Publications - Incorporating gender and age in genetic algorithms to solve the indexing problem Back

Title Incorporating gender and age in genetic algorithms to solve the indexing problem
Authors Ghosh, Diptesh
Publication Date 04-Apr-2016
Year 2016
Publication Code WP2016-03-32
Abstract In this paper we propose new genetic algorithms for the tool indexing problem. Genetic algorithms are said to be nature-inspired, in that they are modeled after the natural process of genetic evolution. The evolution process that they model is asexual in which individuals can potentially live forever. In this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm in which solutions are of two genders, reproduction happens by a combination of solutions with di erent genders, and each solution has a nite life. We compare our genetic algorithms with the best known genetic algorithm for the tool indexing problem and report our computational experience. Keywords: Genetic algorithm, permutation problem, crossover, mutation