water Resource Development and Institutions in India: Overview, Profile, and Challenges
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Improving Water Resource Management in India’s Agriculture: Search for Effective Institutional Arrangements and Policy Frameworks |
1189 |
Water Resource Institutions in India: Study and Analysis of the Behaviour and Performance: Overall Profile, Findings and Results
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Improving Water Resource Management in India’s Agriculture: Search for Effective Institutional Arrangements and Policy Frameworks |
1190 |
On the Similarities of Online Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Models in Disparate Contexts
Jaiswal, A. K.
2007 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference |
1191 |
Analysis of Regime Switching Behaviour of Indian Stock Markets
Laha, A. K.
12th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance |
1192 |
Surface Water Institutions in India - Study and Analysis: Profile of the Findings and Results
Namboodiri N V
Workshop on Improving Water Resource Management in India’s Agriculture: Search for Effective Institutional Arrangements and Policy Frameworks |
1193 |
Comparing Performance at Public Sector Banks in India: A Revenue Maximization Efficiency Approach
Ram Mohan, T. T.
3rd Hellenic Workshop on Productivity and Efficiency Measurement |
1194 |
Emerging Trends in IT for Small and Medium Enterprises
Rama Rao, T. P.
1195 |
IT Enabled Supply Chain: An Indian Case Study
Ravichandran, N.
1196 |
A General Equilibrium Modelling for Indian Commodity Futures Market
Roy, Ashutosh
International Conference on Policy Modelling: EcoMod2006 |
1197 |
Ground Water Institutions in India – Study and Analysis: Profile of the Findings and Results
Roy, Ashutosh
Workshop on Improving Water Resource Management in India’s Agriculture: Search for Effective Institutional Arrangements and Policy Frameworks |
1198 |
Between School and Community: Making Bridges Instead of Walls
Sharma, Rajeev
3rd Alternative Education Resource Organization Conference |
1199 |
Rain Water Harvesting Institutions in India – Study and Analysis: Profile of the Findings and Results
Sharma, Suresh
Workshop on Improving Water Resource Management in India’s Agriculture: Search for Effective Institutional Arrangements and Policy Frameworks |
1200 |
Organic Produce Supply Chains and Small Producers: Governance, Participation, and Strategies with Special Reference to India
Singh, Sukhpal
7th International Conference on Management in Agrifood Chains and Networks |
1201 |
Researching Informal Sector in India
Varkkey, Biju
1st World Wide Wages Conference of Wage Indicator Project |
1202 |
Tea Industry of India: The Cup that Cheers has Tears
Asopa V N
Tea Board of India |
1203 |
The Dynamics of Teleworking: The Case of Medical Transcriptionists from India
D'Cruz, Premilla
16th International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology |
1204 |
Organization Control in the Knowledge Economy: Towards Hybridization
Noronha, Ernesto
16th International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology |
1205 |
Strategic Marketing Alliances, Partnerships and Networks: The Logic of Cooperation, Roots, Evolution and Advantage
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 35th Annual Conference |
1206 |
Emerging Challenges of Urban Management: Planned Development, Good Governance and Sustainability
Pangotra, Prem
Seminar on Urban Governance |
1207 |
Election Logistics in India: A Process Based Approach
Ravichandran, N.
21st European Conference on Operational Research |
1208 |
Reinventing the Self Through ‘Women’s Writing’
4th International Humanities Conference |
1209 |
Managing Decentralized Teacher Development in Public Schooling
Vijaya Sherry Chand
6th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations |
1210 |
Can Business in India Ever Resolve Disputes Speedily and Effectively?
Agarwal, Anurag K.
7th International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management |
1211 |
Globalized Economy: Resolving International Business Disputes
Agarwal, Anurag K.
18th Annual Convention of the Association of Indian Management Schools |
1212 |
Small Area Estimation Using Nonparametric Regression
Banerjee, Tathagata
Joint Statistical Meeting of the American Statistical Association |
1213 |
Professional Women in India: Understanding Careers, Roles, and Attitudes
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Academic Management Conference |
1214 |
The Adoption and Economics of BT Cotton in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
IAAE 2006 Conference Symposia on the First Decade of Adoption of Biotech Crops – A World Wide View |
1215 |
Economic Liberalization and Rural Land and Labour Markets in India: A Study
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, |
1216 |
Wheat Marketing and Its Efficiency in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
IAAE 2006 Conference Symposia on Wheat Marketing Efficiency: Country Comparisons, Wheat Quality Issues and Future Trends |
1217 |
Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Commitment
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Academy of Management Conference |
1218 |
Bullwhip Effect: Concept, Implications, and Responses: A Tutorial
Ravichandran, N.
14th International Symposium on Inventories |
1219 |
Competitiveness of the Indian Dairy Sector under Globalization: Are We Less Competitive?”
Sharma, Vijay Paul
26th Triennial Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists |
1220 |
Agribusiness and Rural Poverty: Can Agribusiness Help the Rural Poor?
Singh, Sukhpal
Regional Stakeholders’ Consultation Meet on Role of Agribusiness in Poverty Reduction |
1221 |
Livestock in Poverty Alleviation Challenge and Opportunities for India
Ahuja, Vinod
Biennial Conference of the Indian Animal Nutrition Association |
1222 |
Dilemmas of Teleworking: Medical Transcriptionists from India
D'Cruz, Premilla
14th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association |
1223 |
Mudialy Fishermen’s Cooperative Society (MFCS): Coase Theorem Validated by Accident?
Datta, Samar K.
Conference on the Role and Importance of Collective Action in Natural Resource Management |
1224 |
Harnessing Community and Individual Knowledge in Plant Genetic Resource Management: Crop, Conservation, Creativity, and Collaboration
Gupta, Anil K.
National Scientific Symposium on Search for New Genes |
1225 |
Organization Control in the Knowledge Economy
Noronha, Ernesto
International Industrial Relations Association Conference |
1226 |
Supermarket (Food) Retail Chains and Small Producers in India: Some Issues
Singh, Sukhpal
IFPRI-IEG Workshop on From Plate to Plough: Agricultural Diversification and its Implications for the Smallholders |
1227 |
Understanding Contract Farming in India: Models and Learnings
Singh, Sukhpal
MOA/ICC/NIAM Summit on Agriculture |
1228 |
Whether or Not to Restructure? The Case of Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited
Chaturvedi Vaibhav
North American Case Research Association Conference |
1229 |
Innovations for Making Small Enterprises Competitive: Overtaking China
Gupta, Anil K.
Ludhiana Management Association |
1230 |
Contract Farming of Mint in Punjab
Gurdev Singh
Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing |
1231 |
Checkmate! Winning the Game of Communication: A Study of Conversational Principles
Kaul, Asha
Annual Convention for Business Communication |
1232 |
International Business Dispute Resolution: Role and Importance of Culture
Agarwal, Anurag K.
3rd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence on Learning, Teaching, and Research in a Borderless World |
1233 |
Online Dispute Resolution: Bumpy Road in India Though Future Looks Bright
Agarwal, Anurag K.
International Conference on Law and Technology |
1234 |
Accelerating Indian Rural Telecom Services: Policy and Regulatory Approaches
Jain, Rekha
34th Research Conference on Communication, Information, and Internet Policy |
1235 |
Embeddedness and Diffusion of Evolving Supranational Metacultures in Indo-European Learning Encounters
Mathur, Ajeet N.
3rd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence on Learning, Teaching, and Research in a Borderless World |
1236 |
Association Rules for Determining Factors of Dispute Intensity Clusters in International Traansboundary Freshwater Conflicts
Dass, Rajanish
Twelfth World Water Congress of International Water Resources Association (IWRA) |
1237 |
Inference on Paired Data When the Labels are Missing
Banerjee, Tathagata
National Conference on Statistics and Computers |
1238 |
AIM/CGE Model: Application for Analysing Gas and Energy Security in India
Dhar Subhash
AIM Workshop |
1239 |
Rapporteur’s Report on Rural Infrastructure and Growth
Gandhi, Vasant P.
66th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics |
1240 |
Institutional Factors Governing Choice of GATS Modes for Services Supply
Mathur, Ajeet N.
2006 ANZIBA |
1241 |
Agents in the ITES Sector: Prospects for Collective Action
Noronha, Ernesto
UNITES Meeting |
1242 |
Closed Loop Queueing Model for Material Handling Systems
Ravichandran, N.
1243 |
Agribusiness and Rural Poverty in South Asia: Can Agribusiness Help the Rural Poor?
Singh, Sukhpal
South Asian Trade and Agriculture Workshop |
1244 |
Market, Contracts and Agricultural Performance
Singh, Sukhpal
National Workshop on Indian Agriculture: Crisis and Way Forward |
1245 |
Winning Habits of Managing People
Varkkey, Biju
27th National Conference of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |
1246 |
Estimation of Finite Population Distribution Function Using Penalized Splines
Adhya, S.
6th International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics |
1247 |
E-Governance: Resolving Disputes Electronically
Agarwal, Anurag K.
International Conference on E-Governance 2006, |
1248 |
Miscommunication Leading to Contractual Disputes and their Resolution
Agarwal, Anurag K.
6th Asia-Pacific ABC Conference on Management Communication |
1249 |
Building Capabilities in the Indian IT Industry: Models and Analysis
Chandra, Pankaj
10th Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
1250 |
Java Economy in India: A Conservative Estimate
Dass, Rajanish
International Conference of E-Governance |
1251 |
ODF Adoption in India: Challenges, Bottlenecks, and Prospects
Dass, Rajanish
International Conference of E-Governance |
1252 |
Degree of Instant Competition: Estimation of Market Power in India’s Instant Coffee Market
Deodhar, Satish Y.
AIMS International Conference on Management |
1253 |
A Multiple Testing Approach to the Behreng-Fisher Problem
Desai Tejas A
Triennial Symposium on Statistics |
1254 |
Innovations, Policy Transfers and Governance in the Telecom and Broadcast Sector in India
Jain, Rekha
Annual Conference of the Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance |
1255 |
Much Ado About Nothing: Analysis of Communication Patterns Across Genders
Kaul, Asha
6th Asia Pacific Association for Business Communication (ABC) International Conference |
1256 |
Bayesian Analysis of Rank Data
Laha, A. K.
International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Methods in the 21st Century: The Legacy of S.N. Roy |
1257 |
Teaching Managerial Persuasion: Reflections on an Experimental Course for MBA Students
Monippally, M. M.
,” 6th Asia Pacific Association for Business Communication Conference on Management Communication |
1258 |
Regulatory Issues in the Development of Markets for Infrastructure
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on Sustaining Fast Growth Role of Economic Regulation |
1259 |
The Concept of Bottleneck
Mukherjee, Saral
10th Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management |
1260 |
Enhancing the Image of HR Department in Indian Organizations to Meet the Challenges of Globalization
Sarkar, Anita
Yale-Great Lakes Research Conference |
1261 |
Explanation of EPRG Framework with Contingency Approach
Sarkar, Anita
4th AIMS International Conference on Management |
1262 |
Human Resource Planning: Towards a Holistic Conceptualization
Sarkar, Anita
4th AIMS International Conference on Management |
1263 |
Scheduling Combined Make-To-Order and Make-To-Stock Production
Soman, Chetan
10th Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management |
1264 |
Changing Behaviour: A Strategic Communication Framework for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control
Vijaya Sherry Chand
ABC Conference on Managerial Communication |
1265 |
What’s Keeping the Apples Away? Addressing Price Integration Issues in India’s Apple Market
Deodhar, Satish Y.
AIES Sessions of the Allied Social Sciences Association Meeting |
1266 |
Database Structure for a Class of Mathematical Programming Models
Dutta, Goutam
International Conference of Decision Support Systems |
1267 |
Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing
Dutta, Goutam
National Conference of the Operational Research Society of India |
1268 |
Tolerance-Based Algorithms for the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem
Ghosh, Diptesh
ISMPDM 2007 |
1269 |
Cropping in Arid Area Greenhouse
Girja Sharan
41st ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium, Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers |
1270 |
Design and Operation of Quality-Oriented Fresh Vegetable Supply Chain in Ahmedabad City
Girja Sharan
41st ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers |
1271 |
A Study of Dew Water Yields on Galvanized Iron Roofs in Kothara (North-West India)
Girja Sharan
41st ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers |
1272 |
Attitudes of Entrepreneurs among Urban Youth in India and China
Goel, A.
5th International Academy of International Business (AIB), India |
1273 |
Conserving, Augmenting, and Sharing Water: Towards a Green Gujarat
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Contributions of Water Resources Management in Overall Development of Gujarat |
1274 |
Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction with Content Site
Jaiswal, A. K.
2nd International Conference on Research in Marketing |
1275 |
Marketing Strategies for Freight Traffic on Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
2nd International Conference on Research in Marketing |
1276 |
A Diagnostic Study of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Infrastructure Development in the Ports and Shipping Sector and its Management |
1277 |
Hinterland Connectivity for Ports
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Infrastructure Development in the Ports and Shipping Sector and its Management |
1278 |
Role of HR Departments in Indian Organizations in the Era of Globalization
Sarkar, Anita
Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, India |
1279 |
Productivity of Rural Credit: A Review of Issues and Some Recent Leterature
Sriram M S
National Symposium on Farm Credit for Inclusive Growth, College of Agricultural Banking |
1280 |
A Tutorial on Decision Analysis
Banerjee, Tathagata
1281 |
Frequentist Approaches to Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data
Desai Tejas A
UGC Conference on Statistics |
1282 |
Journey of Optimization Based Modelling in Process Industry
Dutta, Goutam
USSTF Conference Advances in Optimization and System Analysis |
1283 |
Cotton Revolution in Gujarat: The Impact of BT Technology
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat |
1284 |
Determinants of Institutional Success for Water in India: Results from a Study across Three States
Gandhi, Vasant P.
51st Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society |
1285 |
Design and Testing of Decision Sheet and Learning Diary: Case Method Based Learning of Marketing Management
Jain, A. K.
Annual Meeting of ASBBS |
1286 |
International Boundary Crossings and the Human Uses of Human Beings
Mathur, Ajeet N.
International Group Relations Conference on Authority and Leadership in the Context of Managing Change and Complexity in Organizations |
1287 |
Decision Support Systems
Rama Rao, T. P.
Workshop on Introduction to OR |
1288 |
e-Governance: Challenges and Opportunities
Rama Rao, T. P.
Zonal Seminar on e-Governance of IETE |
1289 |
Emerging Trends in DSS
Rama Rao, T. P.
Western Regional National Convention of CSI |
1290 |
Assessment of Institutional Capacity for Managing Health Programmes: A Study of Reproductive and Child Health Programme in India
Ramani, K. V.
Conference on Health Workforce: A Call to Action |
1291 |
Models in Management in Science: Issues in Implementation
Ravichandran, N.
ORSP 20th Anniversary and 2007 National Conference |
1292 |
Managing Price Risks in Indian Agriculture: Can Futures Markets Help?
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Workshop on Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat |
1293 |
Contract Farming for Agricultural Development in Gujarat: Evidence and Issues
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat, Dr. I.G. Patel Memorial Trust (Silver Jubilee of GEA Trust) and CMA |
1294 |
Category Management Practices in India
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
2nd International Conference on Research in Marketing |
1295 |
Project Management: Avoiding and Resolving Disputes – The Issue of Time
Agarwal, Anurag K.
2nd National Conference on Management Science and Practice,
March 9-11,
1296 |
A Tutorial on Data Envelopment Analysis
Banerjee, Tathagata
,” 2nd National Conference on Management Sciences and Practice |
1297 |
A Multiple Testing Approach to Assessing Multivariate Normality
Desai Tejas A
Conference of the Eastern North American Chapter of International Biometric Society |
1298 |
Discrete Optimization Problems with Random Cost Elements
Ghosh, Diptesh
SOM Mini-Symposium on Logistics and Operations Research |
1299 |
Dew Condensers: From Incidental Discovery of Possibility to a Market Product
Girja Sharan
Building In, Building Out: Fostering a Culture of Innovation on Campus and Beyond, NCIIA Conference |
1300 |
Knowledge Based Empowerment of Local Bodies: Generating Entrepreneurial Approach to Development
Gupta, Anil K.
National Colloquium on Decentralization in Rural Governance |
1301 |
Contract Farming: Concept and Scope in India
Gurdev Singh
Workshop on Contract Farming, Tenancy Laws, and Land Reforms in the Era of Globalization |
1302 |
Discussion Paper on Contract Farming for Agricultural Development in Gujarat: Evidence and Issues by Sukhpal Singh
Gurdev Singh
Workshop on Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat |
1303 |
How Do Product Markets and Labour Markets Affect each Other? Policy Challenges for Policy Research in China and India
Mathur, Ajeet N.
China-India Joint Seminar |
1304 |
Transacting Business in a Multilateral Economic Environment: The Indian Experience
Mishra, Abhishek
1305 |
Marketing Strategies for Freight Traffic on Indian Railways: A Systems Perspective
Raghuram, G.
2nd National Conference on Management Science and Practice |
1306 |
Some Comments on Perishable Inventory Systems
Ravichandran, N.
2nd National Conference on Management Science and Practice |
1307 |
Stochastic Models in Management Science
Ravichandran, N.
2nd National Conference on Management Science and Practice |
1308 |
Current Human Resource Practices and Challenges Ahead: The Case of Indian Retail Industry
Sarkar, Anita
1309 |
Leveraging Contract Farming for Improving Supply Chain Efficiency in India: Some Innovative and Successful Models
Singh, Sukhpal
3rd International Conference on Linking Markets and Farmers: Exploring Leading Practices to Foster Economic Growth in Rural India |
1310 |
Organic Produce Supply Chains for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Livelihood: Case Studies of Organic Basmati Rice in India
Singh, Sukhpal
International Conference on 21st Century Challenges to Sustainable Agri-Food Systems |
1311 |
Public-Private Partnership and Market Safety Mechanisms in South Asian Agriculture
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Building Trade Safety Nets in Agricultural Systems in South Asia |
1312 |
A Multicultural Case-study Approach to Enhance Learning in Legal Education: Using 21st Century Technologies to Facilitate Cross-Border Student Interaction with Foreign Exchange Programme Partners
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers (ALT) 2007,
April 1-3,
1313 |
Meeting Challenges of Knowledge Management in Water and Sanitation
Bhamoriya Vaibhav
4th International Conference of Environmental Education,
1314 |
Social Impact of Technical Innovations: Study of Organic Cotton and Low Cost Drip Irrigation in the Agrarian Economy of West Nimar Region
Bhamoriya Vaibhav
Joint Research Programme of IWMI and FiBL,
1315 |
Analysis of AB/BA Crossover Trial Data Using Multivariate Analysis Allowing for Heteroscedasticity and Random Missingness
Desai Tejas A
National Conference on Recent Statistical Techniques in Biostatistics, Management Sciences and Related Areas,
February 14-16,
1316 |
Consumerism and Mindless Consumption: Sustaining the New Age Urban Indian’s Identity
Kaul Subhashini
International Marketing Conference on Marketing and Society,
April ,
1317 |
Parliamentary Accountability in Health: A Case Study of Chikungunya Epidemic
Mavalankar, Dileep
Annual Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) Gujarat Chapter,
1318 |
Ethanol Fuel for India: Evidence from USA and Brazil
Rastogi, Siddhartha K.
‘The Hyphen’, Annual Magazine of Agri-Business Club of IIMA,
1319 |
Perceived Price Unfairness: When Less is More
Tripathi Sanjeev
Informs Marketing Science Conference 2008,
1320 |
Expatriate Management from International Management Perspective
Sarkar, Anita
ANVESH: Nirma Conference for Doctoral Students on Emerging Management Paradigms: Challenges and Opportunities,
April 7-8,
1321 |
Emotional Labour as a Means of Influencing the Self-Concept of Customers in Service Organization
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
Annual IIMK International Marketing Conference,
April 8-10,
1322 |
Applied Manpower Research for National Skill Development: Issues and Challenges for Structuring a National Skills Mission
Mathur, Ajeet N.
7th Meeting of the Institute of Applied Manpower Research Review Committee,
April 10,
1323 |
Emotional Labour in Indian Call Centres
D'Cruz, Premilla
International Industrial Relations Association Asian Regional Congress,
April 19-21,
1324 |
Unionizing in the New Economy: What’s New?
Noronha, Ernesto
International Industrial Relations Association Asian Regional Congress,
April 19-21,
1325 |
Critique of the 11th Five Year Plan
Morris, Sebastian
April 23-24,
1326 |
Organizational Forms for ITES Firms: From Multiple Theoretical Perspective
Saxena, Richa
7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business,
May ,
1327 |
Accounting Based Valuation and Security Prices in India: An Empirical Assessment
Gupta Ramesh
South–Eastern American Accounting Association,
May 3-5,
1328 |
Contract Farming: Models and Experiences in India
Singh, Sukhpal
Contract Farming: Methods and Experiences,
May 5-6,
1329 |
The Notion of Professionalism: Identify Regulation and Socio-Ideological Control in Indian Call Centres
D'Cruz, Premilla
13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology,
May 9-12,
1330 |
Downsizing Older Employees in Indian Public Sector Banks
D'Cruz, Premilla
13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology,
May 9-12,
1331 |
After-hours Telecommuting: Towards Syncretism of the Deprivation and Energic Hypotheses
Noronha, Ernesto
13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology,
May 9-12,
1332 |
Recasting Work-family Balance through Teleworking: A Study of Medical Transcriptionists from Bangalore, India
Noronha, Ernesto
13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology,
May 9-12,
1333 |
The Need and Importance of Aligning Business and Legal Strategy
Agarwal, Anurag K.
10th International SMF Annual Convocation,
May 10-12,
1334 |
Small Farmers and Changing Food Systems in India: Comparative Analysis of Marketing Outlets in Gujarat and Punjab
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Transformation of Agri-food Systems and Implications for Small Farmers,
May 14-15,
1335 |
Urban Revitalization and Participatory Governance: Methodology for a Discursive Policy Analysis
Mathur, Navdeep
2nd International Conference on Interpretation and Policy Analysis: Methods and Practice,
May 30 – June 2,
1336 |
Natural Gas in the Indian Energy System: An Assessment of Demand from Electricity Sector
Dhar Subhash
Natural Gas and the Energy Futures of India and China,
June 4-5,
1337 |
The Concept of Bottleneck
Mukherjee, Saral
International Conference on Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM 2007),
June 18-19,
1338 |
Rediscovering or Reinventing the Saraswati Knowledge Traditions? An Action-Research Proposal
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Knowledge Management Symposium,
June 19-20,
1339 |
Quest for an Efficient Credit Delivery System: The Case of BASIX
Datta, Samar K.
Development Economics Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Southern California,
June 20-22,
1340 |
A Multinomial Logistic Modelling Approach to Assess Impact of Borrower Village and Household Characteristics on Rural Credit Portfolio
Datta, Samar K.
Development Economics Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Southern California,
June 20-22,
1341 |
Airport Privatization in India: Lessons from the Bidding Process in Delhi and Mumbai
Jain, Rekha
Air Transport Research Society Conference,
June 21-24,
1342 |
Airport Privatization in India: Lessons from the Bidding Process in Delhi and Mumbai
Raghuram, G.
ATRS 2007 Conference, University of California,
June 21-24,
1343 |
Restructuring of Agri-Food Market Chains and Smallholder Producers’ Participation in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
17th World Symposium of International Food and Agribusiness Forum (IAMA),
June 23-26,
1344 |
Status and Performance of Agriculture in Gujarat: Prospects and Issues
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Agricultural Crisis and the National Farmers Commission – Responses from the States, IDS, Jaipur, and CENTAD,
June 26,
1345 |
On the Similarities of Online Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Models in Disparate Contexts
Jaiswal, A. K.
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference,
June 28-30,
1346 |
A Bundle Structure and Image Processing Approach to Consumer Evaluation of Product Bundles on the Internet: Some Empirical Evidence
Sahay, Arvind
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference,
June 28-30,
1347 |
Format Choice in Grocery Retailing
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
EIRASS International Conference,
July ,
1348 |
Agency Theory: Aligned to the Theory of Marketing
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 36th Annual Conference,
July 3-6,
1349 |
Competing Paradigms in the Formation of Social Capital in Business Network: Towards an Integrated Approach
Oburai, Prathap
Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 36th Annual Conference, Kingston Business School,
July 3-6,
1350 |
Understanding Bidder Behaviour in Online Auctions Under Fraudulence
Sett Rahul Kumar
Academy of Marketing Conference,
July 3-6,
1351 |
Web Store Brickification: Research Questions, Propositions, and Models for Poster Presentation
Sett Rahul Kumar
Academy of Marketing Conference,
July 3-6,
1352 |
Competing Paradigms in the Foundation of Social Capital in Business Networks: Towards an Integrated Approach
Singh, Ramendra
Academy of Marketing Conference,
July 3-6,
1353 |
Some Comments on Perishable Inventory Systems
Ravichandran, N.
EURO 2007,
July 8-11,
1354 |
Jaipur Foot: A Case Study on Mass Customizations
Ravichandran, N.
POMS, London School of Business,
July 12-13,
1355 |
Commercialization of Indian Agriculture under Globalization: Technological Options, Food, Security, and Small Producer Livelihood
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Technology, Innovation, and MDGs in India,
July 12-14,
1356 |
OR and Health Care: An Opportunity Assessment
Ravichandran, N.
Operations Research Applied to Health Science (ORAHS),
July 15-20,
1357 |
Revisiting the Poverty Issue: Measurement, Identification, and Eradication
D'Souza, Errol
International Seminar organized by A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies,
July 20-22,
1358 |
Simulating and Testing a Very Large Dew and Rain Harvester in Panandhro (NW India)
Clus O
4th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew,
July 22-27,
1359 |
Roofs as Dew Collectors: I. Corrugated Galvanized Iron Roofs in Kothara and Suthari (NW India)
Girja Sharan
4th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew, La Serena,
July 22-27,
1360 |
Roofs as Dew Collectors: III. Special Polyethylene Foil on a School in Sayara (NW India)
Girja Sharan
4th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, La Serena,
July 22-27,
1361 |
Outcomes of Intention to Quit of Indian IT Professionals
Singh, Manjari
Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting,
1362 |
Strategic HRM: Three-Stage Process and Influencing Organizational Factors
Singh, Manjari
Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting ,
1363 |
Turnaround Excellence: Six Studies of Corporate Renewal
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
August 3-8,
1364 |
Human Resource Practices and Structural Factors Affecting Public Health Official Commitment in India
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
August 3-8,
1365 |
Does Culture Influence Learning Styles in Higher Education?
Manikutty, S.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
August 3-8,
1366 |
American Outsourcers’ Recourse through International Arbitration for Data Privacy Breaches against Business Process Vendors in India: Legal and Cultural Constraints
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB),
August 11-14,
1367 |
Privatization and Foreign Direct Investment: The Indian Experience
Ram Mohan, T. T.
Conference to mark 60 years of Indian Independence,
August 20-21,
1368 |
Using Discursive Methodology to Analyse Policy Deliberation: The Emergent Role of Public Managers in Development Induced Displacement
Mathur, Navdeep
4th General Conference of European Consortium of Political Research,
September 6-8,
1369 |
Why Some Unemployed are Unemployable? Challenges for Policy Research in Finland and India
Mathur, Ajeet N.
2nd EU-EFA International Conference,
September 7-9,
1370 |
Union Formation in the Indian Call Centre/BPO Industry
Taylor, Philip
Work, Employment and Society (WES) Conference,
September 12-14,
1371 |
Emerging Trends in Enterprise Computing: Web Services and SOA
Rama Rao, T. P.
G.H. Patel Memorial Lecture Series,
September 21,
1372 |
Designing Research Inquiries Using Survey Methodologies
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Workshop on Survey Methodologies, Institute of Applied Manpower Research,
September 25,
1373 |
Process Re-Design and Computerization
Venkata Rao, V.
4th IEEE All India Student Congress (AISC-2007),
September 28-30,
1374 |
Cooperative Sector: Challenges and Roadmap for Restructuring: Case of Urban Cooperative Banks in Gujarat
Gandhi, Shailesh
Cooperative Convention organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
September 29,
1375 |
Cropping in Arid Area Greenhouse
Girja Sharan
Conference on High Technology for Greenhouse System Management Cooperation of Protected Cultivation and Greenhouse Engineering (Greensys 2007),
October 4-6,
1376 |
Hospital Supplies Management
Ravichandran, N.
HOSMAN 2007, 2nd National Health Care Conference,
October 6-7,
1377 |
Keynote Address: Empowering Banks through Technology
Dass, Rajanish
3rd International Bank Tech Summit,
October 10,
1378 |
Thinking Versus Knowing: How Unthought Knows Embed Collectively
Mathur, Ajeet N.
ICICKM07 Conference, University of Stellenbosch,
October 14-16,
1379 |
Building Capabilities in Project-based Business: A Study of an Indian Software Firm
Sharma, Sunil
,” 4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning,
October 14-15,
1380 |
Role of Breakthroughs in Learning and Capability Building: Evidences from Two High Technology Firms
Sharma, Sunil
4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, and Organizational Learning,
October 14-15,
1381 |
Building Capabilities in Project-based Business: A Study of an Indian Software Firm
Dixit, M. R.
4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, and Organizational Learning,
October 15-16,
1382 |
Role of Breakthroughs in Learning and Capability Building: Evidences from Two High technology Firms
Dixit, M. R.
4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, and Organizational Learning,
October 15-16,
1383 |
Business Dispute Resolution: Role of ‘Public Policy’ in Arbitration
Agarwal, Anurag K.
8th International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management,
October 17-20,
1384 |
Case Study of Safe Motherhood Programme from Gujarat, India
Mavalankar, Dileep
Women Deliver: A Global Maternal Health Conference,
October 18-20,
1385 |
Case on Simplify: Evolution of Low Cost Air Line in India
Ravichandran, N.
Annual Meeting of North American Case Research Association,
October 18-20,
1386 |
Tea Industry of India
Asopa V N
6th International PENSA Conference,
October 24-27,
1387 |
Employee Voice and Collective Formation in the Indian ITES Industry
Noronha, Ernesto
UNI ILC and UNI WEB Meeting ,
October 24,
1388 |
A Strategy for Growth and Employment
D'Souza, Errol
Gujarat Economic Association Silver Jubilee Trust Seminar in Memory of Dr. I.G. Patel on ‘Growth, Employment and Inflation in India: A Post Reform Scenario,
October 27-28,
1389 |
Breeding, Benefits, and Bridges with Modern Science: Giving Innovative Farmers their Due
Gupta, Anil K.
2nd Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,
October 29,
1390 |
Toilets and Trains
Raghuram, G.
World Toilet Summit – 2007,
October 31 – November 3,
1391 |
Scope and Space for Smallholder Poultry Production in Developing Countries
Ahuja, Vinod
International Conference on Poultry in the 21st Century,
1392 |
Health and Education for Sustainable Development
Mavalankar, Dileep
Perspectives on ESD in Health Concerns – International Conference, Centre for Environment Education,
1393 |
Understanding Organizational Commitment: A Positive Organization Behaviour Approach
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
6th International Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development,
November 2-6,
1394 |
Innovations, Competitiveness, Competition Policies and Intellectual Property Rights: The Agenda Ahead
Mathur, Ajeet N.
NISTADS Workshop on Competitiveness and IPRs,
November 3,
1395 |
The Shortage of Engineers and Technologists: Some Myths, Realities, and Challenges
Mathur, Ajeet N.
5th National Conference on Role of Engineers and Technologists in the Fast Growing Indian Economy, Engineering Council of India,
November 5,
1396 |
Marketing of Liquid Milk: A Case Study of Ahmedabad Milk Market
Singh, Sukhpal
67th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics,
November, 5-7,
1397 |
Capacity Management of Intensive Care Units in a Multi-Specialty Hospital in India
Dutta, Goutam
November 6,
1398 |
The Paradox of Skills Shortages amidst Skilled Labour Supply Abundance: Considerations Underpinning the Design of Inquiry Frames for Estimating Technical Manpower Demand and Supply in Local Labour Markets
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Southern Regional Conference of the National Technical Manpower Information System,
November 14-15,
1399 |
Research Methodology in Commerce and Management
Desai Tejas A
28th Refresher Course in Commerce and Management, S.D. School of Commerce,
November 19,
1400 |
Expansion and Upgradation of the Railways Progress and Plans, Issues and Opportunities
Jain, Rekha
November 27-28,
1401 |
Expansion and Upgradation of the Railways: Progress and Plans, Issues and Opportunities
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
India Infrastructure and CIPR, New Delhi and Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad,
November 27-28,
1402 |
Marketing of Organic Food Products in India: Experience, Issues, and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
International Seminar on Indian Organic Agribusiness at the Threshold of Growth,
November 29-30,
1403 |
Home-coming of Talents: The Brain Gain Phenomenon in India
Saxena, Richa
Conference of Asia Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies (APROS 12),
1404 |
Suitability of Network Organizational Form for ITES Organizations: From Multiple Theoretical Perspective
Saxena, Richa
Conference of Asia Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies (APROS 12),
1405 |
Emotional Labour: Coping or Controlling Customer Aggression
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
21st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference,
December 4-7,
1406 |
Health Care Delivery Models in India: An Overview
Ravichandran, N.
40th Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India,
December 4-6,
1407 |
Challenges for Spectrum Management Policy and Regulation: Learnings in an Asian Context
Jain, Rekha
Conference on Public Administration and Governance at the Forefront of Change: Dimensions, Dynamics, Dysfunctions and Solutions, University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance and Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Gov,
December 5-7,
1408 |
From Opposition to Partnership: Privatization in Cochin Port Trust, India
Noronha, Ernesto
Conference on Varieties of Public Sector Labour Markets: Transformed,
December 7-8,
1409 |
Access of Poor Households to Primary Education in Rural India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Seminar on Economics of Education,
December 8,
1410 |
Formation of Organizational Networks: The Logic of Seven Organizational Theory Paradigms
Goel, A.
12th Conference of Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies,
December 9-12,
1411 |
Organization’s Culture and its Performance: The Influence of Organization’s Size
Goel, A.
12th Conference of Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies,
December 9-12,
1412 |
Towards an Inclusive Innovation Model for Sustainable Development
Gupta, Anil K.
Global Business Policy Council of A.T. Kearney – Dubai Retreat,
December 9-11,
1413 |
Between Organizational Disidentification and Identification: The Role of Perceived External Prestige
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
12th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies, International Colloquium 2007,
December 9-12,
1414 |
Organization Learning: Choosing between Knowledge Nomads and Permanent Employees
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
12th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies, International Colloquium 2007,
December 9-12,
1415 |
Building Capacity at Community Level for Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights in Genetic Resources and Associated Knowledge Systems and Cultural Expressions
Gupta, Anil K.
Practical Initiatives on Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions, Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources,
December 10-12,
1416 |
India’s Agrarian Crisis and Smallholder Producers’ Participation in New Farm Supply Chain Initiatives: A Case Study of Contract Farming
Sharma, Vijay Paul
10th Sustainable Development Conference, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI),
December 10-12,
1417 |
Exploring Influence of Positive Characteristics on Engagement in Organizational Citizenship Behaviours
Goel, A.
Consortium of Management Researchers,
December 12-13,
1418 |
From Farmers’ First to Labourers’ First: Why do We Still Know so Little?
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Farmer First Revisited: Farmer Participatory Research and Development Twenty Years On, Institute of Development Studies,
December 12-14,
1419 |
A Research Proposal for Studying Antecedents and Consequences of Psychological Empowerment in Two Stereotypical Women’s Job from Women’s Individual Perspective
Sarkar, Anita
7th Consortium of Students in Management Research,
December 12-13,
1420 |
Relational Embeddedness of Dyadic Relationships, TIO, and the Impact on Relationship Quality
Singh, Ramendra
Relationship Marketing Summit 2007,
December 13-15,
1421 |
Fiscal Policy in India
D'Souza, Errol
Winter School, Delhi School of Economics,
December 14-17,
1422 |
CPRsouth2: Empowering Rural Communities Through ICT Policy and Research
Saxena Anurag
LIRNEasia and the Department of Electrical Engineering,
December 14-18,
1423 |
The Missing Wage Premia in the Indian Technical Labour Market
Mathur, Ajeet N.
49th Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Labour Economics,
December 15-17,
1424 |
Positive Characteristics do Matter for Organizational Commitment and Satisfaction: A Study of Indian Middle Managers
Vohra, Neharika
17th National Academy of Psychology,,
December 17-19,
1425 |
Public Investment Reversals, Inequality, and Borrowing
D'Souza, Errol
International Conference on Comparative Development,
December 18-20,
1426 |
Global Agri Trade and Agribusiness in India: Harnessing the Gains
Singh, Sukhpal
CENTAD Annual Conference on Trade and Development,
December 19-20,
1427 |
Antecedents and Consequences of Psychological Empowerment from Theoretical Perspective
Sarkar, Anita
1st Annual International Conference of Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management,
December 21-22,
1428 |
Network Connectedness, TIO and Relationship Quality in Emerging Markets
Singh, Ramendra
International Marketing Conference on Creating, Communicating, and Delivering Value in Growing Markets,
December 21-22,
1429 |
Issue Champion: Issues of Complete Project Life Cycle Management for Indian e-Governance
Dass, Rajanish
5th International Conference on e-Governance,
December 28-30,
1430 |
Banking Interface with Microfinance: An Opportunity Lost than Gained?
Sriram M S
International Conference on Emerging Financial Markets, PSG Institute of Management,
December 26-28,
1431 |
Experience of Designing a Study Tour to the Post-Graduate Students of IIMA
Ravichandran, N.
5th AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS5),
December 27-30,
1432 |
Model Based Clustering with Circular Data
Laha, A. K.
International Conference on Statistical Paradigms: Recent Advances and Reconciliations,
1433 |
Store Price Image – The Role of Price and Non-Price Cues
Tripathi Sanjeev
Great Lakes – NASMEI International Conference in Marketing 2008 ,
1434 |
Fiscal Policy and Inequality in India
D'Souza, Errol
44th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society,
January 3-5,
1435 |
Antecedents of Empowerment in Two Stereotypical Women’s Job from Women’s Individual Perspective: A Functional Approach
Sarkar, Anita
IIMA Doctoral Colloquium,
January 3-4,
1436 |
An Approach Paper on Indo-US Trade in Wheat and Mango
Rastogi, Siddhartha K.
International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting 2007,
January 7-9,
1437 |
Containerization: Building Global Trade Competitiveness
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Transportation Systems Studies, Department of Economics,
January 10-12,
1438 |
Health System Reforms: Indian Initiatives in Public Private Partnership, their Evolution, Frameworks, and Role of Institutions
Singh, Prabal V.
National Conference on Emerging Issues in Public Health,
January 10-13,
1439 |
Maternal Health Financing in Gujarat: Preliminary Results from a Household Survey of Beneficiaries under Chiranjivi Scheme
Singh, Prabal V.
National Conference on Emerging Issues in Public Health,
January 10-13,
1440 |
Globalization of Agriculture and Smallholders and Workers in Asia
Singh, Sukhpal
Association of Asia Scholars (AAS) Conference on the Landscape of Asian Integration, India Habitat Centre,
January 11-12,
1441 |
Round Table Discussion: Technology Adoption in Indian Banks
Dass, Rajanish
Banknet 4th International Conference on Payment Systems: Towards Paperless e-Transactions,
January 16,
1442 |
Asset Price Bubbles and Policy
D'Souza, Errol
Presentation at the Panel on ‘Financial Innovation and Derivatives: Laying off or Increasing Risk?,
January 18-19,
1443 |
Advances in Mass Transit Planning Methodologies and their Implementation in India
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
First Indo-US Symposium on Advances in Mass Transit and Travel Behaviour Research (MTTBR 2008),
February 12-15,
1444 |
Urban Mass Transit System for Hyderabad: A Comparison of MMTS and Metro
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
First Indo-US Symposium on Advances in Mass Transit and Travel Behaviour Research (MTTBR 2008),
February 12-15,
1445 |
The Gender Burden on Women in Entrepreneurship and Some Clues to its Management
Mathur, Ajeet N.
4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship in New Economy,
February 14-16,
1446 |
E-Governance: Challenges and Opportunities
Rama Rao, T. P.
National Conference on Innovative Dimension for Business and Information Technology: IDBIT – 2008,
February 23,
1447 |
The Promise of Biotechnology: The Performance and Economics of Bt Cotton in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop/Seminar on Economic Reforms and Agriculture in Asia,
February 25,
1448 |
The Globalizing State, Public Services and the New Governance of Urban Local Communities in India: An Agenda for Research
Mathur, Navdeep
2nd National Workshop on Cities, Social Lives, and Poverty: Issues of Infrastructure, Governance, and Citizenship, University of Pune and Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration,
February 26-27,
1449 |
Decision Sheet and Learning Dairy: New Tools for Improved Learning through Case Method
Dixit, M. R.
Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators Federation of Business Disciplines,
March 4-8,
1450 |
Teaching Law to Business School Students: Need, Trends, Pedagogy, Expectations, and Problems
Agarwal, Anurag K.
43rd Annual Conference 2008 – Engaging Law Teachers,
March 16-18,
1451 |
Information Attainable in Some Randomly Incomplete Multivariate Response Models
Desai Tejas A
Annual Conference of the ENAR Chapter of International Biometrics Society,
March 16-19,
1452 |
Work Organization and the Emergence Trade Unionism in Indian Call Centres/BPO
Taylor, Philip
26th International Labour Process Conference, University College,
March 18-20,
1453 |
Revenue Management for Online Stores: Dual Channel Selling and Dynamic Pricing
Chavan Vinaysingh
3rd National Conference on Management Science and Practice (MSP 2008),
March 22-24,
1454 |
OR in Health Care
Ravichandran, N.
3rd National Conference on Management Science and Practice, Indian Institute of Management,
March 22-24,
1455 |
The Min Weight Not-Necessarily Spanning Arborescene Problem
Venkata Rao, V.
3rd National Conference on Management Science and Practice (MSP 2008),
March 22-24,
1456 |
Health Indicators and Human Development in Gujarat: Performance and Key Areas for Action
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop Organized by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
March 28,
1457 |
Chickening out of Poverty? Story of ‘Kuroiler’ from India
Ahuja, Vinod
1458 |
Managing Staffing in Entrepreneurial ICT Firms in India
Maheshwari Mridul
Academy of Human Resource Development, Asia Chapter,
1459 |
HR Response to Environmental Changes in India: A Recipe for Success
Mishra Manisha
Academy of Human Resource Development, Asia Chapter,
1460 |
Impact of Cultural Fit of the Organizations over the Organizational Performance in the Post-Acquisition Phase: A Case of a Middle-sized Manufacturing MNC in India
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
24th EGOS Colloquium ,
1461 |
Top Management's Imperative on Trust during Post-Acquisition Implementation Phase: A Case from India
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
Strategic Management Society Special Conference,
1462 |
Perceived Price Unfairness: When Less is More
Tripathi Sanjeev
Informs Marketing Science Conference 2008,
1463 |
Bringing About Changes: Lessons from Two OD Interventions in India
Vohra, Neharika
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,
1464 |
Containerization: Building Global Trade Competitiveness
Raghuram, G.
International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference,
April 2-4,
1465 |
Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Jetty Operations: A Case Study
Raghuram, G.
International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference,
April 2-4,
1466 |
Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Jetty Operations: A Case Study
Soman, Chetan
Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, ,
April 2-4,
1467 |
Minimum Wages in India
Varkkey, Biju
Annual Conference of the Wage Indicator Project,
April 6-8,
1468 |
First NLSI Review Symposium: Challenges to India’s Patent Regime
Agarwal, Anurag K.
April 12-13,
1469 |
Service-Centric Strategy: An Elixir to Dynamic Disequilibrium in the Market
Purohit, Basant Kumar
3rd International Management Colloquium,
April 29,
1470 |
Enhancing the Quality and Accessibility of Higher Education through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Ghosh, Atanu
11th Convention of Strategic Management Forum, IIT,,
May 8-10,
1471 |
What Determines Salespersons’ Effectiveness: A Study of Salespersons’ Sales Call Length and Sales Call Frequency on Salespersons’ Effectiveness
Singh, Ramendra
21st EMAC Doctoral Colloquium,
May 25-27,
1472 |
Contract Farming in Organic Cotton in India: Issues of Governance and Participation
Singh, Sukhpal
8th International Conference on Management in Agrifood Chains and Networks, Ede (Wageningen),
May 28-30,
1473 |
Value of Alternative Volatility Estimators for Investment Portfolio Strategies
Jacob, Joshy
European Finance Management Association Conference,
1474 |
Employer as Oppressor: Engaging the Organizational Framework in the Understanding of Workplace Bullying
D'Cruz, Premilla
6th International Conference on Workplace Bullying,
June 4-6,
1475 |
The Exit Coping Response to Workplace Bullying: HRM Paves the Way
Noronha, Ernesto
6th International Conference on Workplace Bullying,
June 4-6,
1476 |
The Empire of English and its Legacy: A Citizenship of the Mind
Sharma, Meenakshi
Britishness, Identity, and Citizenship Conference,
June 5-6,
1477 |
Empirical Analysis of Post-listing Performance of Initial Public Offerings ,
Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
International Academy of Business and Economy, Stockholm,
June 6-8,
1478 |
An Arrested Virtuous Circle? Higher Education and High-Tech Industries in India
Basant, Rakesh
Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, Cape Town, ,
June 9-11,
1479 |
Increasing Rural Teledensity in India: Search for a Viable Model
Jain, Rekha
17th Biennial Conference, International Telecommunications Society,,
June 14-17,
1480 |
India’s Agrarian Crisis and Smallholder Producers’ Participation in Restructured Agri-Food Chains
Sharma, Vijay Paul
18th Annual World Symposium of International Food and Agribusiness Management Association,
June 14-15,
1481 |
Economic Lot Scheduling in the Food Industry
Soman, Chetan
15th Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association,
June 15-18,
1482 |
Food Supply Chain Management: Literature Review
Soman, Chetan
15th Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association,
June 15-18,
1483 |
Systems Vindication and Workfare in India: A Discursive Evaluation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Govil Astha
3rd International Conference on Interpretive Policy Analysis, University of Essex,
June 19-21,
1484 |
Globalization and Governance Reforms: Re-orienting Urban Public Service Delivery
Mathur, Navdeep
Conference on Interpretive Policy Analysis: Democracy, Governance and Methods,
June 19-21,
1485 |
Supplement Drinking Water Supply in Hot Arid Coastal Area of North-West India
Girja Sharan
Proceedings of AgEng2008 – Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering for Sustainable World,
June 23-25,
1486 |
Understanding the Service-Profit Chain Using Individual Level Data for an Online Retailer
Niraj, Rakesh
Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behaviour Conference,
June 23-27,
1487 |
Hedging Effectiveness and Optimal Hedge Ratio in Indian Stock and Commodity Derivatives Markets: A VAR-MGARCH Approach
Kumar, Brajesh
5th Conference of Association of Derivatives Annual Meeting 2008,
June 26-27,
1488 |
Volatility Modelling, Seasonality, and Risk -Return Relationship in Garch-in-Mean Framework: The Case of Indian Stock and Commodity Markets
Kumar, Brajesh
5th Conference of Association of Derivatives Annual Meeting 2008,
June 26-27,
1489 |
Mutliscale Hedge Ratio between the Stock and Futures Markets: A New Approach using Wavelet Analysis and High Frequency Data
Singh, Priyanka
5th Conference of Association of Derivatives,
June 26-27,
1490 |
Issues in Purchase of Agricultural Inputs in India: A Small Producer Perspective
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Risk Management in Agriculture, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India,
June 26-27,
1491 |
Capital Formation and Agricultural Growth: The Need for Strategic Approach and Policy Re-focus
Sriram M S
National Seminar on Risk Management in Agriculture, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India,
June 26-27,
1492 |
Implications of Globalized Agriculture for a Federal Democratic State: A Property Rights Perspective from India
Datta, Samar K.
Western Economic Association International Conference,,
June 30- July 4,
1493 |
Rural Development Strategies for Primary Credit Cooperatives: Lessons from Gandevi Taluka in Gujarat
Datta, Samar K.
Western Economic Association International Conference,
June 30- July 4,
1494 |
A Game Theoretic Exploration for Welfare Maximizing SPS Standards: A Case of Indo-US Trade in Wheat and Mango
Deodhar, Satish Y.
International Symposium on Globalization and the Rural-Urban Divide, Seoul National University,,
June 30 - July 2,
1495 |
Urban Development Strategy for Bihar: A Management Perspective
Pangotra, Prem
3rd Annual Conference in Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management,
July ,
1496 |
Impact of Cultural Fit over the Organizational Performance in the Post-Acquisition Phase: A Case of a Medium-sized Manufacturing MNC in India
Saxena, Richa
24th EGOS Colloquium 'Upsetting Organizations' in Sub-theme 21: 'Organizations on the Move, and Related Cultural Dynamics',
July ,
1497 |
Extent of Contract Explicitness and Dealer Performance, Satisfaction, and Compliance
Oburai, Prathap
UK Academy of Marketing Conference,
July 7-10,
1498 |
Multiple Stakeholder Views of Corporate Brand Image: Antecedents, Mediators and Role of Stakeholder Expectations
Oburai, Prathap
UK Academy of Marketing Conference,
July 7-10,
1499 |
Promoting OR in India: Challenges and Opportunities
Ravichandran, N.
IFORS 2008, Sandton (South Africa),
July 13-18,
1500 |
Gender Issues: Proposing New Paradigm
Kaul, Asha
3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Monash, University Centre,
July 22-25,
1501 |
Influence of Positive Characteristics on Organizational Citizenship Behaviours
Goel, A.
29th International Congress of Psychology,
July 25-29,
1502 |
Child Labour in India: From Welfarist to Economic Perspective
Maheshwari Mridul
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,
1503 |
Organizational Identification and Well-Being: Exploring the Mediation of Emotional Dissonance
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,
August ,
1504 |
Dimensions of Empowerment: A Study of Women Primary School Teachers in India
Singh, Manjari
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,
August ,
1505 |
Democratic Governance through Collaborative Design: A Case Study of Urban Community Based Partnership in Ahmedabad
Mathur, Navdeep
3rd International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management,
August 3-6,
1506 |
Role of Policy for Optimal SPS Standards: Indo-US Trade of Wheat and Mango in a Game-Theoretic Framework
Rastogi S
3rd International Conference on Public Policy and Management; Indian Institute of Management,
August 3-6,
1507 |
Public-Private Partnership in Indian Agribusiness: Experience, Scope and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management,
August 3-6,
1508 |
Global Strategic Alliance in Emerging Markets: An Organizing Framework
Bhowmik Bhaskar
International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management,
August 5-8,
1509 |
Batching and Scheduling to Minimize Energy Consumption
Mukherjee, Saral
3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Gakushuin University,
August 5-8,
1510 |
Examining Nonlinearity in Satisfaction-Loyalty-Behavioural Intentions Relationships
Jaiswal, A. K.
American Marketing Association 2008 Summer Educators’ Conference,
August 8-11,
1511 |
Asking Authentic Questions: Building Global Leadership Capability
Sarkar, Anita
Academy of Management on Factors Related to Empowerment of Women Employees,
August 8,
1512 |
Promoting Democracy and Openness in Large Size School: Possibility and Challenges
Sharma, Rajeev
16th Annual International Democratic Education Conference,
August 11-18,
1513 |
A Decision Oriented Market Information System for Wheat and Rice in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
World Conference on Agricultural Information and Information Technology,
August 24-27,
1514 |
Distant Neighbourliness: Finland’s Fast Expanding Relations with India
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Workshop on Finland-India Economic Relations, Helsinki University of Technology,
August 28,
1515 |
Devising Branding Strategies and Leveraging to Beat the Odds
Purohit, Basant Kumar
16th Business School Affaire,
September ,
1516 |
Tabu Search: A Tutorial Introduction
Ghosh, Diptesh
Research Workshop in Optimization Theory and Applications ,
September 3-6,
1517 |
Who Participates in Higher Education in India?
Basant, Rakesh
Foundation Day Seminar, Observer Research Foundation,
September 4,
1518 |
Opportunity and Constraint in Tandem: After-Hours Telecommuting Rewrites the Future
D'Cruz, Premilla
1st ISA Forum of Sociology, Sociological Research and Public Debate, ,
September 5-8,
1519 |
Professional Identity Status as Socio-Ideological Control: Employee Regulation in Indian Call Centres
Noronha, Ernesto
1st ISA Forum of Sociology, Sociological Research, and Public Debate,
September 5-8,
1520 |
Vertical Coordination in Agribusiness in India: Making Contract Farming Work for Small Producers
Singh, Sukhpal
Golden Jubilee National Seminar, IEG,
September 23-24,
1521 |
Role of Indian Commodity Derivatives Market in Hedging Price Risk: Estimation of Dynamic Hedge Ratio Using Multivariate GARCH Model
Kumar, Brajesh
1st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agribusiness Management,
September 25-27,
1522 |
A Cross-Country Study for Exploring Skewed Female - Male Ratio
Rastogi S
37th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 08),
September 30 - October 4,
1523 |
The Basis of Trusteeship; Conference on Gandhi, Governance, and the Corporation
D'Souza, Errol
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla,
1524 |
An Optimization-based Decision Support System for Strategic Planning in an Aluminum Company in India
Dutta, Goutam
Annual Meeting, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, ,
October 12-15,
1525 |
Revenue Management Implementation Challenges: Case of Swagatam Hotel in Kolkata, India
Dutta, Goutam
Annual Meeting, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences,,
October 12-15,
1526 |
Blood Banking in India
Lowalekar Harshal
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
October 12-15,
1527 |
When the Twain Meet: A Twinning Comparison of Enmeshing Clusters between Finland and India
Mathur, Ajeet N.
11th TCI Conference 2008, University of Capetown,
October 28 – November 2,
1528 |
Organizing for Organic Food Market Development: A Case Study of Fabindia
Singh, Sukhpal
The Organic Asia,
October 28-31,
1529 |
Use of Peer Feedback in Teaching Analytical Writing to Bright MBA Students
Monippally, M. M.
Proceedings of the Association for Business Communication Annual Convention,
October 30–November 1,
1530 |
Principal Author of the Report: Impact Assessment of e-Governance Projects
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Department of Information Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad,
1531 |
Bayesian Analysis of Rank Data with Covariates
Laha, A. K.
4th World Conference of the IASC and 6th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
1532 |
The Impact of Trust and Individual Well-Being on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) of Employees: A Conceptual Note
Saxena, Richa
7th International Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia Chapter) on Ethics and Quality of Worklife for Sustainable Development,
1533 |
Critical Reflections about Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants
Varkkey, Biju
International Workshop on Globalization and Human Resource Development, FES, New Delhi, and Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute,
November 6-7,
1534 |
Globalization of Agriculture and Smallholders and Workers in Asia
Singh, Sukhpal
International Conference on Sustainable Development: Challenges before the Asian Societies, CSWAS, Punjabi University, Patiala, and Association of Asian Scholars,
November 14-16,
1535 |
Self Employment and Human Capital
D'Souza, Errol
Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, V.V. Giri Institute of Development Studies,,
December ,
1536 |
Valuation of Apparent Temperature Based Weather Derivatives
Laha, A. K.
National Conference on Forecasting Financial Markets in India, IIT,
December ,
1537 |
Top Management's Imperative on Trust during Post-Acquisition Implementation Phase: A Case from India
Saxena, Richa
India Special Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS) on Emerging India: Strategic Innovation in a Flat World, Indian School of Business,
1538 |
Understanding Voice and Neglect Behaviour from Organizational Identification Perspective: Two MNCs in India
Saxena, Richa
6th Conference of Asia the Academy of Management,,
December ,
1539 |
Life After 360 DF and ADC
Vohra, Neharika
Session on Data Collected from 360 Degree and its Potential Uses,
December 5,
1540 |
Looming Recession: Effects and Way Forward for India
Rastogi S
National Seminar on India’s Macroeconomic Management in the Context of Global Slowdown, Reserve Bank of India Endowment Unit, Faculty of Commerce, M.S. University of Baroda,
December 6,
1541 |
Employment and Trade in Indian Agribusiness Sector: Trends and Opportunities
Singh, Sukhpal
International Research Workshop,
December 8-12,
1542 |
An Enquiry into Consumer Behaviour to Assess Optimal Advertising Format
Banerjee, Bibek
SMS Special Conference 2008,,
December 12-14,
1543 |
Intended Thesis, Development and Deployment of Organizational Learning Capability: A Study on Indian Business Group Firms
Bhowmik Bhaskar
Strategic Management Society Conference, Doctoral Consortium,
December 12-14,
1544 |
Capability Building in the Emerging Economies: An Investigation into the Indian Software Services Industry
Dixit, M. R.
Strategic Management Society Special Conference on India,,
December 12 and 14,
1545 |
Unlocking Large Volume Potential Segments in Emerging Economies: The Innovation Imperatives for Initiation and Sustenance
Dixit, M. R.
Strategic Management Society Special Conference on India ,
December 12 and 14,
1546 |
Short Run and Long Run Dynamics of Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from India
Singh, Priyanka
21st Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference,
December 16-18,
1547 |
Forecasting Volatilities in Equity, Bond, and Money Markets: A Market-Based Approach
Singh, Priyanka
1st Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference,
December 16-18,
1548 |
Contemporary Lessons in Economic Philosophy Drawn from Two Recent Indian Films
Desai Tejas A
8th International Entrepreneurship Forum on Creativity and Entrepreneurship, MICA, ,
December 17-18,
1549 |
Value Creation and Innovation and Leading in the Era of Uncertainty and Change
Ghosh, Atanu
4th Global Leadership Conference on Global Leadership, Strategy and Strategic Finance, Global Leadership Forum,
December 17-19,
1550 |
Structure, Microstructure, and Regulation of Securities Markets
Singh, Priyanka
1st Conference on Securities Markets,
December 19-21,
1551 |
Examining Mediating Role of Attitudinal Loyalty and Nonlinear Effects in Satisfaction-Behavioural Intentions Relationship
Jaiswal, A. K.
Great Lakes NASMEI Conference,
December 22-23,
1552 |
Are Common Stocks or Gold Good Hedge against Inflation
Kumar, Brajesh
National Conference on Forecasting Financial Markets in India (FFMI 2008), IIT, ,
December 29-31,
1553 |
How Do Manual and e-Government Services Compare? Experiences from India
Bhatia Deepak
Information and Communications for Development 2009,
1554 |
Exact Algorithms for Multi-Mode Multiple Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (MRCPSP) and Multiple Machine Scheduling Problem (MMSP) using Breadth-First and Best-first Approaches
Dayal Madhukar
IIMA Doctoral Colloquium 2009,
1555 |
Invited Lecture: Global Business Environment and India
Gupta G S
4th International Conference, ICFAI Business School,
January 2,
1556 |
The Dynamics of the Bid-Ask Spread in an Order Driven Market: The Case of the Indian Stock Market
Singh, Priyanka
2nd IIMA Doctoral Colloquium, Indian Institute of Management,
January 4-5,
1557 |
Impacts of Sequel Comparative Advertising on Consumers and Competitors
Chakrabarty Patrali
IIMA Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Indian Institute of Management,
January 5-6,
1558 |
Upside Price Discrepancy and its Effect on Purchase Behaviour in Case of Routine Purchase Product
Pandey Dheeraj Kumar
2nd IIMA Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Indian Institute of Management,
January 5-6,
1559 |
Conceptualization and Measurement of Salesperson’s Customer Orientation as a Multi-Dimensional Construct
Singh, Ramendra
2nd IIMA Doctoral Colloquium, Indian Institute of Management,
January 5-6,
1560 |
Shoppers’ Interaction with Visual Merchandising Elements in Organized Grocery Stores
Oburai, Prathap
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management,
January 7-9,
1561 |
Corporate Brand Image: A Multiple Stakeholder View
Oburai, Prathap
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management,
January 7-9,
1562 |
Investigating the Relationships Between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Service Loyalty: Evidence from the Thailand Construction Materials Supplier Industry
Oburai, Prathap
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies,
January 7-9,
1563 |
Investigating Customer Relationship Management Practices in UK and India
Oburai, Prathap
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management,
January 7-9,
1564 |
Strategies for Improved Servicing of the Customers: Case of Ghaziabad Goods Shed of the Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management,
January 7-9,
1565 |
Do the Ultra-Poor Benefit from Receiving Income Generating Assets as Grants?
Sarin, Ankur
Asian Social Protection in Comparative Perspective, An International Conference Co-Sponsored by APPAM, National University of Singapore,
January 7-9,
1566 |
Salesperson’s Sales Call Activities and Selling Performance: A Means-End Chain Theory Approach
Singh, Ramendra
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management,
January 7-9,
1567 |
An Empirical Examination of the Service-Profit Chain Using Individual Customer Level Data
Niraj, Rakesh
3rd IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management,
January 8-9,
1568 |
Post-FRBM Fiscal Architecture of the Central Government in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
45th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society,
January 9-10,
1569 |
Trade-Off Theory or Pecking Order Theory: What Explains the Behaviour of the Indian Firms
Singh, Priyanka
International Conference on Business and Finance,
January 9-10,
1570 |
Regional Sources of Growth Acceleration in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
International Regional Science Symposium and 40th Annual Regional Science Conference, Nirma University,,
January 16-18,
1571 |
NREGA: Some Issues in Design and Implications
Datta, Samar K.
Seminar on NREGA, Ministry of Agriculture ,
January 21-22,
1572 |
Gupta, Parvinder
International Academy of Management and Business Conference,
January 28,
1573 |
Managing Customer Knowledge and Business Excellence
Koshy, Abraham
National Seminar on Knowledge Management through Innovative Global Practices, NYSS Institute of Management and Research,
February 13,
1574 |
Player Pricing and Valuation of Cricketing Attributes: Exploring the IPL Twenty-Twenty Vision
Rastogi S
4th National Conference on Management Science and Practice, Operations Research Society of India,
February 13-15,
1575 |
Revisiting Salespersons’ Customer Orientation: What it Actually Means and When it is Important
Koshy, Abraham
AMA Winter Educators Conference Proceedings,
February 20-23,
1576 |
Unionization of Indian Call Centre Agents: The Role of Professional Identity
D'Cruz, Premilla
Global Labour University Conference, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, ,
February 22-24,
1577 |
Supply Chains for High Value Crops: A Case Study of Mint in Punjab
Singh, Sukhpal
22nd National Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Punjab Agricultural University,
February 25-27,
1578 |
Keynote Address: Global Financial Crisis, Issues and Challenges for India
Gupta G S
Seminar for Management Institutes’ Students and Faculty, Adventure 2009, L.J. Institute of Management Studies, ,
February 28,
1579 |
Portfolio Allocation When Some Stock Returns are Heavy Tailed
Laha, A. K.
CARISMA-IIM Calcutta Workshop on Optimization Methods and Financial Applications, Indian Institute of Management,
March ,
1580 |
India and Japan: Managing Legal and Cross-Cultural Challenges in Business Dispute Resolution
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Conference on Asian Management Practices, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, Noida campus in association with The Japan Foundation,
March 19-21,
1581 |
Feasibility of Implementation of Right to Education Act
Jain, Pankaj
Discussion Meeting on Public Private Partnership in Education, National University of Education Planning and Administration,
March 19,
1582 |
Shifting Organizational Identification of Employees in Serial Merger Situation: Analysis the Role of SHRM and HR Department
Varkkey, Biju
International Conference on Asian Management Practices: People, Strategies, and Evolutions, Indian Institute of Management,
March 19-21,
1583 |
Keynote Address: Global Economic Crisis and India
Gupta G S
International Conference, Institute of Management Studies and Research,
March 21,
1584 |
Salesperson's Customer Orientation as a Multi-Dimensional Construct: A Review and Reconceptualization
Singh, Ramendra
24th National Conference in Sales Management,
March 25-28,
1585 |
Indian Corporate Agribusiness Sector and Small Primary Producers and Workers: Evidence of Exclusion and Mechanism for Inclusion
Singh, Sukhpal
National Conference on Corporate Sector, Industrialization, and Economic Development in India, ISID,
March 27-28,
1586 |
Commitment to the Rule of Law is Imperative for Business to Thrive
Agarwal, Anurag K.
International Conference on Technology and Business Management,
March 29-31,
1587 |
Salesperson’s Customer Orientation: Conceptualization, Measurement and Impact in Selling Situations
Singh, Ramendra
The Houston Conference in Selling and Sales Management, Houston, April 2-4,
1588 |
Learning from the Villages: Rural Innovation and Traditional Wisdom
Gupta, Anil K.
Loyola University, Chicago, April 3,
1589 |
Grassroots Innovations for Poverty Alleviation: An Entrepreneurial Approach
Gupta, Anil K.
Annual Conference of India Development Service on Rural Innovations and Technologies, Loyola University Medical Center,
Illinois, April 4
1590 |
Impact of E-Government Projects on Citizens and Businesses
Bhatnagar, S. C.
Keynote in the Launch of a Thematic Group on eDevelopment, World Bank, New Delhi, April 15,
1591 |
Kaal – A Real Time Stream Mining Algorithm
Dass, Rajanish
43rd IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii, January 2009,
1592 |
Challenges of Identity Management: A Context in Rural India
Dass, Rajanish
International Conference on Information Security and Digital Forensics, London,
1593 |
Open Source Experiences Adoption in India
Dass, Rajanish
China Education and Research Conference, Chengdu, China, April ,
1594 |
Progress in the Indian Education System
Dass, Rajanish
China Education and Research Conference, Chengdu, China, April ,
1595 |
Study on Information Needs of Rural Consumers and Exploring Alternatives: A Study in the Indian Context
Dass, Rajanish
42nd IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii, January ,
1596 |
Using Association Rule Mining for Behavioural Analysis of School Students: A Case from India
Dass, Rajanish
42nd IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii, January ,
1597 |
Results from a Study of Impact of E-Government Projects in India
Bhatnagar, S. C.
ICTD- 2009-IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development, Doha, April 17-19,
1598 |
Subsidies With Special Reference to Water and Electricity
Morris, Sebastian
Panel Perspective on Agriculture, Water, and Impacts on Livelihoods, Conference on Water Security in India, The Earth Institute, Columbia Water Centre, Columbia University, Via Skype, April 20,
1599 |
Professional Identity and the Unionization of Indian Call Centre Agents
D'Cruz, Premilla
14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16,
1600 |
Professional Identity of Indian Call Centre Agents: A Managerial View of Cultural Control
D'Cruz, Premilla
14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16,
1601 |
ICT and Development: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?
Bhatnagar, S. C.
University of Manchester, School of Development Studies, May 14,
1602 |
Unleashing the Creative Potential of the Bottom of the Economic Pyramid
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Innovation in India and China: How to Create Value from Emerging Market, Centre for India and Global Business, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, May 18-20,
1603 |
Perceptual Differences: Men and Women@Work
Kaul, Asha
Special Topics Conference: Business Discourse 2009, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, May 21-22,
1604 |
Rural Development through National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: An Empirical Analysis
Datta, Samar K.
Development Economics Symposium, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, May 29-June 3,
1605 |
Efficiency and Governance of Microfinance Institutions – A Study from India
Pal, Debdatta
1st European Research Conference on Microfinance, Centre for European Research in Microfinance, Brussels, June 2-4,
1606 |
Assessment of the Optimal Decision on Advertising Format
Chakrabarty, P.
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ann Arbor, June 5-6,
1607 |
Household Meat Demand in India – A Systems Approach using Micro Level Data
Agarwalla, Astha
1st IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June 6-7,
1608 |
Trends in Technical Progress in India, 1968-2003
Agarwalla, Astha
1st IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June 6-7,
1609 |
Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in India
Pal, Debdatta
1st IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Ahmedabad, June 6-7,
1610 |
Linking Psychological Empowerment to Work-Outcomes
Singh, Manjari
1st IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June 6-7,
1611 |
Recession and Gender: Issues for the GEDI Dialogue
Basant, Rakesh
GEDI Dialogue, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June 14,
1612 |
Trends in Technical Progress in India: Analysis of Input-Output Tables from 1968 to 2003
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Conference on Advanced Techniques of Data Analysis, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June ,
1613 |
Value of Alternative Volatility Estimators for Investment Portfolio Strategies
Jacob, Joshy
European Financial Management Association Conference, Milan, June ,
1614 |
Determinants, Costs, and Benefits of Small Farmer Inclusion in Restructured Agrifood Chains: A Case Study of Dairy Industry in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
19th Annual World Symposium on Global Challenges, Local Solutions, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Budapest, June 20-21,
1615 |
Brand-Variety Performance Information System for Crops in India: A Study and Design for Cotton
Gandhi, Vasant P.
7th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WCCA 2009), Reno, Nevada, June 21-24,
1616 |
Schools in the Changing Times: Framework for Innovations Beyond Studies
Sharma, Rajeev
16th International Conference of Learning, Barcelona, July 1-4,
1617 |
Fast Tabu Search Implementations for ATSPs Defined on Complete Graphs
Sumanta Basu
23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, July 5-8,
1618 |
Innovations in Schools in Changing Times; An Evolving Frame work
Sharma, Rajeev
Centre for Education Research and Innovation, OECD, Paris, July 7,
1619 |
Why does Salesperson's Customer Orientation differ across B2B and B2C Contexts?
Singh, Ramendra
Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, July 7-9,
1620 |
A General Model for Understanding Relationship Marketing: Indian Pharmaceutical Sales
Purohit, Basant Kumar
Academy of Marketing Conference, UK, July ,
1621 |
Franchising: Challenging the Dominant Paradigms
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Small Business Growth Summit, FRO Conference, Ahmedabad, July 18-19,
1622 |
Crafting Customer Centric Service Delivery Institutions in Irrigation Management
Bhamoriya, Vaibhav
Conference on Service Strategies for Global Leadership, SDMIMD, Mysore, July 23-24,
1623 |
Spatial Variation of Dew over India
Madhavan, T.
5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Münster, Germany, July 25-30,
1624 |
Cities and Sustainable Transport
Pangotra, Prem
Conference on Intra-City Transportation Systems, New Delhi, July 27-28,
1625 |
NRHM – Mid-Term Appraisal
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop for International Advisory Panel for NRHM, New Delhi, August 5-6,
1626 |
Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Building Profitable Ventures for Serving the Bottom of the Pyramid
Manikutty, S.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 6-11,
1627 |
Approaches to Learning and Culture: An Empirical Investigation
Manikutty, S.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 6-11,
1628 |
Linking Innovation, Investments and Enterprise
Gupta, Anil K.
4th Asia Pacific Conference on Business Incubation, Coimbatore, August 7,
1629 |
Empowerment of Employees: Using Multi-Rater Perspective
Singh, Manjari
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 7-11,
1630 |
Ideals and Attributes of Environmentally-Conscious Managers
Singh, Manjari
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 7-11,
1631 |
Salesperson’s Customer Orientation: Does it differ across B2B and B2C Contexts?
Singh, Ramendra
AMA Summer Marketing Educatorsâ,
1632 |
Configurations of Outsourcing Firms and Performance: Exploring Organizational Gestalts
Sharda, Kirti
2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 10,
1633 |
Linking Emotional Dissonance and Organizational Identification to Turnover Intention and Well-being
Mishra, S. K.
Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, August ,
1634 |
Ahmedabad City Development
Pangotra, Prem
IIMA-Kyoto University Workshop, Ahmedabd, August 15,
1635 |
Institutional Innovations and Models in the Development of Agro-Industries: Strengths, Weaknesses and Lessons
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop on Innovative Policies and Institutions to Support Agroindustries Development, 27th IAAE International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, August 16-22,
1636 |
New Institutional Economics, Governance and the Performance of Water Institutions in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
27th IAAE International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, August 16-22,
1637 |
Public-Private Partnerships for Agribusiness Development in Thailand and India: Experience, Issues, and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
FAO-IAAE Joint Workshop on Innovative Policies and Institutions to Support Agro-Industries Development, 27th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, August 16,
1638 |
Galvanizing Sales Force and Marketing Channels
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
10th CII Annual Marketing Summit, New Delhi, August 18-19,
1639 |
Alternative Human Resources for Health in India: Innovative Models for Improving Primary Health Care in IKP
Mavalankar, Dileep
Centre for Technologies in Public Health, Chennai, August 21,
1640 |
Managerial Control and Labour Process: Organizational Level Notions of Power in the Explanation of Workplace Bullying
D'Cruz, Premilla
International Industrial Relations Association 15th World Congress, Sydney, August 24-27,
1641 |
The Impact of Inclusivist, Exclusivity and Unitarist HRM Approaches on Victims’ Coping with Workplace Bullying
D'Cruz, Premilla
International Industrial Relations Association 15th World Congress, Sydney, August 24-27,
1642 |
Changing Roles of Sales Team
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
All India Dealer Conference, Gurgaon, August 25-26,
1643 |
Presentation on Indian Banking Scenario
Ram Mohan, T. T.
International Conference on Banking, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, New Delhi, August 31,
1644 |
Back to the Drawing Board: Exploring Gestalts of Work Designs in Outsourcing Firms
Sharda, Kirti
24th Cardiff ERU Annual Conference, Cardiff (U.K.), September 3-4,
1645 |
Vegetable Cropping in Semi-arid North-west India in Greenhouse
Girja Sharan
AgEng 2010 Conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France, September 6-8,
1646 |
Mapping the Creative Mind in India
Gupta, Anil K.
FICCI Conference on India as Innovation Hub, New Delhi, September 8,
1647 |
Land Acquisition: Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle for Infrastructure Development
Morris, Sebastian
Launch of a New Magazine Infrastructure Investor, New Delhi, September 8,
1648 |
Stability and Efficiency in Indian Banking
Ram Mohan, T. T.
FICCI-IBA Global Banking Conference, Mumbai, September 10,
1649 |
Commercialization Experience of Agricultural Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
Plenary Session on Innovations in Co-Creating Value Across Agri Sector, AgriCorp 2009 Conference, Mumbai, September 15,
1650 |
Integrating Climate Change and National Planning – A Sustainable Development Framework for India
Bazaz, Aamir Bashir
Network for Integrated Planning and Sustainable Development Strategies in Asia-Pacific Regional (SDplanNet-AP) Annual Conference 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, September 16-17,
1651 |
Public-Private - Community Partnership: A Conceptualization based on Experiences from UNDP Pilot Projects
Datta, Samar K.
National Workshop on Making Market Work for the Poor- A PPCP Approach (organized by Madhya Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project, Bhopal, September 17-18,
1652 |
Engaging with Knowledge-Rich, Economically Poor Peoplez; Choosing the Right Road
Gupta, Anil K.
STEPS Symposium, London, September 24,
1653 |
Designing Policy Intervention for Increasing Adoption and Usage of Mobiles in Urban Slums in India
Jain, Rekha
37th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC 2009), Arlington, September 25-27,
1654 |
Communication for Global Business: Some Pedagogical Imperatives
Monippally, M. M.
National Conference on Communication in Global Business: The Changing Spectrum, Rajagiri School of Management, Kochi, September 25,
1655 |
Online Advertising Revenue Management
Dutta, Goutam
2009 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 11-14,
1656 |
Revenue Impacts of Demand Unconstraining and Accounting for Dependency
Dutta, Goutam
2009 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 11-14,
1657 |
Competitiveness and Collaboration in High-Tech Clusters: The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge
Mathur, Ajeet N.
12th TCI Academic Summit on Learning Clusters, Jyväskyla, Finland, October 12-14,
1658 |
Competitiveness and Collaborations in Internationalizing Clusters: Scope for Co-evolving and Leveraging Capabilities in Business Education Clusters of Finland and India
Mattila, Sari
12th TCI Academic Summit on Learning Clusters, Jyväskyla, Finland, October 12-14,
1659 |
Inter-Organizational Network for Developing Dynamic Capability to Meet Environmental Uncertainty: Study of Innovation-based Entrepreneurial Start-ups
Roy, Kaushik
Strategic Management Society 29th Annual International Conference, Washington D.C., October,
1660 |
Fresh Food Retail Chains in India – A Case Study of their Inclusiveness and Impact on Primary Producers in Gujarat
Singh, Sukhpal
National Convention on Making Growth Inclusive Opportunities, Scope and Challenges at the State Level, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad, October 26-28,
1661 |
Ways of Knowing, Feeling and Doing: Quest for Justice
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Social Justice, Collaboration with British Council, ICCSR and IIMA, October 29-30,
1662 |
Experiential Learning: The Indian Experience from the Proto-historic Period to the Present
Chattopadhyay, Gouranga
3rd Belgirate International Conference on Tradition, Creativity, and Succession in the Global Group Relations Network, Milan, November 5-8,
1663 |
India’s Hidden Hotbeds of Invention: Minds on the Margin are not Marginal Minds
Gupta, Anil K.
TED Conference, Mysore, November 5,
1664 |
Grassroots Designs for Sustainable Development
Gupta, Anil K.
International Design Conference on Sustainability, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, November 6,
1665 |
Regulatory Issues and Challenges
Morris, Sebastian
Energy Markets Development, New Delhi, November 9-10,
1666 |
New Products and Services
Pandey, Ajay
Energy Markets Development, New Delhi, November 9-10,
1667 |
Biodiversity based Innovations for Value Addition
Gupta, Anil K.
International Knowledge Millennium Conference 2009, ICCI Knowledge Park, Hyderabad, November 10,
1668 |
Hooters: Legal Remedy for Sexual Harassment
Agarwal, Anurag K.
Gender Inclusivity: Proposing New Paradigms, Gender Resource Centre, IIMA and ONGC International Case Writing Competition, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, November 14-15,
1669 |
Does ‘Bottom of Pyramid’ Marketing Trigger Compulsive Buying: An Exploratory Investigation
Gupta, Shruti
International Base of the Pyramid Conference, Gordon Institute of Business Science, Johannesburg, November 15-17,
1670 |
Muslim Matchmaking on the Web: South Asian Muslims in America Narrate their Spouse-search Stories
Mishra, S.
Global Communication Association Conference in association with the Public Relations Council of India, Bangalore, November,
1671 |
Linking Small Horti Producers with Modern Markets: Indian Experiences and Lessons
Singh, Sukhpal
The Australasian Postharvest and Managing Quality in Chains Conference, Napier, New Zealand, November 15-19,
1672 |
Presentation on NIF’s Progress
Gupta, Anil K.
5th Biennial Grassroots Innovation Award Function, New Delhi, November 18,
1673 |
Changing Role of Midwives with Increasing Institutional Deliveries in Tribal Areas
Mavalankar, Dileep
8th ICM Asia Pacific Midwifery Conference, Hyderabad, November 19-22,
1674 |
Who Participates in Higher Education? Rethinking the Role of Higher Education
Basant, Rakesh
Seminar on Social Exclusion in Contemporary India, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, November 26-27,
1675 |
Private Sector Participation Experience in Urban Infrastructure
Pangotra, Prem
Conference on Urban Infrastructure and JNNURM, New Delhi, November 26-27,
1676 |
Linking Agribusiness Chains and Small-scale Farmers in Developing Countries: Is there a Role for Contract Farming?
Sharma, Vijay Paul
7th International PENSA Conference on Economic Crisis, Food, Fibre, and Bio-Energy Chains, Sao Paulo, November 26-28,
1677 |
Food Processors and Retailers: Possibilities of Synergies
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
World Food Congress, FICCI, Mumbai, November 27,
1678 |
A Perspective on Fisheries Sector Interventions for Livelihood Promotion
Datta, Samar K.
National Seminar on Fisheries based Livelihoods in India: Present Status, Problems and Prospects, Kolkata, November 28-29,
1679 |
Product Differentiation and Operations Strategy for Price and Time Sensitive Markets
Jayaswal, Sachin
8th Triennial Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operations Research Societies, Jaipur, December 6-9,
1680 |
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Distinguishing Management Pathologies from Organizational Evil in Cross-Border Value Chains
Mathur, Ajeet N.
APROS 2009 Conference, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico, December 6-9,
1681 |
Strategies for Improved Servicing of the Customers: Case of Ghaziabad Goods Shed of the Indian Railways
Raghuram, G.
8th Triennial Conference of APORS, Jaipur, December 6-9,
1682 |
Use of Cases for Teaching OR/OM/Modelling
Raghuram, G.
1st APORS/INFORMS/IFORS Teaching Effectiveness Workshop Program, 8th Triennial Conference of APORS, Jaipur, December 6-9,
1683 |
Evaluating Downside Risks in Reliable Networks
Sharma, Megha
8th Triennial Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operations Research Societies, Jaipur, December 6-9,
1684 |
Dynamic Capabilities in Emerging Economies
Manikutty, S.
Special Conference of Strategic Management Society, Hyderabad, December 12-14,
1685 |
On Estimation of Current Mean and Change Magnitude
Laha, A. K.
7th Triennial International Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, Kolkata, December ,
1686 |
Portfolio Allocation when Some Stock Returns have Heavy Tails
Laha, A. K.
Quantitative Methods in Finance 2009 Conference, Sydney, December ,
1687 |
Integrating Resource-based and Rational Contingency Views: Understanding Dynamic Capabilities of Organizations
Roy, Kaushik
Indian Academy of Management (IAoM) Inaugural Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December ,
1688 |
Enriching the Concept of Strategic Leadership drawing Insights from Indian Views on Leadership
Sinha, Sabyasachi
Indian Academy of Management Inaugural Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December ,
1689 |
Grassroots to Global: Resurgence and the Growth Story of the Indian MSMEs
Gupta, Anil K.
World SME Conference 2009, New Delhi, December 16,
1690 |
Implications of Corporate Entry into Agricultural Input and Output Markets and its Impact on Small Producers and Consumers
Singh, Sukhpal
69th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, December 17-19,
1691 |
Language Adaptation and Advertising Effectiveness: A Study in a Multi-Cultural Advertising Context
Venkatesh, P.
Third Great Lakes-NASMEI Marketing Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, December 18-19,
1692 |
Testing Equality of Means from Paired Data When the Labels are Missing
Banerjee, Tathagata
7th International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, December 28-31,
1693 |
Operations Research in Developing Countries: A Different Viewpoint
Dutta, Goutam
1st Meeting of Indian Academy of Management, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28,
1694 |
Psychological Well-being and Organizational Attitudes: An Exploratory Study
Gupta-Aggarwal, M.
IAOM Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1695 |
An Investigation of Mentoring among Indian Managers: A Focus on Construct Validation, Content and Consequences
Haynes, R.K.
1st IAOM Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1696 |
Developing a New Measure of Work Alienation
Nair, Nisha
IAOM Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1697 |
Recognizing and Rewarding Talent: Best Practices from Some Manufacturing Companies in India
Nair, Nisha
IAOM Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1698 |
Scale Development of an Additional Dimension of Empowerment
Sarkar, Anita
Indian Academy of Management 2009 Inaugural Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1699 |
Antecedents of Intention to Quit: A Study of Indian IT Professionals
Singh, Manjari
Indian Academy of Management 2009 Inaugural Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1700 |
Role of Psychological Empowerment in the Relationship Between Structural Empowerment and Innovative Behaviour
Singh, Manjari
Indian Academy of Management 2009 Inaugural Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1701 |
Relationship Between Positive Characteristics and Organizational Commitment
Vohra, Neharika
IAOM Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 28-30,
1702 |
The Search for Indian Management Paradigms: From Mud Huts, Sailing Ships and Sealing Wax to Cabbages, Kings, Yojanas, and SEZs
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Indian Academy of Management Inaugural Conference, XLRI, Jamshedpur, December 30,
1703 |
Evolution of Marketing Capabilities Among Product based Indian Telecom Start-ups
Aeron, Prageet
AGCETI International Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
January 16-18,
1704 |
Team Leadership
Gupta, Parvinder
International Colloquium on Business and Management Conference, Bangkok, January ,
1705 |
SB-Robust Estimation of Parameters of Circular Normal Distribution
Laha, A. K.
Advances in Statistical Science: International Conference in Celebration of 90th Birth Anniversary of C.R. Rao, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, January,
1706 |
Mega Projects Development: Issues in Land Acquisition
Morris, Sebastian
Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, January 19,
1707 |
Indian Financial Market Development and Regulation: What Worked and Why?
Varma, Jayanth R.
Conference on Financial Sector Regulation and Reforms in Asian Emerging Markets, Asian Development Bank Institute, Mumbai, February 8,
1708 |
Adaptiveness in Water Management Institutions in India: Nature and Impact
Bhamoriya, Vaibhav
54th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Adelaide, February 10-12,
1709 |
Transport for Sustainable Low Carbon Cities
Pangotra, Prem
UNEP Workshop, New Delhi, February 10-11,
1710 |
Innovation, Education and Regional Development
Gupta, Anil K.
3rd Bihar Science Conference 2010, Gaya, February 11,
1711 |
Innovations from Northeast India
Gupta, Achin
Northeast MP Forum, Gangtok, February 12,
1712 |
Cross-Cultural Management: Its Relevance in Today’s Context
Vohra, Neharika
2nd International Conference on Cross Cultural Management: Research and Practice, Jammu, February 24-25,
1713 |
How to Improve Maternal Health in Rural India
Mavalankar, Dileep
All India Coordinating Committee of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologiestâ,
1714 |
Involvement of Panchayati Raj System for Promoting Supply Chain Management and Entrepreneurship Development
Gupta, Anil K.
IAUA Conference, ANGRAU, Hyderabad, March 2,
1715 |
Why Should 5000 Children Die in India Every Year? Major Causes and Managerial Challenges
Ramani, K. V.
Indian Institute of Management, Indore, March 2,
1716 |
Revenue Impacts of Demand Unconstraining and Accounting for Dependency
Dutta, Goutam
Department of Statistics, University of Saurashtra, Rajkot, March 13,
1717 |
Has Gujarat Agriculture Shifted to High Growth Path?
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
CMA Workshop on Agricultural Growth in Gujarat, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, March 14,
1718 |
Linkages of Agricultural Exports and Infrastructure Development in Gujarat
Rastogi, Siddhartha K.
CMA Workshop on Agricultural Growth in Gujarat, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, March 14,
1719 |
Encouraging Cooperation in Ad-hoc Mobile Phone Mesh Networks
Ranganathan, Kavitha
International Conference on Information Systems, Technology and Management, Bangkok, March ,
1720 |
Competition for News on Television and Quality
D'Souza, Errol
International Conference on Economic Theory, Markets and Institutions of Governance, Centre for International Governance, Innovation, Waterloo, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, March 22- 24,
1721 |
Governance Issues in Health Sector
Ramani, K. V.
International Network: Strengthening Health Systems, Bangkok, March 22-25,
1722 |
Assessment of Uncertainties in Activity Data and Emission Factors for Indian Emission Inventories
Garg, Amit
IPCC Expert Meeting on Uncertainty and Validation of Emission Inventories, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 23-25,
1723 |
Overcoming Barriers of Language, Literacy and Localism: My Wish List for Spreading Creativity and Innovation at the Top of the Ethical Pyramid
Gupta, Anil K.
International Conference on Development, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, March 24,
1724 |
Measuring Performance in Government
Pangotra, Prem
SAARC Workshop on Government Performance Management, New Delhi, March 30-31,
1725 |
From Boom to Where: The Experience of Post-Crisis Work and Employment in Offshored BPO
D'Cruz, Premilla
29th ILPC Conference, Leeds, UK, April 5-7,
1726 |
The Dialectics of Professionalism: Lawyers in India’s Legal Process Outsourcing Industry
Noronha, Ernesto
29th ILPC Conference, Leeds, UK, April 5-7,
1727 |
Supply of Food Items: Dispute Resolution by Arbitration – A Case Study ‘1100 MT of Sorghum
Agarwal, Anurag K.
National Conference on Managing Agri-Food Supply Chain, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, April 9-11,
1728 |
Reorienting Value Chain in Indian Fisheries Sector
Datta, Samar K.
National Conference on Managing Agri-Food Supply Chain, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, April 9â,
1729 |
Evolution of Marketing Capabilities: A Study on Indian Product based Telecom Start-up Firms
Aeron, Prageet
1st Global Conference on Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
1730 |
Developing Talent
Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar
NHRDN Annual Conference, New Delhi,
1731 |
Urban Planning and the Technical Imagination in Ahmedabad
Mathur, Navdeep
Conference on Neoliberal Local Governance, Autonomous University, Barcelona,
1732 |
Development of Dynamic Capability for Entrepreneurial Start-ups: An Inter-Organisational Perspective
Roy, Kaushik
2010 SMS Annual Conference, Rome,
1733 |
Development of Dynamic Capabilities for International Joint Ventures
Roy, Kaushik
2010 SMS Research Workshop, Bangalore,
1734 |
Development of Dynamic Capabilities for International Joint Ventures: An Investigation within the Context of an Emerging Economy
Roy, Kaushik
Paper Development Workshop (Global Strategy Interest Group), 2010 SMS Annual Conference, Rome,
1735 |
Retail Marketing Strategy
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Indian Retail Forum, Mumbai,
1736 |
Broadband Issues in India – Experiences from Various States
Dass, Rajanish
Workshop on Research and Action Plan for National Broadband Initiative of IITCOE and ICRIER, New Delhi, April 16,
1737 |
Rethinking Management Education and Social Responsibility
Gupta, Anil K.
1st Convocation Address at the International School of Business and Research, Bangalore, April 18,
1738 |
Harnessing Intellectual Asset and Value Creation at Grassroots
Gupta, Anil K.
Session on IPR, Economy and Economy Growth at the Commemoration of World Intellectual Property Day, ASSOCHAM, New Delhi, April 26,
1739 |
Results Chain: Performance Measurement in Government
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on Results-Framework Document, Mumbai, May 13,
1740 |
Results-Framework Documents: Lessons of Experience
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on Results-Framework Document, Mumbai, May 14,
1741 |
Socio-Cultural Influences on Workplace Bullying: A Quantitative Study from India
D'Cruz, Premilla
EAWOP 2011 Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, May 25-28,
1742 |
Bulk Cargo in India
Raghuram, G.
2nd Annual Conference on Bulk Cargo in India: New Requirements, Challenges and Opportunities, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, May 26,
1743 |
Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: A Case Study of Their Inclusiveness and Impact on Small Vegetable Producers in Gujarat
Singh, Sukhpal
9th International Conference on Food Chain and Network Management, Wageningen, The Netherlands, May 26-28,
1744 |
Project Cargo Transportation and Logistics
Raghuram, G.
Conference on Project Cargo Transportation and Logistics, Emerging Market: Needs and Solutions, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, May 27,
1745 |
Identity Work in the Context of Workplace Bullying
D'Cruz, Premilla
7th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Wales, UK, June 2-4,
1746 |
Target Resistance Towards Depersonalized Bullying
Noronha, Ernesto
7th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Wales, UK, June 2-4,
1747 |
Discussant’s Comments on paper by Thomas C. Armstrong
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Grove City, USA, June 3-5,
1748 |
Testing for Trickle-Down or Polarization-Evidence from India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, West Chester University, Pennsylvania, June 3-5,
1749 |
Introducing Competition in Container Movement by Rail
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Infrastructure Finance, IIT Kharagpur, June 3,
1750 |
Design Development and Management of GRI Database
Verma, Sanjay
Building Capacity for Scouting, Documentation, Database Development and Dissemination of Grassroots Innovations, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June 7-8,
1751 |
Sustainable Groundwater Management: The Role and Performance of Institutions in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
International Conference Linking Science and Policy, San Francisco, USA, June 14-17,
1752 |
International Human Capital and Inhuman Uses of Human Beings
Mathur, Ajeet N.
European Business Ethics Networkâ,
1753 |
Regional Income Disparities in India and Test for Convergence: 1980 to 2006
Agarwalla, Astha
Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference â,
1754 |
Does Attitudinal Loyalty Mediate the Relationship between Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions? An Empirical Examinations
Jaiswal, A. K.
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany, June 17-19,
1755 |
Political Economy of Institutional Mechanisms in the Indian Punjab’s Agricultural Sector
Singh, Sukhpal
Annual Meeting of the Punjab Research Group, Coventry, UK, June 26,
1756 |
Innovative Services in Developing Countries: Challenges in Scaling Up
Jain, Rekha
18th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Tokyo, June 27-30,
1757 |
Development and Recognition as a Moderator for the Relationship of Each Dimension of Psychological Empowerment to Innovative Behaviour
Singh, Manjari
8th International Academy of Management and Business Conference, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, June 28-30,
1758 |
Integrating Non-Work Domain Control in the Psychological Empowerment of Women Teachers
Singh, Manjari
8th International Academy of Management and Business Conference, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, June 28-30,
1759 |
Determinants of Success of National Rural Employment Guarantee Program in India: A District Level Analysis
Chakrabarti, Milindo
Western Economic Association International Conference, Portland, July 1,
1760 |
Access to Entry and Workplace Interface and Interactions: Insights from Women’s Narratives
Maheshwari Mridul
European Group of Organization Studies Conference, Lisbon, July 2-4,
1761 |
Evaluating Effectiveness of Internet Marketing Strategies: The Internet Marketing Acceptance Model
Krishnan, Sudeep K.
Academy of Marketing 2010 Annual Conference, Coventry, UK, July 6-8,
1762 |
Transforming Schools: School Leadership under Challenging Conditions
Sharma, Rajeev
17th International Conference on Learning, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, July 6-9,
1763 |
Identity Construction and Co-mingling of Contradictory Institutional Logics: Resolving Institutional Tension during the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Technology in a Western Multinational Organization in India
Kandathil, George
26th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies, Lisbon, Portugal, July 8,
1764 |
Container Train Operators in India: Problems and Prospects
Raghuram, G.
12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 11-15,
1765 |
How Can Indian Railways Service the Steel Service Better?
Raghuram, G.
12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 11-15,
1766 |
A Grouping Genetic Algorithm for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem
Ghosh, Diptesh
EURO XXIV, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13,
1767 |
Rising Demand for Livestock Products in India and China: A Comparative Perspective
Fu, Wen-Ge
22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia, China: Economic Prosperity and Business Opportunities in the New Decade, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, July 15-17,
1768 |
Container Train Operators in India: Problems and Prospects
Raghuram, G.
4th Annual Conference on Developing Container Infrastructure: Trends and Outlook, Issues and Opportunities, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, July 21,
1769 |
Containerisation Issues in India: Building Global Trade Competitiveness
Raghuram, G.
4th Annual Conference on Developing Container Infrastructure: Trends and Outlook, Issues and Opportunities, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, July 21,
1770 |
Knowledge Management in Academic Institutions and SME/MSME’s Using ICT
Verma, Sanjay
Shri Ramakrishna Ashram, Rajkot, July 21,
1771 |
Container Train Operations: International Perspective
Raghuram, G.
4th Annual Conference on Developing Container Infrastructure: Trends and Outlook, Issues and Opportunities, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, July 22,
1772 |
Developing Container Infrastructure 2010
Raghuram, G.
4th Annual Conference on Developing Container Infrastructure: Trends and Outlook, Issues and Opportunities, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, July 22,
1773 |
Reconceptualisation of Alienation
Vohra, Neharika
Annual IIMB Review Conference on Global Competitiveness through Human Resource Management,â,
1774 |
Spatial Variation of Dew over India
Madhavan, T.
5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Miinster, Germany, July 25-30,
1775 |
Investment and Financing Challenges for Intra-City Transportation Systems
Pangotra, Prem
3rd Annual Conference on Intra-City Transportation Systems, New Delhi, July 27-28,
1776 |
Supply Chain Management: An Integrated Perspective
Raghuram, G.
International Workshop on Achieving a Responsive Supply Chain, CIT, Coimbatore, July 31,
1777 |
SB-Robust Estimation of Parameters of von-Mises Distribution on the Circle
Laha, A. K.
1st Conference on Applied Probability and Statistical Methods and 7th Conference on Multivariate Distributions with Applications, Maresias, Brazil, August ,
1778 |
Access to Work and Motherhood: From the Perspective of Professional Women
Maheshwari Mridul
2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August ,
1779 |
Caste and Social Emancipation through Retail Entrepreneurship Networks: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Nadar Caste in Southern India
Jerome, Joseph
5th International Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Cambridge University, UK, August 2-5,
1780 |
The Concept of Alienation: Towards Conceptual Clarity
Nair, Nisha
Critical Management Studies Research Workshop, Montreal, Canada, August 4-5,
1781 |
Social Support and Dimensions of Psychological Empowerment: Job Involvement as a Moderator
Singh, Manjari
Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting, Le Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Canada, August 6-10,
1782 |
Managing Hospital Based Laboratories
Ramani, K. V.
National Conference on Hospital Administration, FOCUS 2010, Trivandrum, August 7-8,
1783 |
Introducing Competition in Container Movement by Rail
Raghuram, G.
5th Annual Conference on Public Policy and Management,â,
1784 |
Lessons from PPPs of Indian Railways and Way Forward
Raghuram, G.
5th Annual Conference on Public Policy and Management,â,
1785 |
Income Generating Options in Rural Areas Pathways to Decent Livelihoods: The Role of Education and Skills Training
Sharma, Rajeev
Collaborative Research and Dissemination, New Delhi, August 10,
1786 |
Law, Ethics and Business: Value-based Management by Total Compliance
Agarwal, Anurag K.
AIMS International Conference on Value-based Management, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, August 11-13,
1787 |
Leveraging the Integration of Sales Career Cycle with Brand Life Cycle in Pharmaceutical Firms
Purohit, Basant Kumar
2010 Academic Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, August 11-12,
1788 |
Explaining the Effect of Emotional Labour Strategies on Emotional Exhaustion and Well-being
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting, Montreal, August ,
1789 |
Brand Variety Knowledge and Information System: A Design for Cotton in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
IFPRI-IGNOU International Conference on Agriculture Education and Knowledge Management, Agartala, August 24-26,
1790 |
Innovations in Management Education
Manikutty, S.
22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Indian Management Schools on the Theme India 2020 - Challenges and Opportunities for Management Education, New Delhi, August 26-28,
1791 |
New Horizons in Finland-India Business
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Finland-India Economic Relations Round Table Conference, World Trade Centre, Turku, Finland, August 26,
1792 |
Managing Cultural Diversity in International Business
Mathur, Ajeet N.
International Business Conference, University of Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2-3,
1793 |
e-MAMTA: An Innovation by the Gujarat Government to Improve Mother and Child Health
Ramani, K. V.
National Conference on Innovation, Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, September 4,
1794 |
e-MAMTA: An Innovation by the Gujarat Government to Improve Mother and Child Health
Ramani, K. V.
National Conference on Innovation, Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, September 4,
1795 |
The Invocation of Passions and Powerbases in Mindful Knowing of Economics
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Second Power and Knowledge International Conference, University of Tampere, Finland, September 5-7,
1796 |
Vegetable Cropping in Semi-Arid North-West India in Greenhouse
Girja Sharan
AgEng 2010 Conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France, September 6-8,
1797 |
Preparing Indian Banks for Global Competitiveness
Ram Mohan, T. T.
FICCI-IBA Conference on Global Banking: Paradigm Shift, Mumbai, September 7-9,
1798 |
Dynamics of Firm-Environment Interaction in Building Capabilities in Emerging Economies: Insights from Indian Software Sector
Dixit, M. R.
30th Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society, Rome, September 12-15,
1799 |
Strategic Management Issues in Family Businesses
Manikutty, S.
Conference on Business Group and Family Business Research: India, Japan and Thailand, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study, New Delhi and Chuo and Musashi Universities, Japan, September 13-14,
1800 |
Eat, Drink and be Healthy: A Paradigm Shift for Linking Food and Beverages Industry with People’s Knowledge and Institutions
Gupta, Anil K.
9th National Dairy and Beverage Conference, Kovalam, Trivandrum, September 30,
1801 |
Knowledge, Feeling and Doing: Design, Diversity, Dissent and Democracy
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on A Better World by Design, RDIS and Brown University, October 1-3,
1802 |
Role of Policy and Governance in Unlocking the Potential from Convergence: Lessons from India
Jain, Rekha
Telecommunication Policy Research Conference, Arlington, USA, October 1-3,
1803 |
Evolution of Capabilities for Global Service Delivery: A Study of Emerging Economy Software Firms
Karna, Amit
SMS Conference, Washington, October,
1804 |
Management Information System for Watershed Development Programmes in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Asian Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture â,
1805 |
Funding and Regulatory Aspects
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on Urban Longings City Development and Infrastructure, Trident, Mumbai, October 4,
1806 |
Challenges for Women Leaders in Business and Public Life
Mathur, Ajeet N.
4th International Conference on Women in Leadership Roles, Desh Bhagat Institute, Mandi, October 7-9,
1807 |
Issues in Infrastructure Development in a Low Carbon Economy
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on Infrastructural Development in a Low Carbon Economy, Powerline, New Delhi, October ,
1808 |
Coping with Uncertainty for Effective Strategic Decision Making: Capabilities for Petroleum Bidding in Emerging Economies
Sharma, Sunil
SMS Conference, Washington, October ,
1809 |
The Roar and the Whimper of the Economic Tiger – Growth and Employment in India
D'Souza, Errol
13th R.S. Bhatt Memorial Lecture, Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, October 21,
1810 |
Social Cost Benefit Analysis of SSP
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
Workshop on Sardar Sarovar Project, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, October 29-30,
1811 |
Regional Income Growth and Convergence in India
Agarwalla, Astha
2nd IMR Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, November ,
1812 |
Predictive Index for Length of Stay of a Patient in an ICU after a Cardiac Surgery
Dutta, Goutam
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Texas, Austin, November ,
1813 |
Public Spirited Person as a Social Entrepreneur: Key Learnings from Public Interest Litigation in India
Agarwal, Anurag K.
7th Annual Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, New York University â,
1814 |
High Growth and its Prospects for Revival
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on Implications of the Union Budget on the Oil and Gas Industry, Petrofed, Mumbai, November 9-10,
1815 |
Issues in Power Market Development
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on Energy Market Development â,
1816 |
Indian Railways: Trends, Issues, Opportunities and Roadmap
Raghuram, G.
4th Annual Conference on Expansion and Upgradation of Railways, Achieving Vision 2020: PPP and Beyond, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, November 15,
1817 |
Expansion and Upgradation of Railways 2010
Raghuram, G.
4th Annual Conference on Expansion and Upgradation of Railways, Achieving Vision 2020: PPP and Beyond, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, November 16,
1818 |
Empowering Knowledge Rich–Economically Poor People
Gupta, Anil K.
2nd Global Innovation Conference on Inclusive Growth through Business Model Innovation: A Mantra for High Performance, Bangalore, November 23,
1819 |
Inclusive Fresh Food Retail Chains in India – Case Studies of HOPCOMS and SAFAL
Singh, Sukhpal
24th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, November 23-25,
1820 |
Lessons from PPPs of Indian Railways and Way Forward
Raghuram, G.
IIMA Research Seminar Series, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, November 24,
1821 |
How Flexible Should the Master Plan Be and What Governance Mechanisms can be Used to Overcome Implementation of Master Plans?
Morris, Sebastian
Conference on City Planning and Governance Summit, Lavasa Future Cities, Lavasa, Pune, November 25,
1822 |
Financial Inclusion, Mobile Financial Services and Mobile Broadband
Dass, Rajanish
IITCOE Workshop on Mobile Broadband: Igniting the Service Revolution, New Delhi, November 26-27,
1823 |
Quantitative Explorations in Indian Stock Markets
Laha, A. K.
National Conference on Convergence of Management Practices, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, December ,
1824 |
Language and the Negotiation of Identity and Sense of Belonging for Indians in England: A Study of Literary Representations
Sharma, Meenakshi
Traveling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a Mobile World, Leeds, United Kingdom, December 5,
1825 |
Emotional Marketing Wins Customers for Life
Dutta, Goutam
8th International Conference on Marketing, Hotel Summer Palace, Baridhara, Dhaka, December 9,
1826 |
Corporate Governance: A Chair with too Few Legs?
Mattila, Sari
2nd International Conference on Corporate Governance, University of Waikatoo and Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, December 9-10,
1827 |
Challenges of Urbanisation and Infrastructure Development
Pangotra, Prem
IIP-IIMA Conference on Urban Infrastructure in India, New Delhi, December 9-10,
1828 |
Making Cities Competitive
Pangotra, Prem
IIP-IIMA Conference on Urban Infrastructure in India, New Delhi, December 9-10,
1829 |
Maternal and Child Health: Managerial Challenges
Ramani, K. V.
TEDx Kumaun Workshop, Nainital, December 12-13,
1830 |
Reforming Institutional in Natural Resource Management for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Golden Jubilee National Seminar on â,
1831 |
Why Do Local Companies Outperform MNCs in Inclusive Markets? An Institutional Perspective
Angeli, Federica
Strategic Management Forum Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 15-17,
1832 |
An Oliverian Twist to Evaluation of Mid Day Meal Scheme
Deodhar, Satish Y.
International Conference on â,
1833 |
The Elusive Search for Inclusive Growth amidst Exclusive Appropriations in Manipur
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Strategic Management Forum International Conference, Ahmedabad, December 15-17,
1834 |
If I Overachieve: Stigma and its Management by Female Beneficiaries of Caste based Affirmative Action in the Higher Professional Education in India
Mishra, Manisha
24th Annual Australia and New Zealand Association of Management Conference, Adelaide, Australia, December ,
1835 |
Leveraging Fresh Food Retail Chains for Inclusive Agricultural Growth and Development in India – A Case Study from Karnataka
Singh, Sukhpal
SMF Conference on Challenges to Inclusive Growth in Emerging Economies, Strategic Management Forum and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 15-17,
1836 |
Financial Inclusion with Mobile Banking
Sinha, Sidharth
Conference on Challenges to Inclusive Growth in the Emerging Economies, Strategic Management Forum Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 15-17,
1837 |
An Alternative Framework for Genetic Algorithms
Ghosh, Diptesh
ORSI-URD, Madurai, December 16,
1838 |
Labour in Global Food Value Chains in India: Case Studies from Horticulture
Singh, Sukhpal
International Conference on Rural Labourers in Neo-Liberal India, York University, Toronto and XIMB, Bhubaneshwar, December 18-19,
1839 |
Conceptualizing Alienation for Indian IT Industry
Vohra, Neharika
4th International Conference, Great Lakes Institute, Chennai, December 27,
1840 |
Agglomeration Economies and Productivity Growth in India
Agarwalla, Astha
4th IIMA Doctoral Colloquium, January,
1841 |
Bases of Power of Brand in a Brand Consumer Relationship and its Impact on Consumer Behaviour
Raj, Roopika
2nd International Colloquium on Consumer-Brand Relationships, Rollins College, Florida,
1842 |
Conceptualization and Development of Scale for Power of Brand in a Brand Consumer Relationship
Raj, Roopika
2011 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Houston, Texas,
1843 |
The Role of Touch in Shopping
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Asia Retail Congress, Mumbai,
1844 |
Water Management in the Command Area of the Narmada-Sardar Sarovar Project
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Seminar on Evolution and Growth of Sardar Sarovar, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, January 3-4,
1845 |
CSR and BOP Marketing: Are They Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Agarwal, Manoj
4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 5-7,
1846 |
Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: Service or Disservice?
Gupta, Shruti
4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 5-7,
1847 |
Gender Differences in Brand Relationships
Sahay, Arvind
4th IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Ahmedabad, January 5,
1848 |
Estimating Structural Breaks Endigenously in India’s Post-Independence Growth Path: An Empirical Critique
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
47th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, January 6-8,
1849 |
Shift in the Growth Path of Agriculture in Gujarat
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
47th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, January 6-8,
1850 |
Policies and Debates on Rural Credit in India: A Brief Factual Analysis
Pal, Debdatta
47th Annual Conference, Indian Econometric Society, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, January 6â,
1851 |
Linking Knowledge Management Process with Balanced Scorecard in a Large Steel Organization
Verma, Sanjay
Nirma International Conference on Management, Nirma Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 6-8,
1852 |
Application of Propensity Scoring for Establishing Causality in the Area of Direct Marketing
Kodandaram, Harsha
2nd IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, January 8-9,
1853 |
Biases in Peers and Supervisors Ratings
Singh, Manjari
2nd IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 8-9,
1854 |
Involvement and Store Format Choice
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Ahmedabad,
1855 |
Hinterland Connectivity and Related Infrastructure: Issues, Possible Solutions and Way Ahead
Raghuram, G.
CONquest 2011, International Conference and Expo on Infrastructure, Logistics and Transport, Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India and EXIM India, New Delhi, January 18,
1856 |
Summing Up
Raghuram, G.
CONquest 2011, International Conference and Expo on Infrastructure, Logistics and Transport, Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India and EXIM India, New Delhi, January 19,
1857 |
Improving ASHA’s Performance
Bajpai, Nirupam
IAP-NRHM Conference, New Delhi, January 31,
1858 |
Improving Integration of Health and Nutrition Sectors in India
Bajpai, Nirupam
IAP-NRHM Conference, New Delhi, January 31,
1859 |
Way Forward
Raghuram, G.
8th Annual Conference on Ports in India: Status, Trends, Requirements and Initiatives, Indian Infrastructure, New Delhi, February 1,
1860 |
Ports in India
Raghuram, G.
8th Annual Conference on Ports in India: Status, Trends, Requirement and Initiatives, Indian Infrastructure, Mumbai, February 2,
1861 |
Leadership Lessons from World Literature for Family Businesses
Manikutty, S.
3rd Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business, Indian School of Business, February 4-6,
1862 |
The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge
Mathur, Ajeet N.
MOLMED-2011, International Conference on Molecular Medicine, Charusat, February 9-11,
1863 |
Rural e-Service Delivery: Status and Challenges
Bhatnagar, S. C.
14th National Conference on e-Governance, Aurangabad, February 10-11,
1864 |
Governance in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects
Morris, Sebastian
National Conference, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, February 12,
1865 |
Intercultural Competence: A Conceptual Analysis
Vohra, Neharika
Indo-Shastri Conference on Cross-Cultural Management Research, XIM, Bhubaneshwar, February 16-18,
1866 |
Adaptiveness in Water Management Institutions: Nature, Existence and Impact
Bhamoriya, Vaibhav
India Infrastructure Report 2011 â,
1867 |
Innovative Applications for Indian Needs
Gupta, Anil K.
EFY Design Engineers' Conference, New Delhi, February 18,
1868 |
Human Uses of Human Beings
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Pragyan-2011 Conference, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, February 18,
1869 |
Management Issues based on OR Analysis of Public Systems
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Practice and Research in Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, February 18,
1870 |
Food Security in India: Current Issues and Emerging Concerns
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on Food Security: Role of Policies, Optimum Use of Agricultural Inputs and Natural Resources, Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, February 25-26,
1871 |
Performance Implications of Diversification in Professional Service Firms: The Role of Synergies
Karthik, D.
SMS Research Workshop on Emerging India: Strategy, Innovation and Sustainability, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, February 26-28,
1872 |
Issues in Public Procurement
Morris, Sebastian
National Conference on Public Procurement Reform in India, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, February 27,
1873 |
What Constraints Business – The Role of the Single Window
D'Souza, Errol
London School of Economics and University of Oxford International Growth Centre, March,
1874 |
Global Mindset and Intercultural Competence
Vohra, Neharika
3rd International Cross-Cultural Conference, Jammu University, The Business School, March 2-5,
1875 |
Design Development and Management of GRI Database
Verma, Sanjay
NIF-NMPB Collaborative Workshop on Development of Database of Less Common Medicinal Plants and Associated Traditional Knowledge, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, March 4-5 ,
1876 |
PPPs and Financing Transport Infrastructure: Structural, Institutional and Regulatory Issues
Raghuram, G.
Conference on PPPs and Financing Transport Infrastructure 2011, International Project Finance Association, J Sagar Associates and PricewaterhouseCoopers, New Delhi, March 10,
1877 |
Quality of Higher Education in India
Raghuram, G.
National Conference on Enhancement and Sustenance of Quality in Higher Education, St. Annâ,
1878 |
Access of the Rural Poor to Primary Health Care in India
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
13th ASCON, ICDDR, B, Dhaka, March 14-17,
1879 |
Development Strategy Using Input-Output Statistics
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
XV Input Output Research Conference, University of Hyderabad, March 17-19,
1880 |
Management of Water Resources
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
International Conference on Water Resources, Gandhinagar, March 22,
1881 |
The Global Economy
Morris, Sebastian
Adobe Business Leadership Conference, Noida, March 24,
1882 |
PPP in Urban Health: A GIS Approach to Locate Urban Health Center, Vasna Ward, Ahmedabad
Ramani, K. V.
Public Private Partnership Policy Framework: Confederation of Indian Industry, Ahmedabad, March 26,
1883 |
Affect of Mood on the Role of Haptic Touch in Product Evaluation During Shopping
European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies, San Diego, July 15-18,
1884 |
Understanding Interpersonal Help Seeking in Organizations: A Study in the Software Context
Anand, T.
Indian Academy of Management Conference, Bangalore,
1885 |
Interpersonal Help Seeking in Software Industry: A Cross-Cultural Study
Anand, T.
International Academy of Management and Business Conference, San Francisco, November 7-9,
1886 |
Access to Higher Education in India: An Exploration of Its Antecedents
Basant, Rakesh
XXI Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues in Development Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, December 20-21,
1887 |
Innovation Policy in India: Ongoing Experiments and Emerging Challenges
Basant, Rakesh
Interests, Institution and Policies in Motion: Understanding India's Growth Story, APSA Meeting 2011, Seattle, September 1-4,
1888 |
Parental Education as a Criterion for Affirmative Action in Higher Education
Basant, Rakesh
Seminar on Higher Education: New Trends and Challenges, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, July 28-29,
1889 |
Socio-Cultural Influence on Workplace Bullying: A Quantitative Study from India
D'Cruz, Premilla
EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 25-28,
1890 |
Creativity and Innovation in Management Education: General and Specific Foci
D'Cruz, Premilla
IIMA Alumni Golden Jubilee Conference, Chennai, October 29,
1891 |
Research in the Social Sciences: Where Are We?
D'Souza, Errol
National Conference of Research Supervisors on Enhancement of Quality Research in Social Sciences, Dnyanprassarak Mandal College, Goa, October 3-4,
1892 |
An Analysis on the Factors Causing Telecom Churn: First Findings
Dass, Rajanish
Proceedings AMCIS, Detroit,
1893 |
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Financial Services among the Rural Under-banked
Dass, Rajanish
Proceedings of ECIS, Helsinki,
1894 |
Security Framework for Addressing the Issues of Trust on Mobile Financial Services
Dass, Rajanish
7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, Salamanca, Spain, October 19-21,
1895 |
Distinctive Features of MFI Borrowers from West Bengal--Experience of Bandhan
Datta, Samar K.
86th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Diego, June 29 â,
1896 |
Interlinked Credit Transaction: Empirical Analysis from Rural India
Datta, Samar K.
86th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Diego, June 29 â,
1897 |
How Does the Transaction Sector Move in Relation to the Transformation Sector During Development Process? Insights from India’s Post-Independence Experience
Datta, Samar K.
International Conference organized in Honour of Prof. Jeffrey B. Nugent, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, April 13,
1898 |
Does Microfinance Empower Women Borrower? Evidence from Eastern India
Datta, Samar K.
86th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International, San Diego, June 29-July 3,
1899 |
Policy Reforms and Economic Development in Gujarat
Dholakia Archana R
Role of Government Policies in Growth and Development, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, October 1,
1900 |
An Exploratory Study of Revenue Management System (RMS) for a Railway in South East Asia
Dutta, Goutam
INFORMS 2011, Charlotte, November 14,
1901 |
ICT Based Knowledge and Information System for Brand-Variety Selection by Farmers: Study and Design Using Co-cutting Survey System in Cotton
Gandhi, Vasant P.
71st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE), Dharwad, November 3-5,
1902 |
Improving Institutions in Natural Resource Management: A Study of Water and Watershed Management Institutions in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
86th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI), San Diego, June 29 â,
1903 |
Diversified Local Search
Ghosh, Diptesh
OR-2011, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, September 1,
1904 |
On the Blowout Prevention Problem
Ghosh, Diptesh
50th Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management, IIM Calcutta, Kolkata, December 16,
1905 |
Empathetic Innovations for Sustainable Communities: Heuristics for Extremely Affordable Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
West Meets East-What We can Learn About Innovating in 21st Century, Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, August 14-16,
1906 |
Inclusive Innovations for Harnessing Developmental Potential at Grassroots
Gupta, Anil K.
OECD Global Forum on the Knowledge Economy, Paris, September 12-13,
1907 |
Inclusive Innovations for Poverty Alleviation: Creative Ideas of the Poor, for the Poor
Gupta, Anil K.
Annual SDC Conference on Innovation and Development, Berne, August 19,
1908 |
Indicators for the Assessment of the Local and Indigenous Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
Roundtable Meeting on Science Technology and Innovation Global Assessment Programme, UNESCO, Paris, July 4-5,
1909 |
The Shades of Success
Gupta, Parvinder
International Academy of Management and Business Conference, San Francisco, November 7-9,
1910 |
Research and Policy Agenda for Technology in Broadband
Jain, Rekha
Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Taipei, May 29-June 1,
1911 |
Business Model Innovations and ITC Based National Financial Inclusions Programs: An Indian Case Study
Jain, Rekha
22nd European Regional ITS Conference, Budapest, September 18-21,
1912 |
Towards Industrial Relations as Negotiated Connectedness: Articulating Insecurity as a Central Thesis of the Contemporary Condition of Workers
Jerome, Joseph
National Conference on Human Resource Management, Management Development Research Foundation, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, April 3,
1913 |
Translating ES-Embedded Institutional Logics through Technological Framing: An Indian Based Case Example
Kandathil, George
ECIS Proceedings, December,
1914 |
Co-mingling Contrasting Institutional Logics: Exploring the Macro-Micro Interplay during an Indian-based ES Implementation
Kandathil, George
27th European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, Gothenburg, July 6-9,
1915 |
Translating ES-Enabled Institutional Logics through Technological Framing: An Indian Based Case Example
Kandathil, George
19th European Conference on Information Systems, Helsinki, June 9, ,
1916 |
Missing Value Assumption in Missing Markets
Mathur, Ajeet N.
EBEN-2011, University of Antwerp, Belgium, September 14-17,
1917 |
Nature of Nurture: How Understanding Processes affects Business Ethics
Mathur, Ajeet N.
EBEN-2011, University of Antwerp, Belgium, September 14-17,
1918 |
The Amazing, Bizarre and Convoluted, ‘Dialogues des Sourdes’ in Finland-India Conversations
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Finland-India Workgroup at the Anthropology Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, October 7,
1919 |
Crossing Swords or Shaking Hands: The Dilemma of the International Collaborator
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Anthropology Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, October 6,
1920 |
The Shadow of the Inconsistent Quartet of Privacy, Secrecy, Security and Harmony for Convergence in Global Mind-sets in Designing Cross-border Constellations
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Anthropology Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, October 6,
1921 |
Beyond the Activist-Analyst Dichotomy: Policy Facilitators in Urban Renewal in Ahmedabad, India
Mathur, Navdeep
International Conference on Interpretive Policy Analysis, University of Cardiff, June 23-25,
1922 |
Citizens Contesting Exclusion in Urban Governance in Ahmedabad, India
Mathur, Navdeep
ESRC International Conference on Third-Party Governance, ESRC-University of Birmingham, June 9-10,
1923 |
Self Presentation in Online Environments: A Study of Indian Muslim Matrimonial Profiles
Mishra, Smeeta
Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St Louis, August 10-13,
1924 |
The Dialectics of Professionalism: Lawyers in India’s Legal Process Outsourcing Industry
Noronha, Ernesto
29th ILPC Conference, Leeds, April 5-7,
1925 |
Infrastructure and Low Carbon Transport: Case Study of Delhi-Mumbai Freight Corridor
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on National Strategy for Promoting Low Carbon Transport in India, New Delhi, October 18,
1926 |
Macro Consideration for Urban Low-Carbon Mobility Plans
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on Developing Low-Carbon Mobility Plans for Indian Cities, New Delhi, October 19-20,
1927 |
Simultaneous Pursuit of Efficiency and Innovation: Exploring Ambidexterity in Organization Design in the Public Urban Transport
Parikh, Margie
UMI Research Symposium, IIT Delhi, December 3,
1928 |
Lessons from PPPs of Indian Railway and Way Forward
Raghuram, G.
Conference on Transportation Research Group of India, Bangalore, December 9,
1929 |
Evolution of Model Concession Agreement for National Highway in India
Ramakrishnan, T.S.
Conference on Transportation Research Group of India, Bangalore, December 9,
1930 |
Lessons for ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’ Venturing
Roy Chowdhury, Shounak
Annual Meeting of the Strategic Management Society, San Diego, June 10-12,
1931 |
Development of Dynamic Capabilities for International Joint Ventures: An Investigation within the Context of an Emerging Economy
Roy, K.
27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg,
1932 |
Dynamic Capability as Epistemology of an Organization
Roy, K.
Pre-Colloquium Paper Development Workshop (Strategy as Practice), 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg,
1933 |
Theorizing Strategy: Some Constructivist Contemplations on Case Method-based Strategy Research
Roy, K.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas,
1934 |
Building Corporate Reputation: The Case of Edelweiss
Sahay, Arvind
Global Marketing Dynamics Conference, Jaipur, July 25-26,
1935 |
A Study of Executive Perceptions of Compensation Governance
Selvaraj, P.
Executive Compensation: Governance, Dispersion and Firm Performance, Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, August 15,
1936 |
Effects of National Culture on the Deal Proneness
Sharma, Dheeraj
Cross Cultural Research Symposium: Business as Usual? A Multi-Cultural Perspective on Conducting Business Across Countries, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, November 10-12,
1937 |
Paradoxical Tensions and Unique Opportunities of Hybrid Business Models: A Framework and an Illustrative Case Study
Sharma, Garima
Academy of Management, San Antonio, August 12-16,
1938 |
Does it Cut Both Ways? Investigating the Relationship of ‘Project Based’ Teaching and Learning to Creativity of Children and Teachers
Sharma, Rajeev
Creative Engagements, Thinking with Children, Oxford, July 3-6,
1939 |
Reaching the Unreached: Redefining Boundaries of School
Sharma, Rajeev
Social Justice and Human Development, Allahabad, December 18-20,
1940 |
Emerging Trends in Indian Agribusiness Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry: Opportunities and Challenges, MIT, Pune, November 10,
1941 |
Fertilizer Pricing and Subsidy Policy in India: Perspectives and Issues
Sharma, Vijay Paul
2011 FMB Fertilizer Conference and Exhibition, Cannes, October 19-21,
1942 |
India’s Agricultural Development under the New Economic Regime: Policy Perspective and Strategy for the 12th Five Year Plan
Sharma, Vijay Paul
71st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad, November 3-5,
1943 |
India-EU Free Trade Agreement: Likely Implications for the Indian Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Expert Consultation on Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) on the EU-India FTA with Focus on the Right to Food, Anthra, Heinrich Boll Foundation, MISEREOR, and Third World Network, New Delhi, April 11-12,
1944 |
Rethinking Agricultural Input Subsidy Programmes in India: Challenges and Future Prospects
Sharma, Vijay Paul
International Conference on Transformational Changes in Indian Agriculture: The Next Decade, NSFI, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, October 14-16,
1945 |
Resource-Based View of Gender Inclusivity in Corporate India
Singh, Manjari
Tenth International Academy of Management and Business Conference, Istanbul, June 20-22,
1946 |
Contract Farming and Food Retail Chains for Agricultural Development in India: A Smallholder Perspective
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Indian Agriculture at Crossroads, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, September 28-29,
1947 |
Does Contract Farming Help in Increasing Productivity and Income to Growers?
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Productivity in Agriculture, College of Agricultural Banking, Pune, September 2-3,
1948 |
Labour in Global Food Value Chains in India: The Gender Dimensions
Singh, Sukhpal
Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Udaipur, December 17-19,
1949 |
Organic Producer Supply Chains in India: Learning for Bihar
Singh, Sukhpal
International Conference on Organic Bihar, Patna, June 22-24,
1950 |
Regional Food Production and Trade Networks in Asia: Organization and Dynamics with Special Reference to India
Singh, Sukhpal
ADB Workshop on Strategic Partnership for Policy Development and Action to Foster Regional Cooperation in South Asia, IPS, Colombo and RSI, New Delhi, Colombo, July 11,
1951 |
South Asian Agrifood Trade in Networks in India: Standards and ‘Race to Nowhere’,
Singh, Sukhpal
Two Decades of Globalization in India: How Have Firms and Consumers Responded, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, India International Centre, New Delhi, April 22-23,
1952 |
From Boom to Where: The Experience of Post-Crisis Work and Employment in Offshored BPO
Taylor, Phil
29th ILPC Conference, Leeds, April 5-7,
1953 |
Individual Responsibility and its Influence on Sustainable Behaviours: An Experimental Study in the Context of Mercury-Reducing Actions
Turaga, Rama Mohana
Sixth Biennial Conference of the United States Society for Ecological Economics, East Lansing, June 26-29,
1954 |
Developing Leadership Skills among Employees through Outdoor Experimental Training
Vohra, Neharika
Second Indian Academy of Management Conference, IIM Bangalore, December 19-21,
1955 |
Is Agricultural Growth and Diversification Sustainable in Gujarat?
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
ASSOCHAM and Government of Gujarat, Ahmedabad, August 25,
1956 |
Business Dispute Resolution through Arbitration: Deep Root in Ancient Indian Culture
Agarwal, Anurag K.
National Seminar on Indian Business through Ages, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, New Delhi, December 12-13,
1957 |
Question Arising from ONGC versus Sumitomo
Agarwal, Anurag K.
International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure, School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, January 3-4,
1958 |
Exploring Help Seeking at Workplace: A Cross-Cultural Study
Anand, T.
IIMA Doctoral Colloquium, Ahmedabad,
1959 |
India: Some Issues in Higher Education
Basant, Rakesh
BRICS Partnership for Stability, Security and Growth, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, March 5-6,
1960 |
The Labour Market and Skills
D'Souza, Errol
Organization, Work and Innovation Sessions of the Platinum Jubilee Conference on Globalization and Social Transformation: The Indian Experience, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, February 17,
1961 |
Challenges and Opportunities in Planning and Implementation of ICT for the Bottom of the Pyramid: An Experience Sharing from India
Dass, Rajanish
45th IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Services, Hawaii, January 4-8,
1962 |
Use of Generalized Inverse to Regionalize the National I-O Table – A Suggested Non-Survey Method
Dholakia, Ravindra H.
16th International IORA-India Conference, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, March 6-8,
1963 |
Passenger Revenue Management System for National Railways for an Emerging Asian Economy
Dutta, Goutam
ORSN (Operational Research Society of Nepal), Kathmandu, February 1,
1964 |
Capital Flows and Reforms with Special Reference to India
Gandhi, Shailesh
National Conference on Financial Strategies in Global Scenario, Sibaca Dimensions 2012, March,
1965 |
Indian Financial Markets and Its Global Perspectives
Gandhi, Shailesh
National Conference on Financial Strategies in Global Scenario, Sibaca Dimensions 2012,
1966 |
Determinants of Institutional Performance in Watershed Management: A Study of the Nature and Performance of Watershed Development Institutions in Andhra Pradesh, India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
56th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society, Fremantle, Perth, February 7-10,
1967 |
Institutional Performance in Natural Resource Management: A Study of Institutional Interaction in the Implementation of Watershed Development in Andhra Pradesh, India
Jain, Dinesh
56th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society, Fremantle, Perth, February 7-10,
1968 |
Institutional Performance in Natural Resources Management: A Study of Institutional Interaction in the Implementation of Watershed Development in Andhra Pradesh, India
Jain, Dinesh
Fifty-sixth Australian Agriculture and Resource Economics Society, Annual Conference, Fremantle, February 7-10,
1969 |
Lessons of Telecom Sector Reforms for Other Infrastructure Sectors
Jain, Rekha
Regional International Telecommunications Society India Conference 2012, New Delhi, February 22-24,
1970 |
Comparison of Privatization Process of Telecom Services in India and Brazil
Jain, Rekha
Regional International Telecommunications Society India Conference 2012, New Delhi, February 22-24,
1971 |
Communicating Reputation: A Reflection of Tangible and Intangible Factors
Kaul, Asha
11th Asia Pacific Conference of the Association of Business Communication, March 30,
1972 |
Introduction of New Technologies in Agriculture: A Study of the Challenges in the Adoption of Hybrid Rice in India
Khandker, Varsha
56th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society, Fremantle, Perth, February 7-10,
1973 |
Same Language Subtitling: Its impact on Literacy
Kothari, Brij
National Seminar on Economics and Development Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of kolkata, February 9-10,
1974 |
Quantitative Explorations of the Indian Stock Market
Laha, A. K.
99th Indian Science Congress Association Conference, Bhubaneswar, January 4,
1975 |
Fast Broadband Development in India: What Role for Cable Television?
Marcus, J. Scott
Regional International Telecommunications Society India Conference 2012, New Delhi, February 22-24,
1976 |
Citizens as Scholars, Politicians, and Public Managers: Rethinking the Design of Scholarship-Practice Spaces in a Dynamic Policy-Making Environment
Mathur, Navdeep
Second ESRC International Conference on Third-Party Governance, ESRC-DeMontford University, March 12-13,
1977 |
Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change
Naswa, P.
Second WMO International Conference, New Delhi, February 14-17,
1978 |
National Broadband Strategies: A Comparative Review and Possible Lessons for Developing Countries
Neogi, Prabir
Regional International Telecommunications Society India Conference 2012, New Delhi, February 22-24,
1979 |
Rhetoric in Indian Call Centres: The Role of High Commitment Management Practices
Noronha, Ernesto
26th AIRAANZ Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, February 8-10,
1980 |
Estimating Urban and Rural Incomes in India in 2010-11
Pandya, Manish
Annual Conference of IARNIW, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Puducherry, March 15-16,
1981 |
Issues in Preparing Back Series of State Income with Base Year 2004-05: Challenges for State Bureaus
Sethia, Deepak
Annual Conference of IARNIW, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Puducherry, March 15-16,
1982 |
Commodity Derivative Markets and Indian Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Seminar on Commodity Markets, SCMHRD, MCX and Forward Market Commission, Mumbai, February 18,
1983 |
India Dairy Sector in Relation to Emerging International Trade
Sharma, Vijay Paul
40th Dairy Industry Conference, Indian Dairy Association, New Delhi, February 2-5,
1984 |
Post-Green Revolution Agro-Industrial Entrepreneurship among Capitalist Farmers in India: Cases of Punjab and Andhra Pradesh
Singh, Sukhpal
Rethinking Economic History: Circulation, Exchange, and Enterprise in India, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, March 14-15,
1985 |
Binomial Confidence Intervals for Testing Non-Inferiority or Superiority: A Practitioner’s Dilemma
Banerjee, Tathagata
Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, February 17,
1986 |
Predictive Estimates of Finite Population Proportions
Banerjee, Tathagata
Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, February 20,
1987 |
The Global Re-Organizing of Work and its Implication for Collective Voice: Insights from India’s ITES-BPO Sector
D'Cruz, Premilla
26th AIRAANZ Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, February 8-10,
1988 |
Governance and the Political Economy of Reforms
D'Souza, Errol
Prime Ministerâ,
1989 |
Skill Development of the Labour Force
D'Souza, Errol
Training Programme on Social Policy and Governance for Bihar Administrative Service Probationers, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, March 7,
1990 |
Managing Challenges of Emerging Economics: The Indian Health Sector
Ramani, K. V.
International Conference on Knowledge Globalization, Pune, January 5-7,
1991 |
Mrs Menon Oration: Hospital Management, Issues and Challenges in Government Teaching Hospitals
Ramani, K. V.
Thiruvananthapuram, February 5,
1992 |
Uncertainty and Risk of Climate Change Impacts on Indian Infrastructure: Case of Kandla Port
Naswa, P.
Second WMO International Conference on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, New Delhi, February 14-17,
1993 |
ICT Innovations
Jain, Rekha
ITU Workshop, Geneva, March 20-21,
1994 |
Financing Developmental Activity and Debt
Siddeeque, Salman Ali
Tenth Harvard Forum on Islamic Finance, Harvard University, March 24-25,
1995 |
Saleswomen as Sexual Objects: A Study of the Retail Industry in India
Doshi, Vijayta
Qualitative Research in Management and Organization Conference, Anderson School of Management, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, April 4-6,
1996 |
Urban Air Quality and Sustainable Transport: Issues, Instruments and Strategies
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on Low-Carbon Comprehensive Mobility Plans for Indian Cities, New Delhi, April 12,
1997 |
Emerging Trends, Prospects and Challenges for Indian Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Seminar on Food Security: Present Trends and Emerging Opportunities, Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, April 12-13,
1998 |
Success Story of Indian Dairy Sector: Journey from Chronic Shortages to World’s Largest Milk Producer
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Situation and Perspectives of Dairy Sectors of BRICS Countries, Dairy Cooperative Association of Argentina, Buenos Aires, April 19-20,
1999 |
Roadmap for Educational Innovation in Institutions of Higher Learning
Gupta, Anil K.
Roundtable on Educational Innovation, Government of India and UK-India Education and Research Initiative, New Delhi, April 20,
2000 |
Design Insights for Container Terminal Operations
Roy, Debjit
POMS, Chicago, April 20-23,
2001 |
Landing in Trouble: Changing Role of Land in Rural Livelihoods in India
Singh, Sukhpal
New Questions concerning Land in India, South Asia Studies Council and MacMillan Center, Yale University, April 26-29,
2002 |
Community, Market, State (Comarstat) and Positional Competition in Gujarat
D'Souza, Errol
National Seminar on Understanding the Growth Story of Gujarat, Planning Commission and Centre for Development Alternatives, Ahmedabad, May 7-8,
2003 |
Ethics Statements on Websites of Indian Companies
Sharma, Meenakshi
International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens, May 14-17,
2004 |
Natural Gas Pricing in India: An Economic Analysis
Mahapatra, Diptiranjan
31st Annual Eastern Conference, Rutgers University, May 16-18,
2005 |
Upgrading in Fresh Produce Value Chains: Case of Grapes from India
Singh, Sukhpal
Capturing the Gains Workshop, University of Manchester, May 21-26,
2006 |
Uncertainty and Risk Management of Climate Change Impacts on Indian Infrastructure: Case of Konkan Railways
Naswa, P.
Second International Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2012, University of Arizona, Tucson, May 29-31,
2007 |
Product Differentiation and Operations Strategy in a Capacitated Environment
Jayaswal, Sachin
StochMod12, Paris, May 30 - June1,
2008 |
Connected with Roots, or Attracted to Competition? Strategic Drivers of Emerging MNC Location Choices
Karthik, D.
Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Singapore, June 7-9,
2009 |
Examining the Influence of National Culture and Store Image on Consumer Deal Proneness
Sharma, Dheeraj
Administrative Science Association of Canada, Newfoundland, June 9-12,
2010 |
Workplace Relationships and Managerial Ideology as Determinants of Bystander Behaviour
D'Cruz, Premilla
Eighth IAWBH Conference, Copenhagen, June 12-15,
2011 |
Organizational Change and Workplace Bullying
Noronha, Ernesto
Eighth IAWBH Conference, Copenhagen, June 12-15,
2012 |
Land, Livelihoods, and State in India: Issues and Challenges
Singh, Sukhpal
Imperatives of Sustainable Farm Sector Development in The Backdrop of Globalization, Poverty and Inequalities, Sardar Patel Institute of Economics and Social Research, Ahmedabad, June 15-16,
2013 |
Helping Behaviours Among Software Professionals A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Anand, T.
13th Biennial International Conference, International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV), Goa, June 20-23,
2014 |
On the Blowout Preventer Testing Problem: An Approach to Checking for Leakage in BOP Networks
Ghosh, Diptesh
INFORMS International Meeting, China National Convention Center, June 24,
2015 |
Estimation of Parsimonious Term Structure Models
Virmani, Vineet
Rmetrics 2012 Meielisalp Workshop and Summer School on Computational Finance and Financial Engineering, Meielisalp, Switzerland, June 24-28,
2016 |
Partnering in School Change and Example of IIMA’s Social Relevance: An Examination of what Enables IIMA to Remain Socially Relevant
Vohra, Neharika
Reaching Beyond the Pale: Business Schools and Management Associations as Agents of Positive Change, 11th World Congress of International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Limerick, Ireland, June 24-27,
2017 |
Design of Repositioning Policies to Maximize Rental Profits
Roy, Debjit
POMS World Conference, Amsterdam, July 1-5,
2018 |
Control and Autonomy Irony Inherent in Communities-Of-Practice Analyzed from a Power Perspective using Group Level of Analysis
Thomas, Nobin
28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, July 2-7,
2019 |
Communicating Urban Futures: Deliberation and Dissent in Urban Renewal in Ahmedabad
Mathur, Navdeep
Seventh International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, Tilburg University, Netherlands, July 3-5,
2020 |
Design or Discovery? The ‘Humpty-Dumpty’ Risk in Strategies of Cross-Border Value Chain Organizing
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Track 28: Risks of Organising and Organising for Risks, 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, July 5-7,
2021 |
Spatialities of Export Oriented High Value Crop Production in India: Grape Bunches and Labour 'Tolis' in Maharashtra
Singh, Sukhpal
New Spatialities of Production: Impact on Work Organization, Labour Processes and Upward Mobility, IGIDR Mumbai, IHD, Delhi, ICRIER, Delhi and CtG (Capturing the Gains Initiative, Manchester University), July 6-8,
2022 |
Work Organization and Employee Experiences in the Indian Offshoring Industry
Noronha, Ernesto
Conference on New Spatialities and Labour Conference, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, July 7-8,
2023 |
Collectivisation Endeavours in India'S ITES-BPO Sector
Noronha, Ernesto
Conference on Globalization and Employment Relations in India, Mumbai, July 9-10,
2024 |
Culture and Help Seeking: A Comparison of Indian and American Help Seekers in the Software Industry
Anand, T.
International Academy of Cross Cultural Psychology Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 17-21,
2025 |
An Investigation of the Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Retail Patronage
Sharma, Dheeraj
Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, July 19-22,
2026 |
Relationship Marketing in Online B2C Markets: A Meta-Analytic Approach
Verma, Varsha
Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, July 19-22,
2027 |
Effect of Country of Origin and Consumer Ethnocentrism on the Perception of Consumer’s Attitude towards Multinational Service Providers
Dadhich, Harsh
Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, July 19-22,
2028 |
Geogebra: A Tool for Improving Operations Management Teaching at MBA Level
Soman, Chetan
Fourth POMS-EUROMA Production and Operations World Conference, Amsterdam, July ,
2029 |
Ethnic Ties Vs. Agglomeration Density: Demystifying Multi-Cluster Location Choices of Emerging MNCs
Karthik, D.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 3-7,
2030 |
Impact of Telework on Exhaustion and Job Engagement: A Job Demands and Job Resources Model
Sardeshmukh, Shruti R.
Academy of Management Annual Meet, Boston, August 3-7,
2031 |
Food Demand and the Food Security Challenge with Rapid Economic Growth in Emerging Economies
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Sixteenth World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Iguassa Falls, Brazil, August 5-9,
2032 |
Impact of WTO and FTAs on Gujarat Agriculture
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Impact of WTO and FTAs on Gujarat, Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration, Ahmedabad, August 6-7,
2033 |
Economic Reforms and Development in Gujarat
Dholakia Archana R
Columbia University Conference, India International Centre, New Delhi, August 7-8,
2034 |
Sources of Growth of the Gujarat Economy
Morris, Sebastian
National Seminar on Understanding the Gujarat Growth Story, Gujarat Institute of Development Research and Centre for Development Alternatives, Ahmedabad, August 8,
2035 |
Small Producer Collectivitization through Farmer (Producer) Companies: Experiences of Sri Lanka and India
Singh, Sukhpal
International Workshop on Small Farmer Co-operation: Prospects and Challenges,IEG, Delhi and CIDIN, Radboud University, Netherlands, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, August 20-22,
2036 |
Evolution of Model Concession Agreement for National Highways in India
Ramakrishnan, T.S.
Seventh Annual Conference on Road Development in India, India Infrastructure Publishing, New Delhi, August 22-23,
2037 |
Joint Modelling of Loading and Unloading Operations at a Container Terminal
Roy, Debjit
International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, University of Bremen, August 22-24,
2038 |
Infrastructure for Low-Carbon Transport in India: A Case Study of the Delhi-Mumbai Freight Corridor
Pangotra, Prem
Workshop on Developing Policies and Strategies for Low Carbon Transport in India, New Delhi, August 24,
2039 |
In The Short Run We are All Dead: Economic Policy for the Future
D'Souza, Errol
UGC National Conference on Emerging Market Economies, Platinum Jubillee Conference of the Department of Economics, Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai, August 28,
2040 |
Panelist on the Round Table Discussion on Muslim Citizenship and Development: Challenges for Policy Research, Workshop on Social Science Research and Inclusive Polices-Adivasis, Dalits and Muslims
Basant, Rakesh
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, August 29,
2041 |
Panelist on the Discussion on Engaging the Bop as Consumers and Distributors at the Inclusive Business Forum
Basant, Rakesh
jointly organized by the Asian Development Bank and Dalberg Global Development Advisors, August 31,
2042 |
Information Sharing in Groups: An Experimental Study
Shatdal, Arvind
72nd AOM Meeting, Boston, August,
2043 |
Talent Management, Leadership Development Processes and Performance Management Practices in the Context of Rapid Growth in India
Srinivasan V
Professional Development Workshop, 72nd AOM Meeting, Boston, August,
2044 |
Information System for Monitoring Natural Resource use by Agriculture in a State
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Asia Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture/ World Congress on Computers in Agriculture, Taipei, September 3-6,
2045 |
Valuation of Climate Change Impacts and the Case for Adaptation
Naswa, P.
International Conference on Public Policy and Governance, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, September 4-6,
2046 |
Social Enterprises and the Pursuit of Mission: Form Matters
Sarin, Ankur
Fourth International Social Innovation Research Conference, University of Birmingham, September 12-14,
2047 |
Euro Crisis: Implications for India
D'Souza, Errol
Centre for European Studies, Pondicherry University, September 14,
2048 |
Affirmative Action and Participation of Marginalized Groups in Higher Education
Basant, Rakesh
Consultation organized by Centre for Policy Research and the Ministry of Law and Minority Affairs, New Delhi, September 17,
2049 |
Structural Changes and Policy Reforms in the Indian Dairy Sector: Market Opportunities and Challenges
Sharma, Vijay Paul
International Seminar on Organized Retailing vis-a-vis Farm Economy and Relevance, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing and Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, September 21-22,
2050 |
Role of FDI in Multi-Brand Retail Trade in India and its Implications
Singh, Sukhpal
Organized Retailing vis-a-vis Farm Economy of India, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, September 21-22,
2051 |
Global Trends in Dairy Industry: Market Opportunities and Challenges for the Indian Dairy Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Sixth National Seminar on Global Opportunities and Concerns in Dairy and Food Sector, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, September 28-29,
2052 |
Management Education in India: Social Mobility for Whom?
Sarin, Ankur
Public Policy and Governance Conference, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, September ,
2053 |
Exploring Linkages between Strategy Formation and Organizational Innovativeness in Economies under Transition?
Sharma, Sunil
SMS 32nd Annual International Conference, Prague, October 6-9,
2054 |
Exploring Linkages between Strategy Formulation and Innovativenss in Economies under Transition
Batra, Safal
Strategic Management Society's Annual Conference, Prague, October 7-9,
2055 |
Where Do the Poor Go? Ecological Refugees as Conservation’s Detritus in Amitav Ghosh’s the Hungry Tide
Sharma, Meenakshi
Imperialism, Narrative and the Environment, Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society, Munich, October 11-14,
2056 |
Modelling Overlapping Container Terminal Operations
Roy, Debjit
INFORMS, Phoenix, October 14-17,
2057 |
Managing Agricultural Commercialization for Inclusive Growth in South Asia
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Regional Workshop on Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and South, Global Development Network and Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, Colombo, October 22-23,
2058 |
Help Seeking at Workplace: Exploring Perceptions and Inhibitions
Anand, T.
Academy of International Business, Southeast USA Chapter 2012 Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 31-November 2,
2059 |
An Institutional Panorama of Corporate Social Responsibility
Doshi, Vijayta
Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia, Bangkok, November 1- 3,
2060 |
Value Creation through Aligning Enterprise Performance
Gandhi, Shailesh
Regional Cost Conference, the Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Goa, November 2,
2061 |
High-Value Agriculture in India: Patterns, Structural Constraints and Policy Reform Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Global Agri Connect-2012, National Skill Foundation of India and Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, November 2-4,
2062 |
Institutional Innovations for Agril Dev in India –Experience and Prospects
Singh, Sukhpal
CDEIS-Indialics International Conference on Development and Innovation in the Emerging Economies, Punjabi University, Patiala, November 16-18,
2063 |
Accelerating Agricultural Development for Inclusive Growth in India: Strategic Issues and Policy Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
USM-AUT International Conference on Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Auckland University of Technology, Pulau Pinang, November 17-18,
2064 |
Effectiveness of Public Funding for Rural Telecom and Broadband: Lessons from the Universal Service Obligation Fund, India
Jain, Rekha
19th ITS Biennial Conference, Bangkok, November 18-21,
2065 |
Brazil Sailing through the Financial Storm
D'Souza, Errol
Discussant for Deputy Governor Luiz Pereira da Silva at the Conference on Managing Capital Flows, Asian Development Bank and Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai, November 19-20,
2066 |
Perishable Produce Wholesale Markets in India: Their Role and Making them Deliver
Singh, Sukhpal
Wholesale Produce Markets, IUWM, The Netherlands and Punjab Mandi Board and COSAMB, Chandigarh, November 20-21,
2067 |
Livestock Sector for Improving Food and Nutritional Security and Inclusive Growth in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
the fifteenth AAAP Animal Science Congress on Improving Smallholder and Industrial Livestock Production for Enhancing Food Security, Environment and Human Welfare, Animal Husbandry Association of Thailand, Thammasat University, Bangkok, November 26-30,
2068 |
What Makes Small Farms Viable and Small Farmers Prosperous? Evidence and Inferences from Case Studies of SFPFs in Punjab, Gujarat And Maharashtra
Singh, Sukhpal
Small Farmer, Prosperous Farmer Colloquim in memory of Dr. V Kurien, Annual Partners Meet of IWMI, Anand, November 28-30,
2069 |
Ensuring Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility
Balakrishan, Sundar
International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, December 5 - 6,
2070 |
Perceived Transformational Leadership: Role of Metacognitions and Socio-Emotional Skills
Doshi, Vijayta
Twelfth International Human Resource Management Conference, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, December 10-13,
2071 |
Inequality and Macroeconomics
D'Souza, Errol
40th Anniversary Seminar of the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, December 11,
2072 |
The Workplace Bullying-Organizational Change Interface: Emerging Challenges for Human Resource Management
D'Cruz, Premilla
12th IHRM Conference, Gurgaon, December 12-14,
2073 |
Comments on the Proposed PPP Policy and Suggestions
Morris, Sebastian
Workshop on National Public Private Policy, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi, December 14 ,
2074 |
Agricultural Research and Policies in South Asia
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Expert Roundtable on Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, Global Development Network and Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, December 14,
2075 |
Estimating Waiting Time Probabilities in a Network of Queues with Stationary Arrival Rates
Gupta, A.
Sixteenth Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management, IIT, Delhi, December 22-23,
2076 |
Healthcare Performance of Gujarat: Outcomes, Outputs and Inputs
Iyengar, Shreekant
Second Conference of Indian Health Economics and Policy Association, Bangalore, December 20-21,
2077 |
How Men Shop at Hyper Markets
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
URI Conference on Anthropology of Consumption and Markets,
2078 |
Mandatory IPO Grading: Does it Help Pricing Efficiency?
Jacob, Joshy
India Finance Conference, IIM, Calcutta, December 21-23,
2079 |
Mutual Information and a Two Sample Test
Guha, Apratim
Young Statisticians Meet, Burdwan University, Burdwan, December 24,
2080 |
Metaheuristics for Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Ghosh, Diptesh
Young Statisticians Meet, Burdwan University, Burdwan, December 25,
2081 |
Modelling and Analysis of Multivariate Ordinal Categorical Date in Longitudinal Setup
Guha, Apratim
Eighth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, December 28,
2082 |
Does Customer Satisfaction Really Affect Financial Performance? An Empirical Examination
Niraj, Rakesh
Sixth Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference, Chennai, December 29-30,
2083 |
A Bayesian Semiparametric Approach for Incorporating Longitudinal Information on Exposure History for Inference in Case-Control Studies
Bhadra, Dhiman
Eighth Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, December,
2084 |
Understanding Country-of-Origin Effect in Services Sector: Do Consumers behave any Differently?
Dadhich, Harsh
Sixth Great Lakes-NASMEI Marketing Conference, Chennai, December,
2085 |
Exploring Openness in Information Technology Innovation Projects
Krishnan, Sudeep K.
International Conference on Innovation and Information Management, Singapore,
2086 |
Development of Dynamic Capabilities for International Joint Ventures: An Investigation Within the Context of Indian Insurance Space
Roy, K.
PDW - BPS titled "Fostering Publication from Around the World in Leading Organization and Strategy Journals", 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston,
2087 |
The Relationship Between Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Cynicism: Moderating Effect of Employee Volunteering
Sheel, Rahul Chandra
twelfth International HRM Conference on Dream Discover Innovation in the Global Village, Gurgaon, December,
2088 |
All About Negative Capability : The Concept, its Application and Implications
Sunita, S.
Twelfth International HRM Conference on Dream Discover Innovation in the Global Village, Gurgaon, December,
2089 |
Small Farmer Organisation in Rainfed Regions of India: A Study of Organization and Performance of Producer Companies
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Agri Risk Management, Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad, January 3-4,,
2090 |
Accounting Education and Research: Challenges for Educators
Gandhi, Shailesh
All India Accounting Conference and International Seminar, Indian Accounting Association, Rajkot, January 5,
2091 |
Re-Internationalization Process in Organization
Siddeeque, Salman Ali
Sixth IIMA Doctoral Colloqium, Indian Institute Management, Ahmedabad, January 7-8,
2092 |
Defining Brand Value for Retailers that Serve Consumers at the Base of the Pyramid
Gupta, Suraksha
Fifth IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Ahmedabad, January 9-11,
2093 |
Tackling Negative Customer Feedback
Jandhyala, Srinivas
Fifth IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Ahmedabad, January 9-11,
2094 |
Consumers Decision Making Styles and Shopping Behaviour
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Fifth IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Ahmedabad, January 9-11,
2095 |
Whether Cross-Listing, Stock-Specific and Market-Wide Calendar Events Impact Intraday Volatility Dynamics? Evidence from the Indian Stock Market Using High-Frequency Data
Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
FEG-JFM Symposium on the Financial Econometrics of Derivative Securities and Markets at Deakin University, Australia, January 10-11,
2096 |
Terrestrial Broadcasting: New Concepts and Competition: DTT
Jain, Rekha
BES Expo 2014, 20th international Conference and Exhibition on Terrestrial and Satellite Broadcasting, New Delhi, January 14,,
2097 |
Emerging Trends in World Dairy Markets and Prospects for Indian Dairy Industry
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Seminar on Prospects of Livestock and Dairying in India under Changing Global Economic Era, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, January 17-18,
2098 |
The Economics of Choice for Displaced Indigenous Land Owners in Andhra Pradesh
Mamidi, Pavan
Land Rights, Environment Protection and Inclusive, Sustainable Development in India, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi; Christian Michelsen Institute; and University of Bergen, January 17,
2099 |
Corporate Governance Issues in Executive Compensation: The Indian Experience
Balasubramanian, Bala N.
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, January 18,
2100 |
Panel on Politics, Social Media and the Emerging Urban System
Mathur, Navdeep
Urban Affairs Conference, San Francisco, January ,
2101 |
Impact of Brand Strength on How Discounts Should be Framed in Price Bundles
Sahay, Arvind
International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January ,
2102 |
Engaging Employees in Corporate Citizenship Activities: The Case of IBM India
Chaudhri, V.
Etmaal, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, February 6,
2103 |
Performance of Agriculture in Gujarat: Strategic Perspective and Policy Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
FICCI Stakeholderâ,
2104 |
Shaping of Managerial Actions by Socio-Cultural Networks
Doshi, Vijayta
15th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organizational Studies Conference, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, February 15- 17,
2105 |
Promoting Originality and Social Relevance in Engineering Education
Gupta, Anil K.
17th Punjab Science Congress, Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, February 16,,
2106 |
The Intrapreneurial Drive
Debnath, Kanish
Tenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad, February 20-22,
2107 |
Agricultural Research and Policies in South Asia
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Expert Roundtable on Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, Global Development Network and International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, February 20,
2108 |
Advertising and Pricing Decisions in a Manufacturer-Retailer Channel
Kumar, Jithesh K.
Nepalese Academy of Management Annual Conference, Kathmandu, March 10-12,
2109 |
Framework for Innovation Capabilities: A Conceptualization with Focusing on Organizational Competitiveness
Kumar, Jithesh K.
Nepalese Academy of Management Annual Conference, Kathmandu, March 10-12,
2110 |
Understanding Urban Governance and Research Agendas for Social Science
Mathur, Navdeep
Workshop on Cities, Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune, March 14-15,
2111 |
Understanding Urban Governance and Research Agendas for Social Science
Mathur, Navdeep
Workshop on Cities, Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune, March 14-15,,
2112 |
Routine Resistance: Limits to Reclaiming Power in the Context of Depersonalized Bullying
D'Cruz, Premilla
AOM, at Buena Vista, Florida.,
2113 |
Rethinking Diversification of Punjab Agriculture: The Why and the How of Policy and Mechanisms, International conference on Rejuvenation of Punjab Economy
Singh, Sukhpal
University of California and Punjabi University, Patiala, March 21-23,
2114 |
Rethinking Agricultural Marketing Reforms: Making Contract Farming and Private Markets Work for Smallholders
Singh, Sukhpal
fifteenth Thinkers and Writers Forum, 31st Skoch Summit, Skoch, New Delhi, March 25-26,
2115 |
Impact of Current Policies on Future Air Quality and Health Outcomes in Delhi, India
Dholakia, Hem H.
European Geosciences Union Conference, Vienna, April,
2116 |
Relevance of Inter-Disciplinary Inquiries into Contemporary Issues,
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Researchers' Workshop, School of Inter-disciplinary Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University, April 1,
2117 |
Agricultural Commercialization and Trade Patterns in India: Dynamics and Prospects
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Silver Jubilee Celebrations Conference on the State, the Market and the Agripreneurs, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, April 3-5,
2118 |
Inclusive Value Chains in India: Evidence and Potential
Singh, Sukhpal
Silver Jubilee Celebrations Conference, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, April 3-5,
2119 |
Doubly Entwined: The Politics of Gender in India’s Offshoring-Outsourcing Sector
D'Cruz, Premilla
COST conference on virtual work, Darmstadt, Germany, April 8-10,
2120 |
Impact of the Introduction of Call Auction on Price Discovery: Evidence from the Indian Stock Market Using High-Frequency Data
Jacob, Joshy
Eastern Finance Association Conference, Tampa, Florida, April,
2121 |
Purchase Intention of Extended Warranty: An Integrated Model
Kumar, Jithesh K.
Third IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, April 13-14,
2122 |
Structural Equation Modelling for Institutional Improvement to Enhance Impact of Watershed Management Institutions
Gandhi, Vasant P.
ACIAR Project Conference cum Workshop, ACIAR, Australia, April 13-25,
2123 |
Analysing Alternate Storage Strategies in Mobile Rack-Based Order-Pick System
Nigam S
3rd IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, April 13-14,
2124 |
Managing the Trine of Internationsation, Innovation and Institutional Distance in International Business
Batra, Safal
Academy of International Business-India Chapter Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, April 15-17,
2125 |
Mandatory IPO Grading: Does it Help Pricing Efficiency?
Jacob, Joshy
Eastern Finance Association Conference, Tampa, April,
2126 |
PPP Governance and Development: Conceptual and Policy Level perspectives
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Public-Private Partnerships: Polices, Practices and Perspectives, Newman College Thodupuzha, April 17-18,
2127 |
Public - Private Partnerships for Agribusiness Development in India: Experience, Issues, and Strategies
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Public- Private Partnerships: Polices, Practices and Perspectives, Newman College, Thodupuzha, April 17-18,
2128 |
Introduction and Background to the Project: Enhancing Institutional Performance in Watershed Management in Andhra Pradesh, India
Gandhi, V P
Workshop of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Project, Canberra, April 22,
2129 |
Research Methodology, Conceptual Framework, Survey and Key Findings: Enhancing Institutional Performance in Watershed Management in Andhra Pradesh, India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Workshop of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Project, Canberra, Australia, April 22,
2130 |
Trends in Agribusiness and Food and Implications for the Future of the Seed Industry
Gandhi, Vasant P.
CEO Conclave - Indian Seed Congress 2014, National Seed Association of India (NSAI), Gandhinagar, February 17,
2131 |
A Brief Introduction to Splines
Bhadra, Dhiman
IIMA Summer School, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, May ,
2132 |
Does East Meet West? Comparing Crisis Communication Strategies used by Indian and Western Companies
Kaul, Asha
11th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens, May 13-16,
2133 |
Innovations for Inclusive Development
Gupta, Anil K.
Asia Pacific Conference: APCON 2013, Bangalore, May 15,
2134 |
Modelling Priority Service and Repositioning Strategies
Pazour, Jennifer A.
IIE Annual Conference 2013, Puerto Rico, May 18-22,
2135 |
The Mismanagement of Layoffs
D'Cruz, Premilla
European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, May 22-25,
2136 |
Leveraging Indigenous Knowledge, Creativity and Innovations: Honey Bee Network Approach
Gupta, Anil K.
World Indigenous Network Conference 2013 (WINC 2013), Darwin NT, Australia, May 26,
2137 |
What Drives Emerging Multinationals? Early Stage Internationalization and Performance Drivers of Indian IT firms
Karthik, D.
IIM World Management Conference, May 30-June 1,
2138 |
A Vision for Innovation in Government
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Innovation Action Plans: Review and Next Steps, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Delhi, June 14,
2139 |
Grassroots Innovation and Transformation towards Sustainable Development
Gupta, Anil K.
Conference on Transformation in a Changing Climate, Georg Sverdrups Hus, University of Oslo, Norway, June 19-21,,
2140 |
Alliance Capability, Governance Mechanisms and Stakeholder Management in Complex Settings
Basant, Rakesh
Glasgow Special Conference, Strategic Management Society, Glasgow, June 20-22,
2141 |
Technology, Economics and Risk-Perception: A Study of the Adoption of Genetically-Modified Bt Cotton in India
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 88th Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, June 28-July 2,
2142 |
Emotional Submergence of Protest: A Triumph of Strategy or Catastrophic Risk Magnification?”
Mathur, Ajeet N.
29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, July 3-7,
2143 |
Minimum Wage Setting and its Impact on Industrial Relations in Asian Countries: A Cross-Country Comparison
Varkkey, Biju
2144 |
Nursing Industry: Where Rescuers become the Victims
Doshi, Vijayta
29th European Group of Organization Studies Conference, Montreal, July 4-6,
2145 |
Structuring the Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited - A Lost Opportunity
Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
WCTR, 2013 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, July,
2146 |
Autopoiesis Model of Innovation: Frugal, Flexible, Friendly and Affordable
Gupta, Anil K.
International Economic Forum: Les Rencontres Economiques d'Aix-en-Provence 2013, Aix-en-Provence, July 6,
2147 |
Deploying Intellectual Capital for Technology and Policy Leadership in the Telecom Sector: Role of TCOEs
Jain, Rekha
Workshop on Activities and R&D Roadmap for the Next Five Years of TCOEs: Achieving the Obgjectives of NTP 2012, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, July 6,
2148 |
Innovation in Government: Strategy and Implementation
Gupta, Anil K.
International Workshop on Government Performance Management, New Delhi, July 11,
2149 |
Evolution of Model Concession Agreement for National Highways in India
Raghuram, G.
World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, July 15-18,
2150 |
Framework for Structuring PPPs in Railways
Raghuram, G.
World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, July 15-18,
2151 |
Structuring the Dedicated Freight Corridor Project, A Critique
Raghuram, G.
World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, July 15-18,
2152 |
Financial Literacy among Working Young in Urban India
Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
Workshop on Design of Products and Services for Financial Inclusion, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, July 20,
2153 |
Does Strategic Planning determine Innovation in Organizations
Batra, Safal
3rd Academy of Management, BPS Global Representatives Workshop, Florida August 1-5,
2154 |
What Drives Emerging Multinationals? Early Stage Internationalization and Performance Drivers of Indian IT Firms
Karthik, D.
Divisional Paper Session, 2013 Academy of Management, Annual Meeting 2013, August 9-13,
in Banerjee, Ashok (ed.), Emerging Issues in Management, New Delhi: Emerald India, 2013, 54-63 |
2155 |
Strategic Breakthroughs: The Flagpoles of Innovation Journey
Dixit, M. R.
AOM Conference at Orlando, August 9-13,
2156 |
Leadership and Creativity: Examining the Role of Justice and Engagement
Gupta V
The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, August 9-13,
2157 |
Personality and Commitment: A Metanalysis
Sharma S
73rd AOM Meeting, Florida, August 9-13,,
2158 |
Empathetic Innovations for Social Development
Gupta, Anil K.
73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, August 10-15,
2159 |
Impact of the Introduction of Call Auction on Price Discovery: Evidence from the Indian Stock Market Using High-Frequency Data
Jacob, Joshy
Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives, August, 2013, Busan, August, ,
2160 |
Indian Labor Market and the Position of Women: What do the Wage Indicator (Paycheck.in) Indian Survey Data Reveal?
Varkkey, Biju
8th IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Development, Bonn, August 22-23,
2161 |
To Be or Not to Be: Talent Management in a Growing Recruitment Process Outsourcing Firm
Sinha, Anamika
IVEY - ISB Global Case Competetion 2013: Presentation of Winning Cases, Mumbai, August 23,
2162 |
India Country Status Report
Varkkey, Biju
5th Global Wageindicator Annual Conference, WI Foundation and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, August 26- 28,
2163 |
Is it a Double Edged Sword? Exploring the Reach of Project Based Teaching and Learning
Sharma Rajiv
Biennial Conference of â,
2164 |
Social Security in Informal Sector: The Case of MNREGA
Varkkey, Biju
2165 |
Analysing Alternate Vehicle Allocation Strategies in Mobile Rack-Based Order-Pick Systems
Nigam S
OR13 Conference, Erasmus University, The Netherlands, September 3-6,,
2166 |
Integrative Agribusiness Models for Linking Farmers to the Market
Gandhi, Vasant P.
Vibrant Gujarat Global Agriculture Summit, Government of Gujarat: Agriculture and Co-operation Department, Gandhinagar, September 9-10,
2167 |
Data Analytics in Healthcare - An Introduction
Laha, A. K.
Transforming Healthcare with IT Conference, Hyderabad, India, September ,
2168 |
ICT Adoption and Organizational Change in Public and Private Enterprises: An Exploration of Plant and Enterprise Level Data in India
Basant, Rakesh
EGPA Annual Converence, Edinburg, September 11-13,
2169 |
Optimizing Stack Layouts in Container Terminals using Stochastic Models
Roy, Debjit
National University of Singapore, 3rd International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, September 12-14,
2170 |
Planning Like a State: Urban Governance by (Dis) Empowerment
Mathur, Navdeep
14th Annual Conference of NAERUS-GISDECO, ITC, University of Twente, Enschede, September ,
2171 |
A Strategy-as-Practice Approach to Understanding the Strategies of Small, Informally Organised Retail Grocery Shops in India
Patak, Atul
Indian Academy of Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, September 20,
2172 |
An Evaluation Framework for Socially Meaningful Evaluations of Technology based Social Innovations, 2013
Sarin, Ankur
Paper shortlisted as â,
2173 |
From Micro Finance to Micro Venture Finance: A Paradigmatic Shift for Inclusive Development through Grassroots Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
LH Forum: Movement for a Positive Economy, Le Havre, September 26,
2174 |
From Micro Finance to Micro Venture Finance: A Paradigmatic Shift for Inclusive Development through Grassroots Innovations
Gupta, Anil K.
LH Forum: Movement for a Positive Economy, Le Havre, September 26,
2175 |
Policy Framework for Spectrum Management in Emerging Economies: Lessons from Mobile Broadband Spectrum Allocations in India and the Philippines
Jain, Rekha
41st Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, September 27-29,
2176 |
Optimal Partitioning of Vertical Zones in Vehicle-based Warehouse System
Roy, Debjit
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 6-9,
2177 |
Queuing Models for Mobile Rack-based Order-Pick Systems
Roy, Debjit
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 6-9,
2178 |
Designing Institutions for Innovative Social Transformation: Bridging or Eliminating Need Gaps
Gupta, Anil K.
4th Asia NGO Innovation Summit [ANIS] 2013, Hope Institute, Bangkok, October 8,
2179 |
Engineering for Social Change: The Case of Techpedia.in
Gupta, Anil K.
International Congress Vision, Lima, October 16 - 18,
2180 |
Engineering for Social Change: The Case of Techpedia.in
Gupta, Anil K.
International Congress Vision, Lima, October 16 - 18,
2181 |
Technological Innovations in Rural Countryside
Gupta, Anil K.
International Congress Vision, Lima, October 16 - 18,,
2182 |
Promotion of Livelihood Opportunites and Social Inclusion
Barnhardt, Sharon
National Summit on Inclusive Urban Development, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, October 17,
2183 |
Bhatnagar, Subhash
Leadership Workshop for Legislators and Ministers, National Institute of SMART Governance, Bangalore, October,
2184 |
Role of the Public ICT Networks in Facilitating Innovation: Lessons from India,
Jain, Rekha
24th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Florence, October 20-23,
2185 |
Analytics for Marketing in the 21st Century
Laha, A. K.
FIIB Marketing Analytics Conference, New Delhi, India, October,
2186 |
Frugal Innovation: How Can We Do More with Less?”
Gupta, Anil K.
World Innovation Summit for Education, Doha, October 30,
2187 |
Knowledge Needs Assessment for Indian Cities
Pangotra, Prem
Consultation Workshop on India Knowledge and Experience Exchange Hub, ADB-GoI-World Bank, New Delhi, November 12,
2188 |
Agribusiness Franchising in India: Performance and Potential
Singh, Sukhpal
6th International Conference of Economics and Management of Networks (EMNET), Agadir, November 21-23,
2189 |
Grassroots Innovations Matter,”
Gupta, Anil K.
6th SARCHI Retreat and Interface, Pretoria, November 22-26, 2013.,
2190 |
Comment on Income Distributions, Inequality and Poverty in Asia, 1992 to 2010
Barnhardt, Sharon
16th Annual Conference on Innovative, Inclusive, and Integrated Asia and Pacific, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, November 27,
2191 |
Indian Writing in English and a Space Called England
Sharma, Meenakshi
Travelling Narratives: Modernity and the Spatial Imaginary, University of Zurich, November 29 - December 1,
2192 |
Farmer and Worker Based Innovation for Entrepreneurial Development
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Innovation-Led and Technology Driven Entrepreneurship. the Way Ahead for Kerala, December 3,
2193 |
Understanding the Experiences of ‘Not Knowing’ in Leadership
Doshi, Vijayta
27th Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Hobart, December 4-6,
2194 |
Recognizing Excellence at Local Level
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop for Women Sarpanchs of Gujarat, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 6-7, ,
2195 |
Two Cultures? Frontiers of Faith in Yoga and Psychoanalysis
Mathur, Ajeet N.
FMRI Annual Psychoanalytical Conference, India, December 19-20,
2196 |
Improving Services in Outdoor Patient Departments by Focusing on Process Parameters: A Simulation Approach
Verma, Sanjay
Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, December 9,
2197 |
Crucible of Creativity in Crop Development: Learning from Farmer Breeders
Gupta, Anil K.
5th J.C. Bose Memorial Lecture and Foundation Day of NIPGR,,
2198 |
The Role of Traits, Values and Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Volunteering
Bathini, D
3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,
2199 |
Understanding the Experiences of ‘Not Knowing’ in Leadership
Doshi, Vijayta
3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,
2200 |
The Relationship Between Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organisational Cynicism: Moderating Effect of Employee Volunteering
Sheel, Rahul Chandra
3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,
2201 |
Multi-level Approach to Organizational Learning Using Social Network Analysis
Thomas, Nobin
3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,
2202 |
Multi-level Network Measures for Organizational Learning: Case of a Consultancy Firm
Thomas, Nobin
3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,
2203 |
Network Measures for Organizational Learning Subprocesses
Thomas, Nobin
3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,,
2204 |
Communities of Practice and their Inherent Control and Autonomy Irony: A Power-based Perspective
Thomas, Nobin
," 3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 12-14,
2205 |
Horses for Courses: Affect Patterns of Risk-Taking in the Context of Institutional Plurality and Cultural Diversity
Mathur, Ajeet N.
Indian Academy of Management Conference, December 14,,
2206 |
What Makes a Data-Story Work? A Framework for Effective Visual Data Narratives,
Kapoor, Amit
International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, Bangalore, December,
2207 |
Technology Oriented Strategy of Small Businesses in Emerging Economies
Batra, Safal
Strategic Management Society India Conference, Mohali, December 17-19,
2208 |
Role of Entrepreneurial Bias in Low-Cost High-Volume Business Model for Opportunity Creation in Emerging Economies
Dixit, M. R.
SMS Conference, Mohali, India, December 17,
2209 |
Corporate Governance Issues In Executive Compensation: The Indian Experience (2008–2012)
Karthik, D.
Strategic Management Society Special Conference in Mohali, December 17-19,
2210 |
Corporate Governance: Changing Trends in Interpreting Fiduciary Duty
Agarwal, Anurag K.
India Finance Conference 2013, Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad, December 18-19
2211 |
Technology Oriented Strategy of Small Businesses in Emerging Economies: Does Industry Matters?
Batra, Safal
SMS Conference, Mohali, India, December 18,
2212 |
Growth and Development of the Agribusiness Sector: Nature, Drivers, Models and Challenges
Gandhi, Vasant P.
73rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agriculture Economics (ISAE), Hyderabad, December 18,
2213 |
Moving Forward: Opportunities and Challenges
Gupta, Parvinder
The International Symposium on Social Sciences, Hong Kong, December 19-21,
2214 |
Market Timing Ability of Indian Firms in Open Market Repurchases,
Jacob, Joshy
India Finance Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December,
2215 |
An Analysis of Resource Conservation Technology: A Case of Micro-Irrigation System (Drip Irrigation)
Bhamoriya, Vaibhav
Research and Methodology Workshop, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, December 20-21,
2216 |
Irrigation and Entrepreneurship: A Proposal
Bhamoriya Vaibhav
Research and Methodology Workshop, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, December 20-21,
2217 |
Financial and Cost Management in Healthcare Systems
Gandhi, Shailesh
Health Conference for Medical practitioners in Middle East, organized by Reinsurance Group of America, Dubai, December 20,
2218 |
Financial and Cost Management in Healthcare Systems
Gandhi, Shailesh
Health Conference for Medical practitioners in Middle East, organized by Reinsurance Group of America, Dubai, December 20,
2219 |
Financial Literacy among Working Young in Urban India,
Jacob, Joshy
India Finance Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December,
2220 |
Small Farmers, Prosperous Farmers in India: Lessons from Case Studies,
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Agri Risk Management, Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad, January 3-4,
2221 |
Breakthrough Innovations for Social Change
Gupta, Anil K.
BITSAA Global Alumni Meet, BITS Pilani- Hyderabad Campus, January 5,
2222 |
The Strategic Management of Sustainable Innovation
Mathur, Ajeet N.
5th International Conference, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, January 10,
2223 |
Learning from the Margins
Gupta, Anil K.
Bodo Studentsâ,
2224 |
Corporate Governance Issues In Executive Compensation: The Indian Experience (2008–2012)
Karthik, D.
National Stock Exchange - Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Corporate Governance Round Table, January,
2225 |
Issues in PPPs in Ports in India
Raghuram, G.
International Conference on Public Private Partnership. The Need of the Hour, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, January, 23-24,
2226 |
Applications of Stochastic Modelling in Finance
Laha, A. K.
Research in Statistical Science: Past, Present and Future, S. P. University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, India, February,
2227 |
Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition: Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization
Sharma, Shruti
7th Economic Theory and Policy Conference, Jawaharlal Nehru Niversity and NIPFP, New Delhi, February 21,
2228 |
Heuristics for Multi-Product Newsboy Problem with Satisficing Objective
Khanra, Avijit
18th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, February 24-28,
2229 |
Heuristics for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Combined Make-To-Order and Make-To-Stock Production System
Soman, Chetan
18th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, February 24-28,
2230 |
Small Producer Aggregation Models for Livelihoods and Nutrition at Tata
Singh, Sukhpal
Workshop on Aggregation Models for Income and Nutrition, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, February 27-28,
2231 |
Innovations for Women Empowerment
Gupta, Anil K.
State Level Conference for Women Entrepreneurs 2014, Aamhi Udyogini Prathishthan, Mumbai, March 1,
2232 |
Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition: Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization
Sharma, Shruti
Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market: The Relocation of Jobs, Institute for Employment Research (IAB), RCEA and ZEW, Nuremberg, March 13,
2233 |
Encouraging Farmers Innovations for Sustainable Development
Gupta, Anil K.
Workshop on Farmer Innovations in Kerala, Kerala State Planning Board, Thiruvananthapuram, March 26,
2234 |
Benefits of FDI in Multi-brand Retail Trade in India: Myths and Reality
Singh, Sukhpal
College of Co-operation, Banking, and Management, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, April 20,
2235 |
Innovation Roadmap for UP: A Long Term Perspective and Bankers as Agents of Change
Gupta, Anil K.
State Innovation Council, Innovation Roadmap 2020 for UP, Lucknow, July 24,
2236 |
Emerging Trends in Indian Agribusiness Sector: Prospects and Policy Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
International Conference on Strengthening Climate Justice Initiatives: Livelihood Challenges at Local Level with a Focus on Farmers, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, November 8-9.,
2237 |
Not all Mergers and Acquisitions Lead to Psychological Contract Breach: Moderating Effect of Human Resource Effectiveness
Agarwal, Promila
International Journal of Human Resource Management Colloquim: Human Resource Management in Asia: Distinctiveness of Asian Human Resource Management? ISC Paris Business School, Paris, September 18-19.,
2238 |
Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Healthcare
Angeli, Federica
Second International Conference on Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Pathumthani, Thailand, December 11-12.,
2239 |
Why Do Local Companies Outperform MNCs in Inclusive Markets? An Institutional Perspective
Angeli, Federica
Fifth Subsistence Marketplaces Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois, June 13 - 15.,
2240 |
Moving to Opportunity or Isolation? Long-Run Evidence from a Randomized Housing Mobility Program in India
Barnhardt, Sharon
Yale China-India Insights Conference, July, 13-15.,
2241 |
An RCT from Start to Finish
Barnhardt, Sharon
IMR Doctoral Conference 2014, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, December 23, 2014.,
2242 |
Long Term Future for Bioenergy in India: An Assessment of Co-benefits
Bhaskar, Kalyan
22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, June 22-26.,
2243 |
Extended Producer Responsibility as an Instrument for Electronic Waste Management: A Critical Analysis of E-Waste Rules in India
Bhaskar, Kalyan
APPAM Fall Research Conference, Albuquerque, November 5-7, 2014.,
2244 |
Electrical Power Technology Competition in Low Carbon Scenarios: A Modelling Assessment for India
Bhaskar, Kalyan
4th IAEE Asian Conference, Beijing, September 19-21, 2014.,
2245 |
Modelling Solar and Bioenergy Dynamics in Low Carbon Scenarios in India
Bhaskar, Kalyan
33rd International Energy Workshop, Beijing, June 2-3, 2014.,
2246 |
Towards Universal Health Coverage: Policy Imperatives.
Bhat, Ramesh
First IIMA Conference: Vision 2024: Imperatives for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Novermber.,
2247 |
e-Urban Governance
Bhatnagar, Subhash
11th World Congress of Metropolis: Cities for All, Hyderabad, October 7.,
2248 |
Delineating the Interest Group Dynamics Surrounding Inclusion of Aviation under the EU ETS
Chokshi, Poojan
Anvesh 2014: Conference for Doctoral Students, Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, April 11-12.,
2249 |
"Delineating the Interest Group Dynamics Surrounding Inclusion of Aviation under the EU ETS
Chokshi, Poojan
Anvesh 2014: Conference for Doctoral Students, Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, April 11-12.,
2250 |
Equity and Justice in European Union’s Policy to Curb Airline Emissions.
Chokshi, Poojan
Anvesh 2014: Conference for Doctoral Students, Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, April 11-12.,
2251 |
Sustainable Low Carbon Urban Mobility Scenarios for India: A Co-benefits Assessment of Electric Vehicles.
Chokshi, Poojan
37th IAEE International Conference, New York, June 15-18.,
2252 |
Internal and External Workplace Cyberbullying: Exploring a Unique Stressor of the Digital Economy
D'Cruz, Premilla
Oral Presentation at Dynamics of Virtual Work Conference, United Kingdom, September 3-5.,
2253 |
Fair Game: The Influence of Cultural Norms in Creating Sanctioned Targets in the Workplace
D'Cruz, Premilla
Ninth International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Milan, June 17-20.,
2254 |
Market Structures, Market Failure, and Pricing
Deodhar, Satish Y.
IMA Society Conference, Ahmedabad, June 28.,
2255 |
Identity Struggle: `Not Knowing' in Leadership
Doshi, Vijayta
Second Pan IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, November 5-8.,
2256 |
Informal and Formal Employment in a Liberalizing Economy
D'Souza, Errol
56th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, BIT Mesra, Ranchi, December 18.,
2257 |
Why Banning Child Labour Does not Work
D'Souza, Errol
Western Region Roundtable Conference on Extending Social Protection and Combating Child Labour, UNICEF, ILO, Government of Gujarat, Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute, June 5.,
2258 |
Design for Sustainable Well-being and Empowerment
Gupta, Anil K.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, June 12-14.,
2259 |
Jaikumar, Saravana and Tripathi S., "Ordering Effect of Alphabets and Numbers in Alphanumeric Brand Names
Jaikumar, Saravana
North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore, October 23-26.,
2260 |
Celebrity Endorsements and Branding Strategies: Event Study from India
Jaikumar, Saravana
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, June 12-14.,
2261 |
The Effect of Overlapping Price Ranges on Price Perception
Jaikumar, Saravana
Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore, October 23-26.,
2262 |
Framework for Identifying Appropriate Roles for the Public and Private Sector in National Broadband Deployments in Emerging Economies: The National Broadband Plan of India.
Jain, Rekha
TPRC 42: The 42nd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, Arlington, September 12-14.,
2263 |
ICT and Economic Growth
Jain, Rekha
Workshop on Government of India Guidelines on Installation and Safety Regime of Telecom Towers, Ahmedabad, August 13.,
2264 |
Vision 2024: Imperatives for Public Policy
Jain, Rekha
Public Policy Conference 2014, New Delhi, November 21-22.,
2265 |
Examining the Service Quality Customer Loyalty Model Using Two Different Approaches
Jaiswal, Anand Kumar
Eighth Great Lakes-North American Society for Marketing Education in India Marketing Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, December 26-27.,
2266 |
Decision Support Device for Community Health Workers to Reduce Maternal Mortality
Parmar, Ashis Jalote
15th Annual Global Development Conference, Accra, June 18-20, 2014. ,
2267 |
Design Thinking a Critical Factor in Shaping Project Based Engineering Education
Parmar, Ashis Jalote
Frontiers in Education, IEEE Conference, Madrid, October 23-26, 2014.,
2268 |
Challenges in Managing Labour Processes in Informal Sector and Impact of Labour Laws on Segregation of Labour Market and Labour Flexibility: A Proposed Framework.
Jha, J.K.
56th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Institute for Human Development, Eastern Regional Centre, Ranchi and Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, December 18-20.,
2269 |
Movies in the MBA Class Room, Impact Study of an Experiment
Jose, Sibi
14th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Said Business School, University of Oxford, August 4-5.,
2270 |
Creating Shared Value: The Sustainability Journey at ITC Ltd
Kaul, Asha
Twelfth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, June 11-13.,
2271 |
Examining Strategic Stakeholder Communication within Organizing Visions: An Exploratory Study
Kulkarni, Vaibhavi
National Communication Association 100th Annual Convention, Chicago, November 21-23.,
2272 |
Discourse of Institutional Change: (De) legitimization of Logics within the Organizational Field
Kulkarni, Vaibhavi
National Communication Association, 100th Annual Convention, Chicago, November 21-23.,
2273 |
Impact of Manager with Disability on Upward Advancement of their Subordinates: A Conceptual Proposition
Malhotra, P.
British Academy of Management 2014 Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 9-11.,
2274 |
Individual Factors and Organisational Initiatives Enabling the Success of Disabled-Managers – the Indian Context
Malhotra, P.
International Journal of Human Resource Management Colloquium on Human Resource Management in Asia: Distinctiveness of Asian Human Resource Management, ISC Paris Business School, Paris, September 18-19.,
2275 |
Gross Profit Manipulation: Impact of Product Market Competition
Nagar, Neerav
American Accounting Association Annual Meeting: Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop, Atlanta, August 2-6.,
2276 |
Gross Profit Manipulation: Impact of Product Market Competition
Nagar, Neerav
First Corporate Governance Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Trichy, June 13-14.,
2277 |
Going Dutch, Remaining Indian: Experience of Indian IT Employees in the Netherlands
Noronha, Ernesto
The Dynamics of Virtual Work: the Transformation of Labour in a Digital Global Economy, International Conference, University of Hertfordshire, September 3-5.,
2278 |
In the Name of Competitiveness: Industrial Relations in the Indian IT/ITES Sector
Noronha, Ernesto
56th ISLE Annual Conference, December 18-20.,
2279 |
Captive vs. Non-Captive: A Conceptual Framework
Parida, Biswajita
Second Pan IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, November 5th-8th, 2014.,
2280 |
Inferring Competence and Status from Signals of Nonconformity
Parida, Biswajita
Academy of International Business Paper Development Workshop, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, December 18-19.,
2281 |
Ms.Tara’s Dilemma: To Litigate or Otherwise
Ravichandran, N.
Thirteenth Case Workshop, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, April 25-27.,
2282 |
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Firm Performance, and CEO Power: Evidence from India
Saiyed, Abrar Ali
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, London, Ontario, June 4-7.,
2283 |
An Evaluation Framework for Socially Meaningful Evaluations of Technology based Social Innovations
Sarin, Ankur
International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Said Business School,Oxford, September ,
2284 |
Discount Coupons at BFL: A Privilege to Shareholders or a Means to Erode Shareholders’ Wealth?
Shah, Bhavin
Anniversary Conference 2014. Case Research Centre, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, September 8-9.,
2285 |
Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition: Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization
Sharma, Shruti
19th Society of Labour Economics Meetings, Arlington, May 2.,
2286 |
Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition: Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization
Sharma, Shruti
Conference on Economic Inequality, Labour Markets and Trade, CEPR and University of Zurich, Zurich, June 15-18.,
2287 |
Can Traditional And Survival Values Be Measured At Ethnicity?
Sharma, Supriya
Second Pan IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, November 5-8.,
2288 |
Conflict Between Identity and Image of an Organization: Exploring Responses in New Entrepreneurial Ventures
Sharma, Supriya
IIMB Management Review Doctoral Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, December 22-23.,
2289 |
Correct Identification of Beneficiaries and Securing the Efficient Supply Chain
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on "A Leak Proof TPDS: The Way Ahead,â,
2290 |
Emerging Trends in Indian Agribusiness and Food Security Challenges
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on Economic Implications of National Food Security Act, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, August 9.,
2291 |
Fertilizer Subsidy in India: Key Issues and Concerns
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on Understanding Fertilizer Use and Subsidy, India International Centre, New Delhi, November 7.,
2292 |
Fertilizer Subsidy in India: Key Issues and Policy Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Public Policy Conference, "Vision 2024" Imperatives for Public Policy, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, November 21-22.,
2293 |
Performance of Agriculture in Gujarat: Strategic Perspective and Policy Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Policy Consultation Workshop on Support-Led and Economic Growth-Mediated Food And Nutrition Security In India: The Case of Gujarat, International Food Policy Research Institute and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, November 1.,
2294 |
Possible Ways to Rationalize Fertilizer Subsidies
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Conference on Harnessing Opportunities to Improve Agri-Food Systems, Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Studies and the International Food Policy Research Institute, New Delhi, July 10-11.,
2295 |
Role of Fertilizers in Transforming Agriculture in Asia: A Case Study of Indian Fertilizer Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
The Asian Society of Agricultural Economists Conference, Dhaka, October 15-17.,
2296 |
Innovation Trajectories: Managing Open and Close Approaches in Organization Innovation Process
Shukla, S.
12th Annual Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, July 28-30.,
2297 |
Re-Internationalization Performance and Antecedents
Siddeeque, Salman Ali
Academy of International Business Paper Development Workshop, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, December 18-19.,
2298 |
Crafting Jobs Beyond Job Descriptions: The Context of Consultant Dejobbing
Singh, V. L.
First Human Resource International Conference, Academy of Managementâ,
2299 |
Promoting Innovative Behaviour: Role of Psychological Empowerment and Job Involvement
Singh, Manjari
IIMA Society Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, June 27-28.,
2300 |
Making APMC Acts Work
Singh, Sukhpal
IGIDR-IFPRI Workshop on Harnessing Opportunities for Agri-food Supply Chains in India, New Delhi, July 24-25.,
2301 |
Small Farmer Organization in India: Performance, Sustainability and Challenges
Singh, Sukhpal
Third International Conference on Social Enterprise in Asia, Yonsei University, Wonju Campus, South Korea, July 3-6.,
2302 |
Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship for Inclusive Growth: Relevance, Mechanisms, and Challenges
Singh, Sukhpal
Panel on Social Enterprise for Inclusive Growth, Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Ranchi, December 19.,
2303 |
Understanding Role of FDI in Agri-Food Markets from a Value Chain Perspective: Case of Multibrand Retail Trade FDI in India
Singh, Sukhpal
IAAE-ISAE Inter Conference Symposium: Re-Visiting Agriculture Policies in the Light of Globalization Experience: The Indian Context, Hyderabad, October 12-13.,
2304 |
Exploring and Examining Job Crafting Behaviour
Singh, V. L.
74th Academy of Management Annual Meet, Philadelphia, August 1-5.,
2305 |
Mapping Information Flow Patterns for Developing a Multi-Level Framework for Organizational Learning: Case of a Service Provider
Thomas, Nobin
Second Pan IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, November 5-8.,
2306 |
Intra-Industry Trade and Likely Labour Market Adjustment in SAFTA
Varma, Poornima
Thirteenth Annual South Asian Network of Economic Institute Conference, Dhaka, August 30-31.,
2307 |
Language Abstraction in Marketing Communication: Online Reviews of Product Failure Context
Verma, Varsha
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 1-5.,
2308 |
A Literature Review on the Linkage between Various Types of Leadership Styles and Organizational Innovation
Yadav, Rama Shankar
Sixth International Conference on Excellence in Research and Education, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, May 8-11.,
2309 |
Social Impact
Barnhardt, Sharon
IIMA Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges for Research and Practice, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, February 10,
2310 |
Electric Vehicle Scenarios for India: Implication for Development and Mitigation
Bhaskar, Kalyan
Development and Mitigation Forum, Cape Town, January 27-29,
2311 |
Draft National Health Policy
Bhat, Ramesh
IHEPA's Fourth Conference: Health System Strengthening and Reforms in India, 2015.,
2312 |
Universal Health Coverage: Known Unknowns
Bhat, Ramesh
Second Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, International Conference on Advances in Healthcare Management Services, June 2015.,
2313 |
ICT for Development and Social Transformation
Bhatnagar, Subhash
15th ICT Conference, Kathmandu, February 1-2.,
2314 |
Incorporating Data Envelopment Analysis Solution Methods into Bilevel Multi-Objective Optimization.
Bostian, M.
IEEE, Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2015), IEEE Press.,
2315 |
Make in India: Re-chanting the Mantra with a Difference
Deodhar, Satish Y.
Global Summit 2015 on Make in India: Transforming Human Resources and Strategic Development, National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business development (NIESBUD), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, New Delhi, March 19.,
2316 |
Gold Monetisation Scheme for India
D'Souza, Errol
Papers in Public Economics and Policy Conference at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, March 12.,
2317 |
Job Security Regulations and Informal Employment in a Liberalizing Economy
D'Souza, Errol
Plenary Talk at the International Conference on Law and Economics 2015, GNLU, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Gandhinagar, March 15.,
2318 |
Creating Smart Cities which are All-Inclusive
Gupta, Dipti
Third International Conference on Creativity and Innovation at Grassroots, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 19-2.,
2319 |
Talent Management
Gupta, Parvinder
Fifth International Conference on Organization Behaviour and Human Resource Management (ICOBHRMâ,
2320 |
Design Thinking: Catalysing Creativity Within and Beyond the University
Parmar, Ashis Jalote
Going Global 2015 Conference, London, June 1-3.,
2321 |
Cost Analysis of Nutrition Messaging Intervention Through Community-led Videos in Odisha
Khurana, Nidhi
ICTD '15 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, New York.,
2322 |
Impact of Mandatory CSR on Food Industry
Mehta, Foram
CSR Challenges for Research and Practice, IIMA Colloquium, Ahmedabad, February 10.,
2323 |
Corporate Governance and Cash Flow Manipulation: Evidence from India
Nagar, Neerav
IFABS 2015 Corporate Finance Conference: Institutions, Governance, and Finance in Globally Connected Environment, Oxford, September 12-13.,
2324 |
Consumers in Emerging Markets: An Analytical Framework
Parida, Biswajita
Annual Conference of The Emerging Markets Conference Board, IMT Dubai, January 20-22.,
2325 |
Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Strategic Choices of New Venture Firms
Saiyed, Abrar Ali
Twelth AIMS International Conference on Management Proceedings, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, January 2-5, 415-421.,
2326 |
Commercialization of Agriculture and Linking Smallholder Producers to Markets: Issues and Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
12th Agricultural Science Congress on Sustainable Livelihood Security of Smallholder Farmers, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, February 3-6.,
2327 |
Emerging Trends and Drivers of in Indian Agri-Food Sector
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Third International Conference on Impacting Food Value Chain and Leveraging Innovation, National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Management, Sonepat, February 26-28.,
2328 |
Emerging Trends in Indian Oilseeds Sector: Key Issues and Policy Options
Sharma, Vijay Paul
National Seminar on Strategic Interventions to Enhance Oilseeds Production in India, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Directorate of Rapeseed Mustard Research, Bharatpur, February 19-21.,
2329 |
Key Issues of Land Use in India and Implications for Policy Planning
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Brainstorming on Land and Water Issues, Innovative Thought Forum, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 18.,
2330 |
Problems and Prospects of Oilseeds Production in India
Sharma, Vijay Paul
Senior Officers Meeting, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, January 19.,
2331 |
Understanding Changing Agriculture and Agribusiness from a Smallholder Perspective: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations
Singh, Sukhpal
Oxfam India Agri Learning Meet for Oxfam and Partners, New Delhi, March 24-25.,
2332 |
Áccessing Modern Agri Markets for Small Producers in India: The Role of Producer Companies
Singh, Sukhpal
12th Agricultural Science Congress, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, February 3-6.,
2333 |
Achieving Agri-Diversification and Agro-Industrialization in Punjab: Issues, Strategy, and Mechanisms
Singh, Sukhpal
UGC-SAP Seminar on Revisiting Development Model of Punjab, Panjab University, Chandigarh, March 12.,
2334 |
Sustainability Issues in Indian Agriculture: An Examination of Role of Corporate Social Responsibility v/s 3P Business Models
Singh, Sukhpal
National Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Challenges, Possibilities, and Prospects for Socio-Economic Transformation, CRRID, Chandigarh, March 12-14.,
2335 |
Transportation Policy Formulation as a Multi-Objective Bilevel Optimization Problem
Sinha, Ankur
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2015), IEEE Press.,
2336 |
Unconstrained Robust Optimization using a Descent-Based Crossover Operator
Sinha, Ankur
IEEE, Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2015), IEEE Press, 2015.,
2337 |
Small Retailers Merchandise Decision Making: A Qualitative Approach
Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Sixth Marketing Conference in Emerging Economics, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, January 7-9.,