Publications - Strategies for solving wicked problems of true uncertainty: Tackling pandemics like Covid-19 (Version: April 13, 2020) Back

Title Strategies for solving wicked problems of true uncertainty: Tackling pandemics like Covid-19 (Version: April 13, 2020)
Authors Mathur, Ajeet N.
Publication Date 13-Apr-2020
Year 2020
Publication Code WP 2020-04-03
Abstract This paper has three objectives: first to locate Covid-19 as a ‘wicked problem’ characterized by ‘true uncertainty’ that challenges strategists and unrolls new research agenda; second, to examine the inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary dimensions of the endeavours to contain the pandemic that point to the need for new conversations beyond national boundaries; and thirdly to propose, based on interpretive pattern recognition methodologies, a five pronged approach for the immediate future after the lockdown. The study points to the need for further research on how epidemiological imperatives, disease burdens, economic adversities, civic community cohesions and political compulsions come together to resolve tensions between costs, efficiency and equity in formulating responses to emergencies.